
The Rise Of The Abandoned Son

Abandoned as a baby, Trevor Rowe struggles through life, until he meets a stranger. His fortune changes eventually, but with it, also came it's challenges. Will Trevor be able to sustain and preserve his new found fortune, or will he be swept away because of it?

Emmanuel_Iyortsuun · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs



Trevor logged in to the surveillance app, to have a view of what was happening in his house. He truly wished he could afford two of the clock cameras. That would have enabled him have a more detailed view of anything that happens in house.

It had been over two hours since Trevor arrived at Paul's house and got settled in. So far so good, everything seemed normal. He saw Elizabeth cleaning up the bedroom, then she left the room. After a while, she came back in, placed her yoga mat on the floor beside the bed, and had some stretches.

Trevor sat back as he watched the show. Had he not been married to her, he'd have been considered a pervert.

"Should I get you a drink?" Paul asked, opening the door to the guest room slightly. "Yeah. I'll be most grateful." Trevor consented humbly. In a few minutes, Paul returned with a beer for Trevor and himself. "Here you go." Paul handed the beer to Trevor.

"Thanks buddy." Trevor received the bottle of beer. "Cheers." They clinked their bottles gulping a bit of the drink.

"So anything useful so far?" Paul asked sitting beside Trevor, trying to catch a glance of Trevor's phone screen.

"Nothing useful for now. She's just going about her day normally, and I saw her doing some yoga." Trevor answered, without optimism.

"It's going to be a long day Trev." Paul sounded unenthusiastic, but didn't want to be negative. His guts told him what Trevor would find out was going to shatter him. But nonetheless, he had made a commitment to stand by Trevor all the way, and he wasn't going back on his word, just as he has never done all through their life. He wasn't going to start now.

"Trev, can I ask you question?" Paul asked politely.

"Of course. Shoot." Trevor approved.

"Let's imagine that what you see, confirms your suspicions. What would you do?" He didn't want his friend to live in denial. He wanted to prepare Trevor's heart for the worst case scenario.

"Hmmm..." Trevor sighed, short of words. He hadn't given much thought to the aftermath of his possible discovery. "I don't know man. I don't know." Trevor sighed. His demeanor, gloomy.

"I'm sorry Trev. I didn't mean to make you feel this way, but I needed you to be prepared, just in case." Paul made Trevor see why he asked the question he asked.

An eery silence engulfed the room, a pin could be heard falling on the hard wood floor of the guest room. Both men were caught up in their thoughts for a moment.

"Anyway, Michelle has been overjoyed that you're around." Paul wisely broke the silence, taking away Trevor's mind from negative thoughts, knowing how much Trevor loves Michelle.

"Yeah. Me too." Trevor said elatedly, confirming that Paul's tactics were effective.

"She's growing up so fast, and she's so full of life. And she carries your heart of love." Trevor praised Paul's daughter, Michelle.

"Nah, Michelle takes after her mother." Paul chuckled, in disagreement.

"Your wife has been a great wife and mother, no doubt. But, I see more of you in Michelle." Trevor objected respectfully.

"Whatever you say Trev. I rest my case." Paul said, making a gesture of surrender, bowing his head with his hands lifted. They both laughed, gulping the beer they kept aside whilst talking.

"Lunch will soon be ready." Paul declared, looking at his wrist watch.

"Old habits die hard huh?" Trevor said, making Paul perplexed.

"What old habits?" Paul enquired.

"You still wear a wrist watch while at home huh?" Trevor retorted, making Paul scoff as he walked out of the guest room, while Trevor crack up with laughter.

Few seconds after Paul left the room, Trevor became sober.

'In all honesty, I really don't know what I'll do if Elizabeth cheats or has been cheating on me.' Trevor reasoned within him. He had lost his headship before his wife and family, ever since he lost his job, and she took up the responsibility of footing their bills.

Trevor was less of man to Elizabeth, and she made sure to communicate it adequately enough via whatever means possible, to his knowledge.

Knocks were heard on the door where Trevor was. "Come in." Trevor gave permission, as little Michelle walked in, fondling an elastic object which Trevor couldn't make out, in her tiny fingers.

