
Сhapter 12

Ignoring the angry cries of the boys, I continued to wave my fists with surprising method even for myself. Even retaliatory blows to the face and other attempts of children to fight back, I almost completely ignored. At the same time, I specifically focused my onslaught on one boy, showering him with punches and kicks. Because of what he ended up being the first to drop out, clutching his broken nose and breaking into a whiny cry…

And strangely enough, this cry turned out to be enough for the other bullies to suddenly cool their ardor, instantly breaking the distance with me. Someone even in the literal sense of the word began to crawl away from me, having previously fallen to the ground from my next blow… Yeah, that's the herd instinct in all its glory. As soon as one boy was properly caught in the face, the others immediately smelled fried, conceding victory in this fight to me.

Although, I would have coped without such drastic changes in someone else's mood. Although they tried to fight me off somehow, but so far only a broken lip can be attributed to the list of my injuries, in the rest they hit me somewhere backhand, and did not cause me at least some harm. But I myself had already managed to beat up the whole company of juvenile bandits, at the same time sending one into a full-fledged knockout ... I was whining too clearly here now, sprinkling the snow with fresh blood from a broken nose.

- Little idiots. I asked calmly, not letting the boys see the blood oozing from my lip. - Have you already forgotten that it's better not to wave your fists with me? I asked menacingly, at the same time reminding how exactly our past fights ended. And yes, so far I have been the leader in these fights. Unlike ordinary children, I somehow imagined where and why I needed to be beaten, and my body has never failed me yet… Even after my beating in front of the whole school, I was still ready to get up and start waving my fists. Neither pain nor minor injuries affected my cheerfulness and readiness to swing my fists in any way…

- Naruto… Tomorrow you will have to answer for all this in front of the teacher. - Seeing that I'm ready to break into a fight again, the boy cried tearfully, getting up from the snow… The blood from his nose never thought to stop, and the watery eyes and that really crying voice even managed to somewhat penetrate me. I felt somewhat guilty because I had actually beaten the children… But he quickly banished such thoughts from his head. Now we were in the same weight category, and I did not observe in myself a special rejection of such actions.

What's wrong with bullying underage bullies? So I thought there was nothing wrong with it. Besides, there was no less a little girl with tear-stained eyes behind my back, who was brought to tears by the company of these boys… And therefore, with a really calm conscience, I launched a snowball at the boy threatening me. Now his face was not only tear-stained and smeared with blood, but also wet from a very heavy snowball.

But, the threats against me finally stopped, and the boys themselves rushed away from me ... most likely, to complain to someone about me. But it didn't bother me much anymore, it wasn't the first time I'd been stabbed by Iruk-sensei, and I didn't have to be ashamed of today's fight. I didn't just fight with the boys, I was protecting the girl, as it were… Speaking of the girl herself…

- Are you all right? - Exhaling softly and letting my body relax, I asked little Hugo, who, it seems, has already begun to calm her own tears. The wet marks under the girl's eyes were still visible, but the fight that started, apparently, somehow abruptly stopped the girl's crying. The effect of surprise and the fact that someone decided to intercede for her had a very positive effect on the emotional state of the white-eyed cutie… And that one could really be considered cute, despite not the most attractive eyes, as for my taste.

- Uh-huh ... - the girl nodded to me a little hesitantly. "S-are you all right… It doesn't really hurt. - In a quiet and timid voice, the girl asked me… Meaning, apparently, my split lip. Yeah, apparently I still scared her a little with my behavior… Although, in ordinary life, as far as I remember, she says about the same thing. And, as far as I remember, she doesn't have any friends at the academy… So for now, we will blame such timidity on the character of the girl.

- Without worrying about it. I smiled softly, appreciating some care on the part of the girl. - The lip will heal by the evening, but otherwise I am completely intact. I added, patting my chest for show… And starting to think about a possible escape. I doubt that the girl's guard decided not to come for the princess of his clan at all today. Most likely, he just lingers a little… But I don't really want to know exactly how long he decides to stay today.

- Thank you… You helped me. - Shuddering slightly, as if from the cold, the girl suddenly bowed her head. Because of what I was even a little confused, yet in this life I was thanked at most a couple of times, and somehow I was not used to accepting thanks. And then the girl also bowed her head, which was doubly unusual for me… But I still managed to feel her sincerity, once again making sure that it was not for nothing that I got into all this mess at all.

- You're welcome... if anything, you can contact me. We're kind of in the same class. - Returning a completely sincere smile to my face, I said ... thus ending the conversation. I somehow didn't want to wait for the arrival of the girl's very menacing-looking guard. And I didn't want to freeze in the end, never reaching home. It is already becoming quite difficult to maintain the movement of the chakra in the body. So yeah, I'd better hurry up a bit.…

Fortunately, the girl did not stop me much, and the next day we met again at the academy… So, I had another person in my environment who did not feel much negativity towards me. Hinata, of course, had never said any nasty things in my direction before, but we started greeting her for the first time… At the same time, my recent assumptions were completely confirmed – the girl really had no friends or girlfriends at the academy.

She, as a rule, was sitting alone all the time or with some kind of borderless girl who didn't give a damn about the quiet princess of one of the strongest clans of Konoha ... And the girl herself was in no hurry to start a conversation with anyone, which is why her voice, in a normal situation, could only be heard during oral answers in class… And this, I will tell you, is not the norm. Of course, there are enough unsociable children everywhere, but if the child practically does not communicate with anyone in his environment… This is already a problem.

The problem is not mine, and I was not originally going to solve it… But somehow imperceptibly, even for himself, he decided to look after a too modest and defenseless girl. Of course, I wasn't going to climb up to that one, especially since the girl herself obviously doesn't like extra attention, but in case of another problem with hooligans, I will definitely help her. I don't like the fact that such a sweet and harmless child with a gentle nature can be bullied by anyone who is not lazy… I've never liked anything like this, even if I was young and managed to do a lot of stuff myself…

Well, it's not the point, the main thing is that I have now promised myself to look after the local bullies. Well, with Hinata herself, on occasion, it will be possible to exchange a few words… We're the only loners in the class. The rest of the kids have long been divided into groups and their own companies. Only Hinata was left without friends and any permanent friends… As, in fact, I myself. But in any case, I was going to socialize over time, it's already getting hard for me without communication at all…

But what to do with Hinata, and whether I need to do anything with it at all, I haven't figured out yet... I don't want to somehow meddle in my own business, especially since no one asked me about it. But it's not too right to stay on the sidelines either…