
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · Ação
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31 Chs

The Break Up

As Anthony woke up, he found Jack jogging on the treadmill that was in the room. "I'm Guessing....? Jack laughed. He then also fell and Anthony had laughed too. "Before you interrupted with your "Precious waking time," I woke up early and began hitting the treadmill." Anthony laughed. "You're already buff enough to an extent that you're even tired when you run. Why gym more?!" Jack stopped the treadmill before he laughed. "I was only tired because it was a long way to the shooting range!" Anthony had rolled his eyes with a smirk and he got out of bed. "Any plans?" Jack had fallen off again!

Jack had seen a friend of his at the restaurant yesterday that he had not seen in years! His name was Alejandro. He was a bottom however, he looked like a top. He had hazel hair and brown eyes and he was really buff. Which was why he was on a treadmill. "I- I- I- I'm going to see someone at the treadmill- Oh- Wai- The restaurant! Yeah!" He said to Anthony. "Yep. Nothing to worry about the cause... It's the owner of... The warehouse I bought while you were sleeping during the Desante war! Yeah, That's right!" He then looked suspicious as he was sweating. "Something's not right with you....." Anthony said. He then walked around Jack and he then said, "Great! If you're going to see the warehouse owner, I'm coming too! you wouldn't leave me here would you?"

Jack had laughed under the lies he spewed. "Oh don't worry, You're safe here. After the Desante crisis, the gang is in top shape. No need to worry." Anthony had decided to go with it, unfortunately. "FIIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEE! You're even dick-blocking me. It's ok." He said as he rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Thank you. Now, lemme get dressed." He said. "Get out!" Anthony looked surprised. "There it is! You're going to see someone!" He shouted. "Who is he??????" He added as he was poking Jack's stomach. "It's no one! I'm seriously telling you! Fine. I'll get dressed in front of you so that you know nothing is going on, Ok?" He said. Anthony nodded.

On the outside, Anthony was kind of happy for him but on the inside, he was deeply devastated. He wasn't even sure if he was going to meet someone else or the actual warehouse owner.


Jack had arrived at the restaurant again. "Hi, uhh, I'm looking for Alejandro?" He said to the receptionist. "Oh, Alejandro. Right, this way." The 2 had walked to an astonishingly hot man that had the best table in the restaurant. "Alejandro, He's here." He then stood up and greeted Jack. "Hey man! Long time, No see!!" He said. "And, you're even built!" He added as he looked up and down. Little did Jack know, Anthony was in the vents listening to the conversation. Jack had seen his van but, he didn't pay much attention to it.

The 2 were cutely eating and having the same convos that Jack was having with Anthony. Anthony then thought to himself, "That meeting doesn't look like a meeting. It looks like a fucking date!" Jack then held Alejandro's hand and said, "It's good having these kinds of conversations again." Anthony looked shocked. "So the conversations that we had were conversations that they had a long time ago?! Wow, I know we aren't dating but I feel cheated on. In fact, Let me fucking get down there." He thought.

Jack then said, "Would you maybe wanna come home with me, and maybe we could cuddle when we're supposed to be watching Netflix shows?" Anthony then kicked the vent, Bringing the section of the ceiling down. He then struck a landing on the floor. "That's what we used to do, Bitch!" He shouted. All eyes were on them The bouncer had seen the bale and began running to it. Anthony then took a gun and shot the bouncer's leg, making him fall with blood. "So, you're cheating on me, huh?" He asked. Jack then rolled his eyes. "Anthony, we aren't even dating!" He said. Anthony had laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes. "You 2, wear these masks." He also wore a mask. "Bring it!" He said. The building was then covered with tear gas and everyone had passed out.

"So, That fucking shower we had wasn't enough to prove to you that I liked you? The fucking competitions that we had? The fucking FUN that we had? That wasn't enough?!" Alejandro looked confused. "Sorry to budge in but that sounds that things people that date would do. Are you guys ok?" Anthony had smiled crazily. "See?! Even this guy gets it! I truly don't understand your problem!" Jack had looked down.

"You know what? Honestly, I'm tired. It's ok. You can date the very hot verse. I didn't think you were that stupid. If you need me, I'll be at the airport going home. I can't believe my stupidity right now..." Jack then stood up and said, "Anthony wait!!" But he didn't listen. By the time Anthony had left, everyone had woken up. So many questions like, "What happened?" Or "Am I even alive?" It seems the chemicals made the people in the restaurant forget what had happened. Anthony took the van and left.

"Well, that was a sudden move of events," Alejandro said. Jack had just rolled his eyes. "He'll come back soon enough. We can sit down and enjoy the rest of the day. Nothing to worry about." Alejandro, however, didn't even bother to see it like that. "Jack, the guy that left, he's more than just perfect for you and you just told me to forget about it?! Opportunities come once bro and if you're going to just let him leave, either you're really strong, or you're crazy! Are you sure you're going to let him go?" Jack then thought of the wonderful things he'd done with dear Anthony. Jack then ran out quickly and Alejandro had just smiled. "Ahh, love..." He said.