
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · Ação
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31 Chs

New year

It was finally that time of year again! In everything that happened the last year, Jack was telling Anthony how the only the only thing he was grateful for was the deaths of Santiago and Alejandro. "There's nothing better than having new rivals every year," he said. "Yep! Definitely nothing better." Anthony just rolled his eyes and smirked.

"We'll, what about me?" Anthony said. "Don't you think meeting me was the best thing ever?" Jack then hugged Anthony from behind while he was making breakfast. "Well, you are something that's more then just special, my darling Anthony." He whispered. "If it weren't for you, I didn't even think I'd be this happy. You know how Max is right? All the partying and stuff? It doesn't really make me feel happy. I never get the happiness of drinking till I pass out. I'm even glad I got to meet your family. That's a really huge step for something that we have. I'm just really sorry that you couldn't meet anyone that was related to me. However, I'm glad you got to see Mi Mama's grave by my sanctuary. You make me a happy guy, Anthony. Can we stay like this next year?"

With everything that Jack said, Anthony nodded with a tear running down his cheek. He then wiped it and dishes out the eggs and sausages that he prepared for breakfast.

"I thought you loved my parties!" Max said as he was walking down the stairs. "I know you for being one of the best party animals I know. Didn't think you'd decide to change your mind." Max hugged and kissed Anthony good morning. He then dabbed Jack. "Oh, shut up, Max!" Jack said as he chuckled. "I hardly wanna party now. I even told you that partying isn't my thing anymore." Max are some of Jack's food while Anthony was giggling. "Well, we'll see what happens next year, which is in like...17 hours. Anthony punched Max while he was laughing.

With Jack quitting the life of partying, he was able to focus on important matters like preparing homeless kids for school, getting jobs for the unemployed and even focusing more on the crew! With everything planned, 2023 was going to be a perfect year for them. "By the way," Anthony said. "We need fireworks. We can't have a good start of the year if we don't have fireworks. And alcohol, too!" Max agreed with joy. "I even know the most perfect places to buy these." They then finished breakfast, wore casual clothes for the last time before the year ended, and the left.


They had arrived at some shady looking place it was a place where one would get the most expensive and explosive fireworks. Lucky enough, The three had the money for it! "Hola, Mi amigo!" Max said to a strange looking man. "Remember, you owe me right? My friends need fireworks to start off the new year with *pizass.* What's some of the best you got in store?" The strange man didn't say anything. Instead he smirked at Max with an evil look and no one ever thought of being suspicious about it. He took out some bombs and some starlighters. The three thanked the guy then left. Next stop, alcohol! Max directed Jack while they were laughing at a remix of a cat talking on TikTok. What a sad remix... It took such a long time to arrive but, they made it!

"Max, my man!!" Some guys shouted. Max just pointed at them and even smirked at them while they were passing. The three then continued to a shady store. "Y'know, you really need to smile more, junior." Max said. The owner's name of the store was Junior. It seems they were friends while Jack and Anthony were still having their fight. Junior already knew what Max wanted. He was given 40 crates of wines and whiskey. Anthony was surprised at how Max had so many connections. Max thanked junior and they left.


They finally arrived home. "Only 6 hours left, guys." Jack said. "Anything you wanna confess to?" Max turned around and walked away. It seemed Max liked Anthony and he wanted him by himself. "Max! Come back here, goddamnit!" Anthony shouted. Max immediately stopped and slowly turned around. "I know what you want but you can't. You know we have to love each other equally." Max nodded and kissed Anthony's forehead. "Well, I guess there are some things that I can't get. I'll be fine..."


20 minutes were left on the clock of 2022. The three opened a channel where everyone was celebrating. The music was so loud and they were just jumping around in the living room. "Ok everyone, let's settle down. The Countdown's about to start!" The host of the show said. The three were already Drunk in that 20 minutes. They then started counting. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Everyone hugged each other and kissed each other. What a great night it was!


1st of January 2023. Time: 09:30am. Max was asleep upside down on the couch in the living room. Jack was upstairs in the shower with the shower head. It seemed he was singing last night. Or, last year... Anthony was.... Under the bed. The three were still asleep. Little did they know, THEY DIDN'T HAVE FUN WITH THE FIREWORKS. Even if they did, the boxes of alcohol and fireworks had some hidden tracker. The 2 guys found the house that the three slept crazily in. The two guys stole what they were able to take and they left. How will this go down? Will the Jocks kill the 2 to guys? Are they ready to take the new year with chosen violence? Who knows? Maybe Anthony might even leave Jack for Max. We'll never know. Let's find out how this year will unfold. With 2 men already choosing violence, the Jocks might even come back even more strong and mighty. In fact, they could be the world's largest Mafia group in the Mexican region.