
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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237 Chs

The Old Schoolmate Meets

"Old classmate, is it really destined to meet thousands of miles away?" Gu Feiyan standing in front of Lin Zhi said with a smile.

At this time Gu Feiyan wearing a suit dress, hair tied into a bunch of ponytail, hand carrying a briefcase, looks very capable.

"It's not... Why are you here?" Lin Zhiming surprised asked.

"Didn't you send me?" Gu Feiyan asked.

"I asked you to come? When did I... No, you're a lawyer? A lawyer from our corporate legal department?" Lin knew his life and suddenly realized.

"Right answer, what reward!" Gufeiyan asked with a smile, that pair of eyes flashing water, seems to be waiting for Lin Zhi put forward what non-points requirements.

"This..." Lin Zhimin completely speechless, he no matter how ingenious, also can not calculate Gu Feiyan will be a lawyer.

"Don't worry about catching up, we'll have an evening to talk when things are done, okay?" Gu Feiyan asked.

'Oh yes! Lin know life back to God, then give way to let Gu Feiyan into Song Siqing home.

Song Siqing heard what Lin Zhimin said at the door, obviously, to the lawyer is Lin Zhimin's classmates.

However, Song Siqing did not hear Yao Jing said that Lin Zhimin university is to study law, so the heart is somewhat surprised.

Such as Song Siqing see Gu Feiyan, Song Siqing instinct will have hostility, because Gu Feiyan grew too beautiful, more beautiful than her!

Song Siqing is an absolutely confident person, so, even if some women look very good, Song Siqing at most feel each other with their own, but, Gu Feiyan is really more beautiful than her, especially the pair of water Lingling big eyes, as if they can speak.

Such a rare beauty, with his bestie's husband is a classmate, and it seems very familiar, Song Siqing naturally will not have any goodwill, after all, in Song Siqing view, men do not cheat, let alone Lin Zhimin and previous lessons, the last time in Jin Zun, Song Siqing saw Lin Zhimin with a woman hug hug.

"Boss, who needs legal help?" Gu Feiyan ask Lin know.

"This, Song Siqing, my wife's bestie! Siqing, this is a lawyer from our company's legal department." Lin said as instructed.

"Oooooo. You know each other?" Song Siqing asked.

"Yes, I am a college classmate with Zhimei, some time ago in Rongjin City also participated in our monitor's wedding ceremony!" Gu Feiyan said with a smile.

"Ouch! You are not idle, didn't Jing also go to the wedding ceremony?" Song Siqing meaningful look at Lin Zhimin said.

"Quietly with Fei Yan know." Lin said as instructed.

"Know?" Song Siqing froze for a moment.

"Yes, he told his wife to have dinner with us, she was very beautiful, I was very impressed!" Gu Feiyan smiled.

"That's right! Song Siqing relieved, since this Gu Feiyan saw Yao Jing, that with Lin informed should be nothing, after all, Yao Jing is an absolute goddess, who dare to challenge her?

However, this Gu Feiyan and Yao Jing compared to seem not much worse!

"This Lin knows the destiny around, how is a goddess, is Yao Jing and Gu Feiyan, there is a myself, really great!" Song Siqing secretly thought of the way.

"Siqing, take out your contract to Fei Yan to see!" Lin said as instructed.

'Oh! Song Siqing nodded, took out his contract to Gu Feiyan.

Gu Feiyan looked at the contract for a while and said, "There is no problem with the contract, but some compensation multiples are too high, are the upper limits stipulated in the contract law, and in some places you are quite passive, because some key data are the other party's final say, you are going to default?"

"I'm already in default." Song Siqing awkwardly said.

'Oh! Gu Feiyan calmly nodded and said, "The other party is going to want you to have less liquidated damages and compensation?"

"A hundred million." Song Siqing said.

"A hundred million?" Gu Feiyan slightly picked the eyebrows, then looked at Song Siqing said, "You can accept liquidated damages and compensation is how much?"

"The less the better, surely!" Song Siqing said.

"In our business, there's no such thing as less is better, more is better, we need accurate numbers, like your ability to accept $3 million in damages, that's $3 million." Gu Feiyan said.

"This..." Song Siqing is a little embarrassed, she can now accept the largest amount of compensation is a few hundred dollars in the pocket, then it may have to sell the property, this fact makes her very embarrassed, so for a moment can not speak.

"Four million." Lin said, knowing his destiny.

Four million? !

Song Siqing startled, just going to refute, only to see Lin Zhimin stop the eyes.

Song Siqing had to put the words away.

"Four million?" Gu Feiyan looked to Song Siqing said, "Look at the contract, you should be an anchor?"

"Well, I was, but not anymore." Song Siqing said.

