
The Trial On Professor

In the Islamabad High Court sitting chill, Professor Calculus giving an attitude look to the judge.

<The judge after hearing all the accusations on him>

"Is that right Mr Calculus?"

"Is what right? I wasn't listening."

The opposition Political representative in rage heading towards him to attack him while the other lawyer stops him and Judge slams the gavel.


<Finally Calculus stands after his lawyer whispers to him>

"Ok! Yes I did what I had to, so what?"

<The Judge speaks>

"Now, one more time listen what they have to say Mr Calculus or else, strict actions will be taken against you.....sit down!"

<The political representative now speaks in the mike without standing and legs crossed>

"Sir! The Prime minister is not hear for a reason, you know because of what he did. There is a possibility of the 3rd world war now."

<Everyone starts tapping the desks>

"Order! Order!"

"Now, why did you do that and what was your purpose Mr Calculus."

<This time Calculus also doesn't stand and speaks up>

"Sir! The Pakistani Flag is that? Back there, beside your chair and then up your chair is the Quaid E Azam's picture with a beautiful frame but you know what there is a slight dust that is stick to these. The same kind of dust is stick to the heart of Prime Minister."

"Objection! Your honor......"


The opposition lawyer sits down while the Political representative holding his forehead disappointed speaks up.

"Sir! At least ask him what he wants us to do, yes Indians have crossed their limits a thousand times killing the Kashmiris and so have Israel done the same, but what now, what he wants from us, ask him."

<Professor Calculus now sits straight>

"Alright, so what I want is the direct control of Israel....."

<Everyone laughs>

"And no relations of Pakistan with India."

"You mother fu*ker......"

"Don't even know your mother sir!"

<The Judge again slams the gavel as the political representative speaks>

"Sir! This way we must also provide him the control over Pakistan. He must be the Prime Minister!"

"Alright! Fine, I let you sought your connections with India and I will rule Israel.....We have a deal?"

<Everyone laughs again as the Judge speaks>

"I assume you are in your senses Mr Calculus....."

"I am Sir and I know where you live and where your family lives, and you also know you can't do anything of me because of the amount of money I have. I am actually not even a Billionaire but a Trillionaire and however what I am saying is in benefit of Pakistan too. Like the enemy uses Israel, can we not make a good use of Israel, instead of destroying it, the more than 200 billion ft² can be of very good use by us."

"Sir, yes! This is the chance show the world that Judges in Pakistan are not afraid of anyone, do it! Sir.....what you are thinking do it, he has given you threats in front of everyone....."

<Judge having a sip of water>



<The opposition lawyer dancing>

"You have a week to do whatever you want with Israel but of you go off limit now, the Army Chief of Pakistan will be involved and it will go against you, the wave....."

<The opposition lawyer and representative both shocked to hell>

"And you sir! Your Prime Minister is already away right, to India. He will sought the matter out.....Case dismissed!"