
TRMJ Chapter 5

Jane's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night when I suddenly felt hungry ..

I went to the kitchen while still drowsy ...

while I was walking unconsciously ... I suddenly stopped when I heard a crack ..

I took a paddle next to it ... it was right to be hit by ..

"WAAAAAAHHHH !! ! " I cried out in shock when I saw my brother bent over and hiding in the refrigerator and carrying a basin full of dishes while his mouth was also full of food ..

"HEY KUBOKS !!! What are you doing there?! .. My, My! You really are! If I hadn't seen your back right away I might have thrown the paddle at you!" I shout at him

"Why do you care? I'm eating because I'm hungryyyyy!!!" he shouted back at me while still chewing ..


"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH ..." we both shouted at the same time when we heard crashes outside the house ...

"Jane, look what that is ..." Kuboks ordered me.

"Haa? a-a-ahh E-Eh, You should look there !!!" I shout at him. I look at his behavior .. O.O he suddenly disappeared ..

"Oh oww .. no choice. It's just me." I slowly squat to the living room ...


"Waaaaahhh shameless! Who are you with? HA !!!" BOOOOGSSSHH Momma Tepay shouted at me while there were flying dishes and burns all over the house ..

"Sweetheart !!! Ouch!" Poppa Jumbo shouted at me.

AAAAAHH !!! Answer Me! RAAAAWWWRR! "Momma stand fan was ready to throw stones at Poppa Jumbo ..

Poppa suddenly rushed to Momma Tepay to hug her when Momma Tepay suddenly released five handfuls of swords ...

"WAAAAAHH Sweeethaaart! Let go of that! Have mercy on our future!" pleading Poppa Jumbo.

"No! That should be cut to stop your bullshit!" Momma Tepay shouted at the same time mentally.

"I'm sorry! I might not be able to follow Jane! WAAAAHH Sweetheart". Poppa Jumbo was still begging while kneeling.


"AHH NO! Your Poppa is really overreacting! I should teach him a lesson!" Momma Tepay still shouted and released ... hammer again? ... O.O ???

"WAAAAHH! BABY don't do that !!!" Poppa shouted as he ran to their room.

"Come here and for me to discipline your manhood again !!! RAAAAWWR!" Momma Tepay shouted while chasing Poppa Jumbo ..

Haaaiiixxt! I just shook my head at my Mama and Papa .. so my life doesn't become BORING .. messy at School and especially at Home ..

"tsk .. tsk .. just go to sleep .. there's still school tomorrow .." and I just went back to my room.


As usual .. Tap and I are still together in jumper shorts and knee socks .. his hair also looks like he still doesn't have a comb ... or ... it's natural that he doesn't comb.

When I entered the room ...

"JANE MY LOVE! GUD MURNEEENG! .." the BORSLAK boys shouted at the same time ...

Tap suddenly stepped in the middle and took me away from the Borslak boys ... "What are you guys don't approach Jane !!!" Tap said to them

"Hey weirdo get out of there !!" said Lemuel Ching

"What are you ---"

"It's okay Tap I can do it myself !!" ..I answered so Tap didn't finish what he was going to say "All right, let's go home later" Tap said while leaving and had a bad opinion of the Borslak Boys ...

Hmm what's the problem then ??? .. I just thought about what Tap did .. haayyy it's up to you ...

"Jane! Maylabx! Did you miss me ?? .." Cristoff said as Tap was about to leave

"Back off Dude! I was the first to greet Jane with Good morning.!" said Lemuel

"Jane! I told you I'm going to give you ice water and Maxx ?! Why did you go home right away?" said Jesse

"Get out of there! I'm the leader so get out of here because this is Jane and me's moment!" said Lloyd Shinun

"There's no leader-leade here Dude when it comes to love! WOooooohhh" Khen Salbibs said.

While everyone was in a commotion ... the very beautiful creature suddenly stopped and stared at the person who entered. The stunning and Sexy Jerele. (What a thick face!!)


"If only Jerele's not a manhater .. tsk. for sure I've court her a long time ago," said Jay Lanohan

"Yeah ... almost perfect. but No one dared to court her because she's a sadist .." said Cristoff Sison.

"Tsk, I don't give a damn bout here .. I already have Jane .." Lloyd Shinun said

Haiiixxt Sexy Jerele .. they are right .. hmmm can I introduce her to my brother Kuboks .. hmmmnn maybe there are sparks? hehehehh Let me try it sometimes .. hihihihh

"Jerele !! you'll come with me later Okay?? I'll introduce you to someone;)" I said and wink at her ..

"Ha ?? who ??" at the same time see flipped his hair and I was shocked when suddenly a lot of hair fell out in her hand ..

O.O ??

"W-wh-what's that? What happened??" I cover my mouth as I shout .. eh I'm shocked? what can I do? hehe

"H-ha? e-eh .. it's just a wig .. this is the real" She said while taking the wig (slowly !!)


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My reaction t when I saw her real hair !!

"WOW !! okay? It looks like an armpits hair? !!" (Just imagine how curly her hair looks like a clown's hair, it's just that it's black.)

"Ah, whatever !! you'll be with me later huh ?? just return your wig !! you look better with that wig .." I said with another wink.

"Okay, just tell me when we go home later, Okay?" She said while returning the wig and pouting hahaha She looks cute and she looks like a janitor fish !!

After class, I immediately called Jerele to leave and I also said goodbye to the Borslak Boys! .. when we got out of the room.

"BES !!" Tap shouted while holding my arm.

"My goodness !!" I jumped in shock because he surprised me, The fudge " Bes, What are you doing?!! Why did you frighten me? Do you want me to punch you?". I said irritatedly.

"Hehe, sorry Bes, I was just happy to see you "he replied

"Oh hey !! let's go, by the way, I'm going to take Jerele with me because I'm going to introduce her" I told him with a smile.

"Ha? is that so? Who else ??" he asked in astonishment.

"Secret !! hahaha" I answered with and wink at him then he blushed .. Hey-- .. wa-wait blushed ?? I just winked huh? what happened here?? tss.

"Let's go !! 'You wouldn't tell me who is it no matter what I do" he said while avoiding looking at me and before he left I looked at Jerele and she was smiling foolishly. What's her problem ?? I just followed them and say nothing.

When we got to the gate of the house Tap said goodbye to us.

"Okay Bes, Jerele I'll be heading first ??" Tap say good bye's to us

"Oka bes!, Take Care, Bye !!" I also say goodbye to him

"Goodbye Tap be careful !!" Jerele says to Tap as she bids him goodbye.

"Ahem, Je let's get inside of our house !!" I smiled as invited her to come inside

"Okay Let's go !!". She excitedly says.

When I opened the door I didn't hear any noise! where is Kuboks ?? I went straight to the kitchen to get water when I heard Jerele shout .. so I went back to where she was...

TO BE DEAD ------->