
The Richest Guild Leader

In the year 2100, John finds himself transported 25 years into the past, equipped with knowledge of a future where reality merges with the virtual game 'Infinite.'Armed with immense wealth earned through shrewd stock market investments and a profound understanding of the future, John reshapes his life

Dark_God_3911 · Jogos
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12 Chs

Chapter - 7

Chapter: The Approach

John had done his homework, and he was ready to make his move. He knew that getting to the Rothschild family would require tact and a show of substantial financial power. He dressed in his finest suit, ensuring he looked every bit the billionaire he was, and made his way to the headquarters of the Rothschild Bank.

As he stepped into the grandiose lobby, the air was thick with an aura of old money and power. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the floors gleamed with polished marble. John approached the front desk, where a well-dressed receptionist greeted him with a polite smile.

"Good morning, sir. How may I assist you today?" she asked.

"Good morning," John replied, his voice steady and confident. "I'd like to discuss a significant investment opportunity. I believe it would be best if I spoke with someone from your investment department."

The receptionist's eyes widened slightly at the mention of a significant investment. "Of course, sir. May I have your name and the nature of the investment?"

"John Matthews," he said, handing her his card. "It's a large-scale investment that I believe will greatly interest your bank."

The receptionist nodded and made a quick call. "Please have a seat, Mr. Matthews. Someone from our investment team will be with you shortly."

John took a seat in the plush waiting area, observing the comings and goings of the bank's elite clientele. It wasn't long before two members of the investment team approached him, introducing themselves as Mr. Harris and Ms. Blake.

"Mr. Matthews, welcome to Rothschild Bank," Mr. Harris said, extending his hand. "We understand you have an investment opportunity to discuss?"

"Indeed," John replied, shaking hands with both of them. "But given the magnitude of this investment, I believe it's necessary to speak with your manager in private."

Ms. Blake exchanged a curious glance with Mr. Harris before nodding. "Very well, Mr. Matthews. Please follow us."

They led him through a series of hallways adorned with historical artifacts and portraits of past Rothschilds. Along the way, Mr. Harris made small talk. "So, Mr. Matthews, can you give us a hint about the nature of your investment? We've seen quite a few large deals, but your approach suggests something extraordinary."

John smiled. "Let's just say it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will benefit both parties tremendously."

Ms. Blake raised an eyebrow. "You certainly have our attention."

Finally, they arrived at a large oak door. Mr. Harris knocked, and a voice from within invited them to enter.

Inside, the office was even more opulent, with bookshelves lined with leather-bound volumes and a large desk made of dark mahogany. Behind the desk sat Mr. Andrew Rothschild, a distinguished man in his late forties, with an air of authority.

"Mr. Matthews, welcome," Andrew said, rising to shake John's hand. "I understand you have something significant to discuss?"

"Thank you, Mr. Rothschild," John replied. "I do, but I must insist on speaking with you alone."

Andrew raised an eyebrow but nodded to his team. "Very well. Mr. Harris, Ms. Blake, please give us the room."

Once they were alone, John took a deep breath and began. "Mr. Rothschild, I am here to make an investment that will undoubtedly benefit both of us. To illustrate my seriousness, let me show you something." John opened his holo-mobile and displayed his current balance, which was nearly half of the Rothschild family's total liquid cash flow.

Andrew's eyes widened in shock, his composure momentarily faltering. "This... this is remarkable. Such wealth is rarely seen in one individual. What is it that you seek, Mr. Matthews?"

"I seek to speak with the head of your family," John replied. "I believe that my proposition is of such magnitude that it warrants their direct involvement."

Andrew composed himself, nodding slowly. "Very well. I will contact the head of the family immediately. Please, make yourself comfortable."

John watched as Andrew made the call, his words measured and respectful. After a brief conversation, he hung up and turned to John. "The head of the family will be here shortly. This is quite unprecedented, Mr. Matthews. You have certainly piqued our interest."

John nodded, a slight smile on his lips. He knew that this was a crucial moment, and he felt the weight of it. He took a seat and waited, his mind racing with possibilities.

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened, and in walked Lord Charles Rothschild, the patriarch of the Rothschild family. He was a tall man with a commanding presence, his silver hair and piercing blue eyes exuding wisdom and authority. Beside him was Lady Isabella Rothschild, elegant and poised, her gaze assessing John with keen interest.

"Mr. Matthews, I am Lord Charles Rothschild, and this is my sister, Lady Isabella," Charles said, his voice deep and resonant. "Andrew here tells me you have something of great importance to discuss."

John stood, meeting their gaze with unwavering confidence. "Lord Charles, Lady Isabella, it is an honor to meet you. I assure you, what I have to offer will be worth your time."

Charles gestured for John to sit, and the three of them took their seats around the grand desk. "Very well, Mr. Matthews," Charles said. "Let us hear what you have to say."

John took a deep breath, ready to unveil his proposition. He knew that this moment could change everything, and he was prepared to make his case.


In the next chapter, John will present his offer to the Rothschilds, initiating the crucial negotiation that could solidify his power and influence.