
Сhapter 16

About a month after that ill-fated massacre in the Uchiha clan, the unrest in the village finally began to fade. The new Shinobi World War, contrary to the words of some alarmists, has not begun… Which, although it was great news, but our schedule at the academy has returned to its standard. Which personally does not make me very happy, I would continue to spend almost half of my day training under the supervision of one or another teacher.

That's just that this situation did not depend on me in any way, and therefore I could only accept that not too interesting subjects, like the same story ... which it was more correct to call continuous propaganda for small Shinobi larvae, again began to occupy most of my studies at the academy. It was unpleasant, but I still tried to be content with what I had already managed to get over the past month.

And I got a lot, especially since Iruko wasn't in too much of a hurry to take away my official kunai and shurikens, which means I could continue my own training at the same pace. And the combat training teacher was still kind to me, giving a little more additional explanations than the standard program required. And even if he still had less time for me, but I could rightfully be considered a favorite of this teacher.

Besides, in addition to the obvious advantages that help me on my way to becoming a shinobi... there were other nice bonuses from the recent tragedy. So, I made friends… Well, or at least friends - Shikomaru and Chouji, who recently were not at all against my company, and in general have become my constant interlocutors and neighbors on the desk at the academy.

And yes, I really enjoyed talking with these two kids… Loneliness, you know, is not just considered a very scary and unpleasant emotion. Personally, during my falling into that world, I managed to "enjoy" this feeling enough, which is why the simplest communication, even with ordinary children, was highly appreciated by me. Besides, it was difficult to call Shikomaru and Chouji ordinary children in my understanding.

Still, those were brought up in Shinobi clans ... and Nara was also distinguished by a really high intelligence. Although it is difficult to judge mental skills from the outside, but I certainly can't refuse Shikomaru's intelligence. And his knowledge in some areas is significantly superior to my own, which also says something. Well, at least about the fact that sometimes it was not only interesting to conduct dialogues with this boy, but also very useful. Still, I still didn't know anything about some of the nuances of the Shinobi world, unlike the heir of a whole clan of tacticians and diplomats.

Yeah, establishing a relationship with this couple could be considered a really useful and important event in my life. Especially since by this point I had already really started to go crazy from constant loneliness... diluted only by training and meditation… Well, straight Shaolin manah, it remains only to shave your head and you can go to the temple right now.

Well, nothing, now I was not so lonely. And now I went to the academy with a little more enthusiasm, realizing that not only classes that were largely useless for me were waiting for me there, but also some kind of company with which I could discuss all sorts of little things like new news. Although ... recently, going to the mono academy was also considered a free ticket to the theater of cheap drama.

I simply could not explain in any other way what began to happen in my class after the return of the "last" Uchiha to study. Although, watching a whole flock of girls trying to get the attention of one Uchiha was fun, perhaps, only for me. The girls themselves often began to arrange a real fight for a place next to a black-haired boy, well, it was just unpleasant for the boys, because the girls consider some kind of gloomy asshole to be cooler…

Standard children's problems, to be honest, but Sasuke was somewhat sorry in this whole situation. Not only did he become an orphan at one point, but his classmates, all of a sudden, started pestering him and making real scandals because of him… Not the easiest life situation, but I certainly wasn't going to help him either.

I have already taken on the responsibility of protecting an overly modest and timid girl from the Hugo clan. I'm certainly not going to save a small Uchiho from his obsessive female fans... it's not my business, and I could only help in this case to the detriment of myself. So well, whatever, I'd rather continue to observe everything from the outside ... Especially since the first "goal" of my defense did not interfere in any way with the mess going on in the classroom, obviously not buying into the "mystery and mystery" of the last Uchiha.

Although, how could one confuse the depression and apathy of a boy who has lost his family with mystery and mystery – that's another question that our girls need to ask in a good way... But somehow it's a break. And it's not my business, again. I'd rather just pretend that nothing strange is going on at the academy. In addition, my new friends fully share my point of view, trying to distance themselves as much as possible from the conflicts around the last Uchiha.

And yes, I still continued to look after the unnecessarily timid heiress of the Hugo clan. At the same time, almost everyone at the academy knew about this fact, yet it was difficult not to feel my concern… And it was quite difficult to confuse that with a banal conflict between me and the companies of local hooligans. I was too obviously standing up for the girl, not hiding my intentions in any way. Corny didn't want to bother with this, and in my current image, such behavior was more than harmonious.

However, communication with the girl herself was only complicated by such care on my part. After all, if at the beginning of our acquaintance she could still communicate more or less evenly with me… The more I helped her, the more Hinata was shy and shy in my presence. At some point, it even began to seem to me that the girl was somewhat afraid of me… But no, at the moments when she still overcame her own embarrassment, the girl's gratitude in my direction was very difficult to call insincere in any way…

And therefore, I just took it for a fact that for Hinata, excessively timid and embarrassed behavior is the norm. In addition, in the canon, this girl, as far as I remember, behaved about the same way. That's just at that moment, as far as I know, she was already in love with this carcass… Which is somewhat at odds with our current situation. Well, can't a seven-year-old girl seriously fall in love with the same seven-year-old boy?

Kids in this world, of course, grow up very quickly, and you should not forget about the banal childhood love either… But it still seemed kind of wild to think that Hinata was in love with me. We are not the right age for such feelings, the girl probably does not know anything about such a concept as love between a boy and a girl. Therefore, I have decided to write off the timid behavior of the girl for the time being on the peculiarities of her character, without focusing on this.

Besides, I didn't have to communicate with her that often to think about it at all. And to protect the girl, lately, it was considered that there was no one from... Most of the hooligans who had previously bullied the girls had already managed to get their portion of punches from me, and tried not to climb to the harmless Hugo anymore. Still, my fist was quite heavy today… Well, if we sat down more precisely, then lately I've just learned to swing these fists really well.

Combat training classes were bearing fruit, and I myself, of course, significantly exceeded my own expectations in this field. Contrary to some of my fears, I assimilated the information I received in combat training classes very well, understanding in the shortest possible time how this information and the skills I received can be used in a real fight… And I was even starting to like that, for God's sake.

Not in the sense that I liked beating up local hooligans… But I still caught some buzz from my own capabilities and constantly improving skills.