
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · Ação
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31 Chs

Back At It

"So this is how we'll wake up from now on?!" Jack shouted. They finally woke up and found almost everything gone. Max kept panting up and down in the kitchen while he was trying to figure out who would have done such indecency. "Look, what we need to do right now is to keep calm." Anthony said while he had ice on his face. Anthony had such a rough hangover to an extent that he put his face in a bucket on ice cold water. pills didn't help him much so he decided to go for what seemed to have been a solution. "We'll find those thugs and kill him like the heartless people we are." Jack looked at him with a smirk even though he was annoyed. "huh, says the hopeless romantic." he said as he chuckled. "but besides that, how can you expect me to calm down? This house always gets robbed and you just expect me to calm down? I won't kill them until they feel the wrath of my anger. Pain will be nothing. Suffering, that's the perfect way of death. Especially for people that think they're big shots around here..." Jack angrily walked to the fridge and got a glass of water to cool his anger before he could make a rash decision.

Meanwhile in the 2 shady stores, it had turned out that the 2 illegal stores owners were working together. in fact, they were brothers! They noticed Jack's and Anthony's clothing styles and they already knew that the 3 had more money to spend. The brother had agreed to sell whatever they took and divide the profit by 2. The worst part is, no one was able to trace it back to them because they had already thrown the box without knowing what was inside. Unfortunately, it was a dead end for all 3 of the boys. The house was newly renovated and some crusty thieves that were even related to each other had decided to remove everything with a blink of an eye.

"Who could we suspect?" Max said. "It's better if we step back. Try to remember some stuff before we blacked out." Anthony replied while he was wiping his face. "For me, the last thing I remember was.....uhhhhh....Having to go by the fireworks and alcohol! yeah! That could be our first lead." Max just shook his head. "How could it be them?! They don't even know where we live. They can't just rock up here." Jack shouted as he banged the table in anger! Max and Antony looked at Jack in a scared way. "Jack, are you ok?" Max asked as he was trying to help his best friend. "Look, I get the fact that your stuff is stolen but you can't be making rude tantrums like this. You're a Mafia lord, Jack. You may not look like one but you are one. A confident one that doesn't even hide the business through some other market or stuff. You're out in the open and no one has had the courage to arrest you. Be proud because if you can do all of this, then you can most definitely find the criminals who decided to waste their time and life by trying to steal your furniture. From now on, we'll follow your lead. is that ok?" Jack breathed in and out....then nodded. "I'm sorry for being so angry with you guys. It's just that we've gone through so much with this house and people still have the most atrocious nerve to steal from us. They'll pay...No matter what..." Anthony hugged Jack with all the love he had in him. Max then joined. "Now let's try to remember what happened." Jack said with a smile of peace.


With having to remember some of the things that they done, they went back to the store where they bought fireworks but, it seemed that the shop was closed for good. It had garage doors locked and checking by the window, there no one there. Not even a single thing. "Hmmm...That's odd." Anthony said. "Weren't they opened just yesterday? I'm starting to think that maybe he's the person that stole the things. Why would you leave if nothing's wrong? The guy looked like he accepted death already. His clothes just said it all." Max then asked, "Police?" Jack shook his head while he was looking down. "The police could ask why we're buying things from illegal places. Let's try something else. hmm.... Maybe a tracker?" Anthony and Max looked at each other in confusion. "A tracker?! How?" Asked Anthony. "And if it were to be possible, where could it have been placed? It's not like someone could just decide to put a tracker on us. Unless.... Check the clothes we wore and the things we bought."

And so, they looked in the house and found nothing but stacks of unknown cash under the bed. They checked them but found nothing. They then went outside. They began walking around the yard checking each and every single plastic they found. The continued for quite some time untile only the box was left. Jack opened it and found the tiny tracker. "Anthony was right..." Jack said. Anthony air thrusted in joy as he told the 2 how smart he was. "So, now that we know who the culprit is, what are we going to do? He probably skipped town by now." Anthony said as he was panting. Jack smirked with Max. "If it's possible, we'll find the guy with alcohol and figure out if he knows anything. They were then headed for the illegal liquor store.


"TELL ME WHERE HE IS, GODDAMNIT!!" Jack should while he was punching the store owner. He still stayed quiet. He knew that he was suffering for his brother's foolish deeds. "You're still quiet, huh? Anthony, bring the water and the cables. It's time we torch this bitch. Anthony nodded and brought a bucket full of water and some working cables. Jack clipped the cables on the store owner's hands and he then asked, "You're about to be burned if you don't tell me the truth but since you don't want to, any last words?" The store owner finally spoke. "He's- He's- He's moving to Singapore so that you don't find anything. Just please, let me go!" He then began crying. He was then untied and the 3 left him crying like that. "Next stop, Singapore.."