

Bella, a normal girl falls in love with the Alpha prince, Jay B, unknowingly. As she grows up, she will be in control of nature and everything but she will always ignore until her eighteenth birthday when she overhears her parents speaking of her. "Answer me then, why are you so cold towards everyone? why not me?" I pleadingly asked. "Because I LOVE YOU, am head over heels in love with you Bella Kings," I was dumbstruck. He came forward, held my slender waist and devoured my lips passionately. The whole world around me faded and it was just me and him.

Jael_Moraa · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1: I have found my mate

If there was one thing I was in love with, was reading novels. Am ten years and even though we are not rich, as a family, we are peaceful. I am the second born in the midst of two sisters. We love each other and our parents are simply inseparable. My dad is a hunter whereas my mom works as a maid in of the richest family around.

"Bella will you please hurry up! I need your help to carry these foodstuffs to the silver's mansion," I heard mom calling me to give her a hand.

"Right away mom, just some few more lines then I'll stop at this chapter," I explained as I put my novel down

The silver mansion was far but not that far from my place, so we walked there as my mother was worriedly telling me to be at my best behavior.

'Ding dong' my mom rang the doorbell on arrival and within few seconds, the gates automatically separated each other. My mouth was agape as it made an 'O' and my eyes bulged out.

"Wow mother are we in heaven or something? This is the biggest house I've ever seen since I came from your tummy. "My mom looked at me and began to chuckle, "Yes Darling, this is where mommy works, and I want you to be cautious, the owners are really cold so remember what i told you."

As we entered there, mother greeted some of the maids and were all amazed by my beauty which looked as if was not from this world. I have silverish hair which flows down my waist and slim body, cerulean blue eyes, pink thin lips in which I inherited everything from my mother apart from my deep blue eyes. We went straight to the kitchen where my mother put the foodstuffs we had brought and then headed to the laundry room. It was really pretty, and I found a comfortable spot to sit just where I could see everything around.

As I was sited reading my novel and as my mother was washing clothes, something caught my eyes. On the second floor, I could see a boy who was also reading a novel in his balcony. 'Oh my god, I have found my mate! Wait what have I just thought' I giggled since in many novels I read about mates, but I was too excited to some boy also reading a novel just like me. I laughed for calling him my mate but then mother trailed me off when she said I was too noisy.

'I have to meet you' I spoke within myself as I looked up a mischievous smile on my face. 'slap' I slightly slapped myself because of the naughty smile on my face. Suddenly, after some few minutes, someone stood by the door with an aura which could not just be ignored, and I felt chills running through my spine. The atmosphere suddenly changed and went below freeing point.

The figure Infront of me had eyelashes o thick it could be illegal, his lips were sweet red, he had black hair which was neatly tied and was more alluring about him was his eyes, very deep and hypnotizing grey eyes that looked like it could see through one's soul and not forgetting his eyes which looked so deceiving. My mother stood up and slightly bowed as I still stared not wanting to avert my gaze since our eyes had locked.

"Bella" My mom whispered and brought me back from my reverie and I stood up and bowed at the figure. When I looked at the direction the boy was sited earlier, no one was there so I automatically knew he was the one. He gave my mom some clothes and turned to leave. "Pssst, mother, who was that boy?" I asked mother with my ten-year-old voice.

"That is Jay B, the second born of the family and is 14 years of age. He's an introvert and is always very cold, so behave," My mom told me as she squeezed the clothe in her hand. Since that moment, I always felt as if someone was watching me, so I stood up and went to the dining room to have a glass of water. To my surprised, Jay B was sited there reading.

"H-Hi Jay B?" I asked in a shaky voice due to the cold aura he emitted. He didn't reply and so I just went to o what had brought me there in the first place. The room's temperature went below zero degrees, and my body began to shiver. I looked towards his direction, and he looked dazzled as if I had grown a horn on my head." Jay!! where is my book!" Someone yelled and I could hear the voice nearing us making Jay B look at the direction of the voice.

It was Gold his Younger sister who was actually eight years old.

'Jeez this girl has a really loud noise and she is breathtakingly beautiful ' I spoke with myself because it was as if I had seen a goddess.

"What it is now gold?"Jay B asked looking at his phone.

"Where is my book, I thought you said I'll have it soon!" Gold replied not even sensing my presence.Immediately she looked my direction,she was so startled.

"Oh my Gosh!you are so very pretty!" She exclaimed running to me not minding the English she had used and forgetting what brought her there.

"Tha...Thank-you!" I replied to her as she touched my hair which looked electrified.

"What's your name?where are you from?where do you study?Can we be friends?" Gold asked me without even breathing.

She took my hand and pulled me away to a very beautifully decorated stairs.I just looked at Jay B as I ran along with his sister.We entered the room and I stood to my tracks.The room was extravagant,it was as if I had entered in a new world away from my world.saying I was surprised was an understatement-I was shocked.

"please breath,"She said and pulled my hand as she chuckled.That was when I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding for a while now.

"Okay now let us get to know each other,"She told me as she put me to sit on her double-decker master bed.

We got to know each other and we even played until mother's knock disrupted us.

"Bella we have to leave,hurry or we'll be late."

Gold hugged me and told me to visit them again. Before we left,I went to the kitchen and found Jay B with my novel which I had left on the table.He seemed interested so I said,"Take care of it." And flashed him a quick smile.