
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · Ação
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31 Chs

The Sadness

After such a long trip, The 2 had arrived at Anthony's place. It was a small house that had dry leaves all over. "This is home." He said. "I get it. Must be dirty for you right?" Jack shook his head. "Quite the opposite. I used to love playing with the leaves. GOD, I JUST WISH I WAS YOUNG AGAIN!" Anthony had laughed. "The games we used to play were just so interactive to an extent that we didn't want to go back home. We loved the outdoors. Now, people just love being on their laptops and phones and it's just so annoying." Anthony continued laughing. "You have an iPhone 14 in your pocket." Jack had smiled. "I mean, I have to stay in the times, or else people will think I'm just some old guy that loves sleeping." Anthony had dropped down dead laughing. It took him a while to get back up. As he went up the stairs, he noticed that the door was slightly open. His smile immediately went upside down. "You have a gun, right Jack?" He asked while he crouched. Jack nodded and took out his gun. "Ok, in my go, Anthony-" Anthony had just kicked open the door without thinking! He found his mother still alive and his brother next to her. "Oh thank god!" He said with a relieved voice. "I thought there was a thief. Is Mama ok?" His brother had nodded. "We just need those pills."

Jack had thought about how he called his mother "Mama." He almost shed a tear as Anthony was hugging his mother. "I should probably have some packets of the pills in my trunk." Jack had said. Anthony and his brother looked up. "You do?" Anthony had asked. "My mother was deep in the disease. I'd always have extra while she was alive. Now, They're just in my trunk doing nothing. Wanna go get them?" Anthony had smiled. He had a new friend to help him. "Give me the keys!!" He said happily. He then ran outside and opened the trunk. He had found a huge ton of heart disease pills and he took 10 packets every time he was going up and down. He put the pills by the counter of the kitchen. When he was done, He hugged dear Jack and thanked him while he was in his arms. Anthony's brother, Antonio, had given his mother the pills and she had slept. They had all gone outside. "Thank you." Antonio had said. "You helped out, bro. I thought she was gone forever." Jack had smiled. "I'd never want anyone to go through what I've gone through ever again." The thought of losing a mother is something Jack never thought would hurt him. He thought that his mother was just going to die peacefully of old age however, the disease got to her.

"Well, I had better head out." Jack had said. Anthony had looked up. "I'll come with you. I'm basically on your team now so I guess I'm coming too." Antonio nodded. The 2 had left the house with the dying mother and they went back to the warehouse.


"JACK!!!!!" Max shouted while Jack was coming out of his car with Anthony. "You have to see this!" He said. Jack had a letter. It was from a guy named Desante. He opened it and he found some pictures of him by the sacred garden next to his mother's grave. There was also another one Which was Anthony's house. "Who is this fucking Desante?!" He shouted. "I'll bring him down." Another letter had come out of the bag. "If you still wanna be happy, might as well give me what I want or else... Desante." It had said. "I'm going to kill him. No. Wait. I'll slowly kill him so that he could feel my agony!" Jack had said. Anthony had looked at the pictures and his rage immediately went up high! "I need to know him. Now." He had said. Dante's number was at the bottom of the letter. The 2 had called the number. Someone had answered. "Ah!" It was Desante! "SO, I see you read my letter." He had said. "Bitch!" Anthony had shouted. "Come here! Let's fight like real men. Stop being a fucking coward and fight me you old hag." The only thing Desante had done was just laugh. "You seriously think this is funny? Imagine if this was your mother we were doing this too!" Jack had shouted. Desante had continued laughing. "You guys are so funny!" He said. "So, Here's what I want if you don't want your mothers destroyed and dead. I need $1,000,000 in 2 weeks or else...BOOM!" He then laughed. "Over my dead body you Bitch!" Anthony had said. Jack had then hung up.

Anthony had got a call from his brother. "Anthony! Come quick! Mama. She's...." Anthony looked confused. "What's wrong with Mama?!" Anthony dropped the phone and looked at Jack. "Jack, He's serious." He said. "Quickly get in the car! We don't have much time!" Jack and Anthony quickly got in the car, started the ignition, and quickly drove off. When they arrived, they found an exploded house and a burnt-to-death mother on the ground. He found his life flash before his eyes as he saw Antonio on the ground with his mother. "Mama..." He whispered. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed as he bent down. "How could he?!" Jack had said. "All because of fucking money?! Damnit!!" Jack's phone had rung again. "So, You think I'm playing now?" Desante had asked. "We'll never forgive you for this. You're going to pay for this you despicable Bitch!!!!" Jack had said. Anthony had run off to see his dead mother. His mother was unfortunately burnt to a crisp. What a shame... Jack had called his crew. "Boys look, a man is going loose trying to kill moms here. I need you to put a dome around my mom's grave. Max will give you directions. Over and out." He said. He then hung up the phone, went up to the 2 brothers, and apologized for what had happened. "It's not your fault." Anthony had said. "There'll always be power-hungry people that'll want more than what they deserve."