"Uncle Trevor. Mommy asked me to let you know that lunch is ready." Michelle said shyly.

"Alright sweetie. Go let your mommy know that I'll be coming right up. Okay?" Trevor spoke softly to Michelle, as she nodded in consent, hopping out of the guest room.

Michelle's mother made apple pie, and had it properly set at the dining table. Trevor took a sit, praising her for her efficiency. He munched on that apple pie, with delight that was obvious to all who cared to watch him eat.

While eating, Trevor an eye on his phone. He was on a mission to get answers and clarification.

When Trevor was done eating, he thanked Paul's wife as he excused himself, returning to the guest room. Back there, he paid attention to the live feed being sent to his phone.

The next time Trevor opened his eyes, gaining consciousness, two hours had passed already. He exhaustedly slumbered. "The hell!" Trevor exclaimed, scrambling to get his phone. He feared he may have missed something juicy.

It was already evening. Nothing suspicious had happened. It all looked normal. Then, he noticed something.

Elizabeth came into the bedroom, took off her clothes, revealing her sexy curvy athletic body. She got into a fishnet lingerie. Trevor squinted his eyes, 'Since when did she get that lingerie?' His attention was now pricked.

Elizabeth noticed the new clock, and stared at it for a bit. Trevor feared that she would uncover his plans. She stared at it while she got dressed, but made no move to come any closer to verify. She just admired the clock, having no suspicion at all.

Then, Trevor's phone rang. "Hey honey." It was Elizabeth.

"Hey. How are you?" Trevor composed himself as he answered the phone.

"So, how was the trip?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's been a while since I traveled by road, so yeah, it was bumpy. But I'll survive." Trevor lied exceptionally. "So what are you doing?" He asked further.

"Well, am at aunt Sally's. You know, her family needs all the moral support they can get due to the void created by her demise." Elizabeth lied, which caused Trevor's suspicions to fly off the roof. He knew something was up.

'She has just worn a fishnet lingerie, cleaned up, and she's calling me to know if I've arrived. She's trying to be sure she wasn't going to get caught.' Trevor flared up in his thoughts, but calmly talked with Elizabeth.

"You're right. They sure need all the support they can get. They are lucky to have someone like you." Trevor chuckled a bit.

"Do take care honey." Elizabeth said sweetly.

"And you too." Trevor replied, ending the call. Immediately he logged back in to the surveillance feed to see Elizabeth rejoicing.

"He's as dumb as he's broke." Elizabeth scorned at Trevor.

Trevor got enraged but contained it. Her verbal abuse wasn't what he was on the look out for. He needed hard evidence, proving her infidelity.

He patiently watched the live feed. As she went out of the room still dressed in the fishnet lingerie. She was out of sight for nearly two hours. Trevor got worried if Elizabeth may have found out that the room was under surveillance, and was avoiding being captured by it.

"Hey Trev. Any new development?" Paul asked, trying to be supportive.

"You won't believe what I just saw." Trevor replied almost immediately, with a bit of rage in his tone of voice.

"Okay..." Paul sat down, giving Trevor his undivided attention.

Trevor went ahead to explain everything that happened before Paul came in. From the kind of cloth Elizabeth wore, to the call she made lying about her whereabouts, and what she said at the end of the call.

"I just hope she hasn't discovered that the clock is a surveillance camera." Trevor said, worriedly.

"Let's just see how things goes." Paul said trying to lift the already wearied spirit of Trevor.

Barely seconds after they were done talking, then, the bombshell dropped. What they saw, shattered Trevor, utterly.

They saw Elizabeth catwalking into the room, making efforts to shake her ass. 'But who was all of that for?' Trevor wondered as his heart raced.

Elizabeth sat beside the bed, with legs spread apart. Then a man walked up to her, kissed her passionately, as she unzipped his pants.

As Trevor watched the live feed, hot tears rolled down his eyes, but he kept on watching. He wanted to see if Elizabeth would go all the way. He still held out hope that she wouldn't. Or was he just stupid in love?

His hope was dashed to the wall. Elizabeth and the man began having sex.