
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · Ação
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31 Chs


Both Antonio and Anthony were devastated about their mother at the warehouse. "I'm...So sorry." Jack had said. He shed a tear but had removed it before anyone could see. Anthony had given him a big hug and said, "It's not your fault. People just love money." Jack didn't want to let go. Neither did Anthony. He had begun crying and it just hurt Jack's heart. They both were sobbing seeing how they both lost their mothers. One was because of heart disease. The other was because she was bombed to death and the heart disease. "Where would you like to spread her ashes?" Jack had asked. "I've never really thought about that." Anthony had whispered. "I'd rather put them in a vase." He added. Jack had nodded and he understood. "What are we going to do about this annoying fat guy?!" Antonio had asked. "We could always pull a Carrington move?" Max had said by the door. "And that the hell is that?" Jack had asked with a confused look. "Well, the Carrington move is when you set up De-whatever his name is and you get him arrested. It's actually an easy move to do." Jack immediately let go of Anthony. That spark...Gone. "Tell us about it, Dumbass!" He shouted. "I want to bring that slimy bitch down. Even if it's the last thing I do."


"Right." Jack had said. "What we need to do now is to get the money that he wants. It won't be easy but we have to do it. We'll rob a bank and only take the $1,000,000 that he wants. I've called my brother, Diego and he's informed the police about everything." Jack said. "Once he's in prison, we'll pay bail then we torture him right?" Anthony had asked. Jack had laughed. "Why wouldn't we?" He asked with a happy look. "What could most certainly go terribly wrong?" Max sarcastically asked. Everyone had looked at max. "What do you mean?" asked Jack. "Look," Max said. "If we already know one thing about this guy, it's that he's capable of many things. He could potentially explode this warehouse as we speak. We need to stay vigilant." Everyone had agreed. "OK BOYS!!!" Jack had shouted. "Listen up! We need to go get some money from the bank. Everyone suit up and get ready!" Anthony had patted Jack's shoulder. He looked back. "I'm coming with you." Anthony said, "I need to get some things off my mind." Jack nodded and they left.


"Ok guys." Jack had whispered. "Here's the bank. I know this is all sudden but I don't want any mishaps ok?" The crew members had nodded. "Let's Go!"

They all got out of the car and ran straight to the bank. "Everyone, Put your hands DOWN!!" Everybody's hands were down! One of the crew members shot the security cams. Most of them had stayed to keep the police down. They all knew that Desante was watching so it had to look real. Jack, Anthony, and a guard had gone deeper into the bank. By the safes. "Guard! Drill." Jack said. The guard had drilled the lockdown. It took so much time. Jack got tired of it. He stood up and kicked the door down. "Sometimes have some logic when you're in a hurry. K?" He said to the guard. They shot opened the safe locks, found the money that they needed, took all of it in a real hurry, and left the room. "We couldn't keep 'em any longer, boss." One of the crew members said. Jack had smirked. "Then let the fun begin!" Jack had jumped out of the building and shot most of the police in sight. Anthony had joined in and most of the police were "dead"! The rest had run away and had called for backup. "Come on. Let's go." Jack had said. "My brother will delay everything."

The crew members, well at least the ones that were still alive, had run for the van, got in, and had left. "Ok. What do we do with the money?" Anthony asked. Jack had looked at Anthony with a smile. "We do the Carrington move." He said. "Desante gave me the location while we were still in the bank. We need to lose the heat and only then will we be fine." Anthony had nodded and looked at the road. Jack had driven off the road and had gone under a highway. "We wait for an hour..." he said. "Stay alert."


An hour had passed. Everybody in the van was tired. "I think an hour passed guys," Jack said. "It's time we meet that son of a bitch." Jack had switched on the van again and had gone to the location. It was a dark alley. "Desante!" Anthony shouted out of anger. "Show yourself!" A dark-skinned fat guy had opened the door. He was wearing a white tux and had a cigar in his mouth. "Yeah. That's my name." It was Desante! "I'm guessing You're the gang that has my money?" He asked. "Are we ready?" Jack had asked. He had an earpiece on as he was talking. Diego was waiting for him to say "Here you go." It was the key phrase. Everybody had nodded. "Ok, I guess. Here you go..." Jack said. He was about to give the money away however, The police arrived! "Desante, You're under arrest for threat and theft!" One of the police officers had said on the microphone. Desante had laughed. "So you really think I'm going to go to jail?! Not on my dead body!" Countless gunners had shot down the police officers that were descending to cuff Desante. Jack and Anthony had run back to the van and had driven off.

"How the fuck did he know?!" Anthony shouted. "This was the most solid plan ever. It was so impossible for him to figure out!" Jack had just shaken his head. "He's smart." He said. "Max did say. He's capable of many things. Now that we've angered him, That dome won't be able to stay for long. Not to mention the warehouse. We need to evacuate Imme-" Someone was calling Jack. It was Diego! "Tio! Está todo bien?!" Diego had laughed. "Yes! He's down!!" Jack had pulled over. "WHAT?!!" Anthony looked confused. "Hey!" He whispered as he patted Jack's shoulder. Jack removed his ear from the phone. "Desante's down!" Anthony looked surprised! "You can't be serious. For real?!" Jack had nodded in excitement and he put the phone back on his ear. "Let's meet by the warehouse. We'll talk about it more. Over and out." Jack had hung up and drove quickly to the warehouse. A major success!