
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · Ação
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31 Chs


After these annoying wars with the recently "missing" Desante, Anthony decided to go to America. He had more family there than in Mexico. Unfortunately, during the Mexican-American war, his great-grandparents left Mexico to live a new life in America. After that, they made 4 kids and one of them being Anthony's mother. He now had to go back and inform the family that she unfortunately passed away. Jack didn't want him to leave. Obviously! "You can't just leave me like this!" He said. Anthony had laughed. "If I don't leave, who'll inform them about my mom?" Jack had never thought about that considering how it was a thing of the past. "Don't the people in the family have phones?" Anthony had laughed once more. "They do but they hardly use their phones. Unfortunately, my bisabuelos knew what's best." Jack laughed while tears were rolling down his cheeks. He couldn't believe his eyes. "Can we at least rebuild the house?" Anthony had completely forgotten about the house! He then said, "Ok, maybe I can leave after a week. But that's it!" Jack was so happy after hearing that! He then tightly hugged him with a passion and Anthony thought about the rest of the hugs that Jack gave him. He was going to miss those...

"Ok, let me go!" Anthony said. "Time flies you know?" Jack nodded and removed his tears. "Ok, let's go to that abandoned house of yours. I bet it has rats now." Anthony said as he was walking with Jack to his car. "Nah," Jack said. "It was just some cockroaches 'cause nobody's been living there for some time now. Well, you know how it is. They need a place and they need it quickly. Don't worry. They're dead now!" He said as he laughed at Anthony's disgusted face. "The good part's that they're dead so I'm fine." He said as he breathed out for relief. They then got in the car and left the warehouse.


They finally arrived at the forest-closed house that looked abandoned. "Here we are..." Jack said. Anthony looked sad. The 2 had slept here together once and that wasn't even a good time because they were fighting Desante. "Our only memory here," Anthony said. He looked down and saw some bullets. He then picked one up and....suddenly began crying. Jack looked worried. "What's wrong? I know it's bad but we made it through. We won the fight and we don't need to re-live the past. Look, we'll just clean and some of the guys will come to help renovate and fix the holed walls. Is that ok?" Anthony nodded and hugged Jack again. "It's just...So sad that we didn't just enjoy ourselves here. I wish Desante never existed honestly." Jack looked down. "Yeah, I know. But because of him, our friendship grew stronger. No wonder why we're crying." The both of them had laughed with tears running down their cheeks. "Ok, I'll call the crew while you get some brooms so that we can start cleaning. That good?" Jack asked. Anthony nodded and he left while Jack had called the crew.


After 30 mins of cleaning and removing bullets, the crew had finally arrived. They took out some building equipment and they began building. Max was the last one to come out. "Hey, guys!" He shouted. "How you guys doing? I heard someone's leaving." Jack smirked. "You are so brave to listen to my convos. One day, I'll chop off your dick cause of that." Max then touched his lower area and said, "I guess no more eavesdropping..." And left. Jack and Anthony then continued working while the crew got started on fixing the walls and windows.

As the 2 were working together, Jack felt a loving spark and Anthony felt the same. It made him regret the fact that he was leaving. However, it didn't stop him. Instead, it made him want to marry him and then move in with him because their love for each other was reaching another level. "Wanna hit the shooting range later on?" Jack said. "I wouldn't say it's old times but for the last times?" Anthony had laughed and then nodded. They then continued vibing and talking about how cats have bigger brains than dogs. Jack was in such a huge disagreement that he wasn't going to do any cleaning until Anthony admitted that dogs are smarter. "So you're seriously not going to work?!" Anthony said while he was laughing. Jack had laughed and nodded. "Admit that dogs are better!!" Anthony ended up not giving up and he started cleaning but Jack hated having to see him work alone so he ended up helping.


Time had passed and it was getting late. Luckily, everything was done! The walls were smooth again and everything was revamped. Even the TV! life looked so much easier in that house. "Ok, everything's done!" Jack said. "Now for that shooting range." Anthony looked tired. "I can't!" He shouted. "I'm just so tired, bro I can't. We'll maybe try some other time. Maybe even tomorrow but not today. I just want to sleep." Jack had nodded and he cuddled the younger one. "We have the weirdest friendship," Anthony said. "No one's here to judge so we're fine," Jack said. The 2 then went up, got in bed, and then slept while Jack was the big spoon. What a beautiful night it was.

It had then begun raining. Anthony woke up and looked at Jack. The light from the moon was just amazing on Jack's face. He slightly kissed his lips and went back to bed. Some time had passed and Jack woke up. He noticed the same thing that Anthony noticed. How the moonlight was glistening on Anthony's face and he also slightly kissed him on his forehead. He then went back to sleep.


"Good Morning, sleepy head," Jack said as Anthony was slowly waking up over Jack's bicep. "How was your sleep?" Anthony noticed that Jack's arm wasn't a pillow. "How the hell did I end up on your arm?!" He asked. "Dunno. You just opened my arm and then slept on it." Anthony got out of bed and said "It never happened." Jack just cutely laughed and got out of bed as well.