
The Rise and Fall of The Night

As the Goddess of Destiny peered into the pool she stumbled across a certain man. Zephrin, a man who has suffered in all lifetimes no matter what he did. She watched his life end once again and thought to herself, "He has had a horrible life as usual, this time maybe I should intervene." And so she reached for his soul and added a few modifications to attempt to give him a better life. Then placed him back into the pool to start his next life. "I pray you have a better life this time Zephrin, I wish I could do more for you." One day she may regret her decision to help this man, for sometimes there is a reason behind suffering. This is the story of a cursed man, and how he strives to get his revenge on those who wronged him. Follow him as he grows. Will his life end in tragedy once more or will he destroy all those who oppose him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This story will be a hobby so expect sporadic updates. This is also the first story I've ever written so please don't expect too much. May add r18 later but don't count on it being good. Lastly I intend to make it a really dark story so read at your own discretion. *The characters and events are a work of fiction, any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental and modified for my own use. *Cover image found on google, if you own this image and would like me to change it post a review or comment and I will change it.

DemonGod28 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The Start of His New Life

Realm of Dawn

Loud cries resounded in a small room as a young woman, who looked no older than 18, brought new life into the world. In this room was only her and a older woman who looked remarkably similar to her.

"You are almost done now my sweet daughter" the older woman said softly "just one more big push."

The younger woman forced another push as best as she could and after a little longer the child saw light for the first time.

"Congratulations Xana, it's a boy!" the older woman stated excitedly.

Xana mustered her remaining strength and reached for the boy with a wide grin on her face. The older woman carefully handed him to Xana with a similar expression on her face.

"Hello little one, I am Mommie" Xana said as she carefully cradled her son.

"What is my new grandchild's name Xana?" Xana's mother asked trying her best to stay calm as to not startle the boy.

Xana appeared lost in thought for a moment as she closed her eyes "Zephrin, your name will be Zephrin my child."

"Zephrin? A fitting name for his child, hopefully with his name Little Zephrin will grow up just as strong as him." Xana's mother smiled "If only he could be here with us..." she mumbled under her breath.

Xana thankfully didn't hear her mother's words, or pretended not to as she showed no reaction at the mention of her late husband.

10 years passed

A young boy with hair as black as the night sky, and deep crimson eyes, was sitting in a rustic kitchen reading a worn down book.

A beautiful woman who looked to be in her late 20s casually wandered into the room and immediately noticed the boy in the same spot he usually was.

"You are reading that book again Zephrin?" she asked.

Zephrin jumped in surprise from the sudden voice, earning a melodious chuckle from the woman, "Good Morning Mom!!" Zephrin yelled as he ran at his mother. "Can we go to the market later?" he asked while hugging her as tight as he could.

"Yes my little Zephrin, Mommie has to buy a few things for when Grandma comes later."

"Grandma is coming over today?"

She placed her hand on Zephrin's head "Yes, Grandma is coming today." Xana then grabbed his hand "Let's go and get you cleaned up so we can finish before she gets her. Okay?"

The two of them spent a little while getting cleaned up and getting ready, then they both began walking to the market.

A few hours pass and they finished shopping, both of them started walking back home, unaware of the presence tailing them from a distance...

Divine Realm, Goddess of Destiny's Domain

A divine beauty was sitting across from her pool as she appeared lost in her own thoughts, her enchanting eyes were hazy and unfocused, but even so just one look from her could cause even the holiest and devout of men to forget their vows. Her eyes suddenly regained clarity as if she sensed something wasn't right.

She began forming what seemed to be symbols with her hands. The image on the pool began rapidly shifting as if reacting to the symbols, until it displayed a small village, as soon as it reached there, her hands stopped moving, consequently the image stopped shifting.

The Goddess of Destiny froze as her mesmerizing face went through several changes so rapidly you would doubt you any particular expression you thought you saw.

"How did? what? Even with my blessing?" she appeared distraught and dumbfounded as she struggled to form a coherent sentence, "how could such a thing happen..." she finally managed to say as tears began to flow from her eyes.

Realm of Dawn, 20 minutes ago

Xana and Zephrin were almost home when Xana suddenly stopped

"Something doesn't feel right..." Xana quickly grabbed Zephrin and pulled him to the side, trusting her instincts, "It is going to be okay" she said as several arrows flew at a speed neither could see in the spot where Zephrin just was.

Not even a minute later several loud voices could be heard getting closer,

"You missed idiots!" a rough sounding voice began "How did you miss such an easy target!"

"But sir..." another voice sounded

"No buts you worthless piece of shit! Give me that!" as he grabbed the bow from the other man and notched an arrow infusing it with a strange energy as he drew the string back.


Suddenly another arrow was shot, this arrow seemed even faster than the last. However unlike the last, this time the arrow struck the boy in his leg.

Zephrin screamed out in pain as he quickly lost all sense of feeling.

Xana quickly dropped to the ground to cover him but alas she was too late. As she covered Zephrin she began moving her hands while mumbling something in an incomprehensible language.

The nearby earth shook in response as a dome began to form around the two.

"And that is how you do it boys!"

"Sir come on..." henchman 1 mumbled

"Yeah boss you are a whole tier above us!" henchman 2 yelled

"Shut up boys!" the boss replied

"Look what did I tell you! The poison is already taking affect! I told you she could be trusted boss!" henchman 3 appeared visibly excited as he quickly spoke.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you will get your bonus after we finish the job"

"Thanks Boss!!!"

Only now did the Boss and his henchman notice the changes in the flow of energy and the dome forming.

"That damn bastard didn't say anything about her being a mage!" The boss growled "Well whatever, I am still far stronger than her." he looked towards his henchman "Remind me to demand a raise after we finish here. Let's deal with this quickly so we can get paid."

Those in the group of 10 that didn't have bows drew various weapons such as; swords, axes, and one drew a pair of daggers. The archers began notching arrows and charging them with energy.

"Archers! Infuse explosive spells and take aim at the dome!" The Boss ordered "Everyone else maintain formation and charge after the dome is destroyed!"

Inside the dome

"Its going to alright Zephrin, Momma will fix this! Don't worry!"

Xana focused more of her energy into the dome, then she quickly began taking the arrow out to heal him, after the arrow was removed a soothing energy came out from her palms and into the boy.

'Why isn't it working! I need to heal him! I cannot lose another person! I refuse to lose him!'

Xana forced as much energy out of her core as she could in order to heal Zephrin

'It still isn't working!' she thought upon noticing no change in her child

With difficulty Zephrin looked towards his mother and forced a smile as if reassuring her. He had no idea why he was forcing it but his instincts made him feel he had to.

Xana who saw that smile felt relief as she thought her healing spell was finally working.

*Kaboom* *Kaboom* *Bang* *Boom*


All of sudden several loud explosions went off at once and the dome began cracking. Xana quickly tried to reinforce the dome once more but it was to late as a moment later *Crash* the dome collapsed.

The group quickly surrounded the 2 of them with all their weapons at the ready.

"Don't move little lady," The boss started "one wrong step and the boy gets another arrow in him, this time for the kill..."

1271 words... I am proud of myself!

Sorry for how long it took to publish but thanks for reading another chapter!

Warning (In case you skipped the synopsis and prologue): From this point on I intend to make this pretty messed up but don't worry! Not everything will be dark I intend for some good times too!

*Don't read beyond this point if you are not looking for a dark story*

DemonGod28creators' thoughts