
Chapter 12

Standing in front of me was non-other than the First Fallen Angel Azazel. What the fuck was he doing here. He could not have known about the location of the Regulus Nemea so why was he able to find it.

"How did you know I have the True Longinus?" I asked

"I didn't until you just confirmed it for me." He said with me then realising I had just fallen for the most basic trick in the book, which lead to me mental kicking myself for how stupid I was.

"Ok now that you know that what do you want from me, I assume you didn't just come all this way to just confirm whether I had the True Longinus, what do you hope to achieve here."

"Well I had hoped to convince the wielder of the Regulus Nemea to join the Grigori as I have been watching him closely, his movements have not exactly been subtle, but I was able to witness some equally as fascinating it would seem as though the sacred gear can now exist without a master which I had theorised was possibly but to see it manifest as an independent avatar sacred gear after the wielders death was worth my time."

He continued "Whiles I'm here, by any chance could I please get a look at your sacred gear I haven't been able to get a really good look at the spear in a long time and every time I had a chance to see it the wielder was general trying to kill me."

"I could let you see it but what would be in it for me?"

"A good question, what if I was to tell you the first few lines of the chant of the True Ideal and along with you show me the Longinus you also tell me when you awoke it."

I was shocked at his proposal as I had been trying to figure out how to activate that function and I had no clue how the original Cao Cao did it so I had to figure it out myself and I didn't even know how to start.

Seeing no disadvantage for me in this situation I decided to agree to his "Very well I agree, I awaken my Longinus when I was 1 year old, at the time it was the size of a magical wand." I then continued "So what are the lines of the chant?"

"O Spear. The true Holy Spear pierces through God. Suck the ambition of the King of Domination sleeping within me." He replied

"That's all I can remember of the chant." He told me with a shit-eating grin on his face which immediately told me that he knew more than he was letting on, but I couldn't do anything, for now, to convince him to tell me the rest as I need to think of a better bargaining chip that doesn't involve me telling him more of my secrets.

I then thought about the line he just told me and recited them out loud. I began feeling a change but I decided to think about that later.

"Very well here's my Longinus," I said as I manifested my spear in front of me for him to see.

"It looks just as beautiful as when I set eyes on it almost a century ago." He said while circling it and looking at it very intently.

"Very well I think that concludes our business here, it was nice meeting you and if you ever need a job if you feel like the church is not for you contact me. The Grigori is always looking for more recruits with sacred gears." Grinning he then manifested his twelve black wings and flew off.

"Well, that was the weirdest interactions I've ever had," I said out loud. I then looked at where He flew up from and noticed a card in the ground which I picked up and noticed it had a phone number on it which most like was a way to contact the Grigori.

After putting the card away I headed for the direction I had sent Siegfried and Hercules in, hooping that they had finished up and were ready to go as I wanted to get out of here before more powerful people began appearing.


With our mission wrapped up, we head back for the Vatican with me teleporting near Rome as I didn't want to set off the magical alarms that alert the church higher-ups of someone teleporting near the Vatican. I honestly don't understand how the church is willing to use magic but at the same time call it heresy, it honest boggles my mind how people can follow the church when they are a walking contradiction.

Once we arrived at the Vatican we immediately went to the office of the teacher and reported to him the full account of what took place with me excluding my meeting with Azazel for now.

Vasco looked over at the tired and batted Hercules who while not completely depressed anymore was still clearly visible sad over the loss of his brother. Vasco then put a hand on his shoulder and said "I'm sorry I was not able to send a team out to help you and your brother and I suppose that his death is partly my fault I'll if you ever need anything let me know and I will do my best to help as long as it is within my power." He then lifted his hand off his shoulder and continued "I assume that by you deciding to come to the church you intend to be an exorcist, I will train you alongside Cao Cao and then put you in a suitable team once you are ready."

"Yes sir." He replied

"Very well then, Siegfried take Hercules with you to the dormitories. You are both dismissed." He said with both of them leaving soon after.

"So, Cao Cao, while I'm happy you were able to work together with the Beal devil I'm not so sure it was wise to let him take the Longinus with him."

"While I understand what your saying teacher, I didn't want to force Regulus to come with us as even though I might have been able to defeat him and bring him with me I doubt he would be of any use, he would most likely constantly trying to rebel against commands because unless someone was to properly tame him, he would not serve anyone willingly."

"Well I suppose we can't do much about that, let's hope this doesn't come back to bite us later." He said and then looked at me intently for a second before saying. "I think your training with me is almost completely there's is nothing less I will be able to teach you soon, will you stay once your training is complete or do you intend to leave the Vatican?"

"Sir while I may soon be finished I will still wait for Valerie to also complete her training, but then soon after I do intend to leave. I still have my dream to complete and I simply can not do it as a member of the church."

"I can not force you to stay but I will ask that when you leave to not leak any of the church secrets to anyone because if you do and the higher-ups find out I'm afraid they will send someone to kill you so do be careful about what you reveal about the church."

"Of course teacher, I would not ever bray your trust."

"Good, I'll see you and Hercules in the morning for our training then so be ready."

And with that, I took my leave and headed back to the villa to go see Valerie and Asia who although I hadn't seen for only a few days I was still missing a lot.


"Master you know I missed you, not having you to cuddle with at night kept me up." Valarie was informing me as we lay in bed that night after Asia had fallen asleep.

"Valarie doesn't lie to me, I know you slept just fine without me here after all you had Asia with you."

"No I'm being serious master ... after being around you every night it was a bit disturbing for me to not have you next to me for more than 2 nights, I was seriously having a hard time sleeping."

"So anything interesting I missed while I was away?" I asked trying to change the subject as for some wired reason her words were making me flustered.

"Nothing much new master, although Griselda has started tutoring a new student who possesses the spirit of the holy maiden Joan of Arc, the girl is very lively and Asia and Xenovia seems to have taken a liking to her they almost instantly."

It seems I was gonna meet Jeanne soon, well that changes my plans as I was going to wait for her to make her appearance in the church before we left but it seems that waiting for her will no longer be a problem. The only question is do I want to bring her along with me. I was having this same debate with whether I should bring Asia with me, as there was almost no possibility of her getting excommunicated from the church now that she is far out of the hands of Diadora. My journey was not going to be an easy one and bringing a young girl like Aisa along was not a good idea as even if she was skilled with healing that didn't mean she was ready to go into combat or ready to experience the real world after all she was only like 8 years old. But that was a thought for a later day.

"By the way how is your training coming along?" I asked.

"I'm progressing fast according to Griselda, she says I've almost learnt all the advanced levels of the dual-wielding sword techniques. I only need to keep doing the physical regimen she gave me," she replied.

"Ok, let's call it a night then," I said as it was getting late. We then headed for bed with Valerie trying to hug her body as close to mine as physically possible as we drifted off to sleep.