
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · Ação
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31 Chs

Desante's Distortion

Finally! Desante was over. However, Anthony was somehow still not satisfied with everything. As he was playing games on the TV that were surprisingly still ok after the huge embarrassment, He said to Jack, "Hey! Do you think you're ok with Desante?" Jack had then looked up while he was making eggs in the kitchen that had countless bullet holes. He nodded. "He now knows what The Jocks are capable of. He shouldn't mess with us anymore. Besides, If he does, we'll show him his mother's shit." Anthony had smiled but his anger for Desante continued growing. He thought to himself, "He killed my mother. Jack wouldn't understand. What should I do?" He continued thinking until he came to a conclusion. "Jack, Listen." He said. "I'm going to end Desante for good. Are you coming or not?" Jack looked worried. "Anthony, Desante is in pri-"

"He killed my mother! How do you expect me to fucking feel?!"

"Yes! He has done that but that doesn't mean you should Kill him! Two wrongs don't make a right!"

The house stayed quiet for a short amount of time. "I'm going to kill him, Jack." Anthony finally said. "Either you're coming to help or what. Just don't try to stop me because I will end your life too." Jack, instead of being extremely terrified, surprisingly liked this side of Anthony. It seemed to enlighten him. However, this side of him could get him either to create his own gang or get him in deep trouble. Because Jack loved the younger one, he had no choice whatsoever. "I'll go with you." He said. "I just want you to be safe." Anthony had smiled. "Ok. Let's go. we don't have time anyway." Jack had nodded, switched off the pan and he and Anthony had left the house.


"Here we are," Anthony said. "La mesa prison. You called the guys right?" Jack had nodded. After a few minutes, the gang had arrived. "We've never done this before..." Max had said as he came out of the car. "Well, we always try and learn something new every day, don't we?" Jack said. "Well, I guess we do!" They both burst out laughing. "Ok, back to business," Anthony said out of anger. "We need to get him out then take him out. Shouldn't be that hard since we are the strongest gang in Mexico." The crew had cheered for Anthony as he was praising the gang.

"Ok, boys!" Jack said. "Now that we're ready, how about we try busting that little prick out of prison?!" The crew had shouted some "Yeah!" and some "Yes!" as they were getting some resources from the van they came with. Once they were ready, Jack was informing how Anthony will be the leader of the mission. The crew members nodded their heads and jack left. "Ok boys!" Anthony said. "Let's burn this joint!" One of the crew members had jumped over the walls where there wouldn't be any security cameras on. "I'm in." The guys said. He had sneaked around until he found Desante. He then choked him with a cloth that had some poison and he passed out. He then threw the unconscious leader over the wall and he landed on a trampoline that was delivered. Two other crew members had carried him to the van and they had all left.


"Wha...What happened?" Shame. Poor Desante was locked up in a cage when he woke up. "Where the hell am I?!" He then shook the cage trying to open it. Unfortunately, no luck. It had resorted to one thing..."HELLLPPPP!!!!!" No one heard him. He cried again. "HEEELLLLPPPP!!!!!" Anthony came out of the shadows. "Shut the fuck up! I heard the first time." He said. "Oh, finally. Get me out of here!" Anthony laughed. "Just because I heard you, it doesn't mean that I'll help you." He whispered. "Especially since I'm the one that kidnapped you. Why the hell would I do that?" Desante's face looked red with rage. "You disgusting turd! Get me the fuck out of here or else!" Anthony just laughed. Jack then came out of the shadows. With him came a few other guys that were ready to panel-beat him while Jack held a gun. "Get in the cage boys!" Jack said. "It's feedin' time!"

The 3 boys had got in the cage where Desante was and they had begun punching, hitting, and even tasing him! The only thing he could do was cry and ask for mercy. However, no one listened. "How does it feel getting your own medicine?" Anthony asked while he was laughing. "I should get a taste of beating the shit out of him too! Boys, drag him to the chair!" 2 boys were dragging Destroyed Desante while the other one had left. They then chained him to the chair so that he couldn't leave. "I promise you," Anthony said. "you're going to regret ever messing with me you annoying bitch!" Anthony then put a bucket of water under his feet. He got electrical wires that were still on somehow and he dunked them in the bucket of water. Desante was immediately burning slowly to death. He then took them out by holding the rubber on the circuits. "Must be nice right?!" Anthony shouted. It seemed he was at peace so he left. Which left Jack who just held his chin and forehead and quickly moved them in the opposite direction! Desante was officially dead.

Jack then got out of the darkroom and had asked 2 guys to carry him to the van so that his body could be thrown into the ocean.


When they had arrived, Jack said, "Goodbye, Desante. I guess no more mothers will be killed. Yay!" He then threw him into the ocean with a dumbbell so that the body wouldn't arise again. Life was finally back to normal. He went back to the warehouse and he already needed a drink. What a night! "Is it done?" Asked Anthony. Jack nodded his head. "Good. Now let's go to sleep. I'm tired."