"What are the fans?" Gu Feiyan asked.

"About two million." Song Siqing said.

"Two million? That's a big V, and the value of an anchor with two million followers is considerable, and according to your contract, your anchor number is actually owned by this company called Royal Entertainment, and you go to work every day, in fact, you are driving their number for the benefit of their company, to put it simply, you are equivalent to a trucking company hired driver, from this point of view, Your departure can not bring too much loss to the company, you can use this as a basis to find your original company to negotiate, under normal circumstances as long as the appropriate compensation for a little loss on it, before we have represented a similar case, a million fans of the anchor breach, the total compensation was given to one million." Gu Feiyan said.

"But what if... The driver burned the car before he left?" Song Siqing looked embarrassed to say.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Gu Feiyan asked.

"I cancelled the number." Song Siqing said.

"Oh, yes, that is troublesome, because the ownership of this number is not yours, so your cancellation of the account will bring greater losses to your previous company, not only that, you are also suspected of property embezzlement." It is more troublesome, the other side wants you 100 million, if you really want to walk according to the contract, it is really possible, but everything is reasonable, I suggest you go to your former company, negotiate with them, see if you can reach a settlement, if you can, do not go through legal procedures." Gu Feiyan said.

"Reconciliation?" Song Siqing slightly frowning, if you can reconcile before reconciliation, when she also told the president of the trade union that she can sell the house to lose money, pay one million or two million what, the president of the trade union also accepted, but put forward an additional requirement, it is precisely because of this requirement, let her with the original trade union completely torn up the face.

"My advice to you is to mediation, it is not possible to go through the legal process, because once you go through the legal process, the final judge is also very likely to mediate you, you know, the amount of litigation 100 million yuan case, litigation costs are amazing, can save a little or save a little good, as long as the other party is not too much, lose money will lose money, you such a big anchor, Meet a model, a year is estimated to earn back!" Gu Feiyan said, took a look at Lin Zhimin.

"What the hell are you looking at me for?" Lin Zhi said angrily.

Gu Feiyan smiled and said, "If you want to help her, 100 million is not much."

"Do I have a lot of money? Lin Zhi life rolled his eyes.

"Then the only way to go is mediation, here is my business card!" Gu Feiyan handed a business card to Song Siqing said, "If you want to find someone else mediation, call me, I go with you, may be able to help a little."

"I... Can't afford a lawyer." Song Siqing awkwardly said.

"Lin's Group will pay for it then!" Gu Feiyan smiled.

"You can rest assured that we have a long-term relationship with the law firm and can go to them for anything." Lin said as instructed.

"All right then..." Song Siqing nodded and accepted Gu Feiyan's business card.

"Well, I think there should be nothing for me, the night is short, I will go first!" Gufeiyan said, stood up, to Lin with Song Siqing nodded, and then turned to go out.

"Remember to accept my award! I'll go ahead too." Lin know life quickly get up, follow Gu Feiyan leave together.

Song Siqing looked at the business card on the hand, always feel that the woman called Gu Feiyan and Lin Zhimin between, as if not just classmates so simple.

"Why? Why do you want to follow me instead of your little darling?" Gu Feiyan smiled and asked, that pair of eyes seemed to see through everything.

"I have nothing to do with Song Siqing." Lin said as instructed.

"You say she's your wife's best friend, your wife's best friend has something going on, your wife is not here, but you are here, don't you think it's funny?" Gu Feiyan smiled.

"That's because I don't want my wife involved in these things." Lin said as instructed.

"Why are you explaining so much to me? I won't say anything." Gu Feiyan said, stopped and pressed the elevator.

"How did you become a lawyer? Why did you come to my company again?" Lin Zhi asked, in order to ask these two questions, he will follow Gu Feiyan leave together.

"I taught myself law a long time ago, also went to the lawyer's certificate, attended the monitor's wedding banquet, my lawyer's certificate came down, and then went to the current law firm to do a small lawyer, and then in a few days, our law firm went to your Strait City to open a branch office, I was sent enough as a small Meng new, just as your company's legal department wants to find a law firm to cooperate, so, It all fell into place." Gu Feiyan said.

"What a coincidence? Then how do you know it's mine?" Lin asked.

"As a lawyer, I have to know who I'm serving, right? When I saw your name at that time, I was shocked, but later I thought it was nothing, the whole Strait City can drive a car of 20 million yuan, can marry a goddess wife like that and his surname is Lin, should be the only Strait City's richest man Lin told you, I should have known, but I didn't think too much about it at that time." Gu Feiyan said, the elevator door just open.

Gu Feiyan walked in, facing Lin Zhimei, smiled and said, "Can you send me back, boss?" I'm not familiar with Strait City."

"All right." Lin nodded and stepped into the elevator.