
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · Ação
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31 Chs


While Max was still having 2 side guys at the warehouse, he still thought of Alejandro. While he was going through trauma thinking about him, the relationship between Jack and Anthony was on thin ice. Whenever they were in a room, neither of the two would ever bother even to greet. Like they weren't in a relationship at all! They would only talk to each other if Max was around and instead of having a normal chat, they would argue in a tone where Max thought it was a normal chat. Not only was this breaking their relationship, but Max would also have stress when someone came into his room due to how Anthony could walk in when Jack and he are having sex or even the other way around.

In the morning, the two were in a room once more. It was quiet. "...How long are we going to do this?!" Anthony asked as he forcefully dropped the knife on the table. "Do what?" Jack said. "Being quiet? Like honestly, I don't even know what the hell is going on between us! Is there someone else you're seeing?" Anthony stated. Jack then averted Anthony's eyes. He looked down while he was trying to figure out a lie to tell Anthony. "There's nothing wrong between us!" He said. "I'm just in a.....Thinking mindset! Yeah. That's what's happening. Nothing wrong between us." No matter how hard Jack tried to look innocent, Anthony didn't buy it. " even if it's been a few months, Jack, I know you. That, what you said just now, was a lie. So, I strongly suggest you tell me what's going on right now, or else I'm getting a gun and I'm shooting a leg." Anthony stated. Jack immediately looked scared. "Ok, let's not do anything crazy...." Jack said. His voice was shaking as he lied to Anthony about bringing some kind of sexy outfit to the trip to his family.

"Oh..." Anthony said. He looked relieved. "I'm sorry I thought you were cheating on me." Jack chuckled nervously. "Yep! I would never bother cheating you. No matter how scary that would be, I love that about you." He said. Max, on the other hand, had left the warehouse early before the 2 could wake up. He wanted to see Alejandro. He woke up slowly so that he couldn't wake Anthony up after their nice session. "Alejandro!" Max said as he had seen his lovely boyfriend. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I just wanted to see you," Max said. He then hugged Alejandro tightly like he hadn't seen him in a long time. It warmed Alejandro's heart having to date a loving guy like Max. "Come inside," Alejandro said. He held his boyfriend's hand as he came inside. "Those 2 a the warehouse are bugging me," Max said. "Their relationship has been going up and down lately..." This was Alejandro's time!

Alejandro was recently running out of money. He needed a warehouse that needed loads of money. He asked for a loan. This warehouse with everything in it was going to help him create his gang. Once the project was done, Alejandro wasn't able to pay off the loan. The bank was going to repossess his house and car if he didn't pay off the loan in time. Instead of him asking for money like a decent boyfriend, he took Max under his wing for his plan.

Max had already told Alejandro that the Crew altogether has 52 million Dollars and they used some of it to help people that were in need. There were only 50 million dollars left. That was more than enough money to pay off the loan. If this plan that he was creating worked out, not only would he just pay off the loan, he would create other projects that would help around the world. All he needed was the money for it. This was where Max, Jack's sidekick who everything in and out of the warehouse, got in. Since Max was his boyfriend, all he needed to do was to make Max feel pity for him.

He then told him the truth just in a very sad tone. "I'm so sorry to hear that....." Max said. Because he put 100% into the relationship, he believed him. "I could get some money off the Crew's account. I kinda know the password. That's if Jack didn't change it." Alejandro looked down. "You'd do that for me?" Alejandro asked. Max nodded. "I'd do anything for you. You're practically my husband. I don't mind taking off a few million on my side. As long as it's for the world and you. I have no problem. Alejandro hugged him so tightly while he was thanking him. The 2 kissed and they headed for the bedroom.


Once Max came back from having fun with his boyfriend, he had to deal with both of the boys that couldn't fix their relationship with a decent mind. "Max, we need to talk. It's kinda important." Anthony said. "Unfortunately, that can't happen 'cause I need him more than you do," Jack said. "It's urgent, Max," Max was deeply angry. "Look, guys, I'm freaking sick and tired of screwing you both! could you just leave me alone?! I had such a nice time with Alejandro and now I have to come back to this?! Honestly, this isn't what I signed up for. It's either you fix your fucking relationship, break up or I'm leaving. You choose." He stated. he then stormed off to his room, plopped on the bed, and called Alejandro.

The 2 lovers had looked at each other after Max stormed off. "So, it was you," Jack said. 'It was you who was moaning in the kitchen, wasn't it?" Jack asked. "Says the one who fucked in the shower," Anthony said. "No wonder your ass was aching yesterday. It all makes sense."

"Don't pin this back on me 'cause you're the one who started this!"

"That doesn't mean you had to continue it!"

"You didn't wanna have sex with me and the worst part is that you even lied about it cause you already gave head to someone else and you even got your ass pounded too!"

Anthony then kept quiet. The room was quiet too. Anthony stormed out of the room and left with Jack's car to the mansion. Jack just went to the room in the warehouse. What a devastating night it was...