
The Return of the Grim Reaper

Set in Japan in the year 2022, the city of Tokyo faces mysterious nighttime events, caused by a group of masked people. As the police and military investigate, they receive a threatening message from an entity known as "THE REAPER", revealing the existence of a spy organization backed by the Japanese government. This organization becomes a key player in the midst of growing global tension that culminates in a Third World War, triggered by a series of devastating attacks blamed on THE REAPER. Twenty years later, during the war, each country develops magical abilities and establishes magic academies to train young people in the use of these powers. The spy organization, Grim Reaper, led by THE REAPER, mysteriously disappears, leaving uncertainty about its fate. At the Magic Academy, Raizor, an unknown character who returns to action after seven years of absence, joins in searching for his sister, involved in the war. Without revealing his identity, Raizor prepares for the entrance test, while detecting a weak surveillance charm and facing the uncertain future that awaits him.

Sha_dow409 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 19: Germany's Traitors



In Germany Erick and Raizor were on a mission to locate and assassinate the strongest commander of the country, since no one manages to defeat him because of the great affinity he has with the fire element, thanks to that he defeated most of the troops of the countries.

This caught Raizor's attention and he decided to go to look for him to see if he is really strong just because he has an affinity with the fire element, besides he thinks it is strange that someone is so strong just because he has an affinity with that element.

They both arrived at one of the German army barracks, where the soldiers were sleeping except for the commander and a girl who was talking to him.

"Erick you know what to do" Raizor tells him as he stares at the commander, Erick nods and disappears.

Raizor smiles and jumps breaking the roof of the place making everyone wake up, the commander quickly looked at who was the person who did that and was in shock as he felt the presence of him.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation commander" Raizor tells him with a smile as he walks towards the commander who is nervous and somewhat overwhelmed by Raizor's presence.

"Who the hell are you?" Asks one of the soldiers who was about to attack him, but he sees how his commander beckons him not to do that stupid thing.

"I see the reaper has a lot of time on his hands" The commander tells him with a somewhat nervous smile as he tries to keep his gaze fixed on Raizor.

"Two choices commander, let your team captain die or face me in a fight to the death" Raizor said looking at him with a smile while everyone is shocked but then hesitates about what he said since he is alone so it would be easy to finish him off.

"Choose fast commander or say goodbye to your captain" He is told by a voice coming from behind the commander who turns around and sees Erick next to the captain holding a knife that is on her neck.

Everyone was shocked even the captain herself as no one sensed Erick's presence not even the commander could tell when Erick entered.

"Alright, I will fight you" Said the commander leaving his companions surprised and speechless, but no one said anything they respected his decision.

Raizor smiled and attacked the commander who received a punch that took him out flying breaking a wall, he got up barely realizing that he does not feel his left arm since he managed to put his arm so that the blow did not hurt so much.

"I see you really are strong, someone else would have died" Raizor tells him as he walks over, but then stops when he sees the commander pulls out a gun and points it at him.

The commander fires twenty bullets and Raizor raises his hand catching them all leaving everyone dumbfounded except for the commander who sighs and drops the gun.

"I knew that wouldn't work on you" Said the commander with a nervous smile as he starts walking towards Raizor who smiles and does the same.

They both then start running and a fist fight begins, where the commander takes two punches and an area kick that sends him flying out.

Rain pours down his face as he recovers, clutching his abdomen from the hard kick he received, but before the commander could recover properly, Raizor appears in front of him throwing about fifteen consecutive punches that the commander could barely block five.

The commander falls to his knees in front of Raizor who knees him in the face and then kicks him in the stomach sending him flying into the rubble.


"Why do you want to assassinate our commander?" Asks the captain looking sideways at Erick who is still holding the knife to her neck.

"Because it's our job" Erick replies grimly surprising the captain and his companions who try to act, but he doesn't let go of her which prevents them from being able to get in.

"So you murder people who are capable of being better than others, that's hypocritical" Says the captain without being afraid that Erick could murder her in a second, but then she feels how he withdraws the knife and steps back.

"Captain, at what point did I say we murder powerful people" Erick tells her staring into the eyes of the captain who gets nervous at the look on his face.

"What do you mean?" The captain asks him as she prepares to fight which makes Erick sigh since he doesn't want to fight her.

"I mean it doesn't matter if someone is stronger than another, the reaper chooses his target for something and no one is spared from that" Erick answers smiling getting ready to fight the captain who disappears from his sight.

The captain appears behind Erick who easily blocks the blow to then give her a kick that makes her retreat grabbing her abdomen and being surprised by his great reaction.

Erick tries to approach the captain, but twenty soldiers stood in front of him protecting their captain until she recovers.

"Captain, see with your own eyes what it really means to be someone better than the rest" Erick tells her with a smile to immediately snap his fingers and most of the soldiers fall to the ground dead.

"What did you do?" The frightened captain asks him after seeing how five of her men fell to the ground dead.

"Show you what it really means to be of another level and be compared to the reaper" Erick replies looking at the captain who is speechless since she understood what he meant.

The soldiers started to attack him among all of them, but no one could hit him at all since Erick dodged them all at an inhuman speed leaving the captain surprised.

"Affinity with the Earth element: Catastrophe mother Earth" Erick says making his right hand begins to emanate a brown aura, then he punches the floor generating a huge earthquake that shakes the entire city.

The entire barracks was destroyed by the earthquake leaving a huge crater in sight, all the soldiers were killed by the falling debris, but the only ones who survived were Erick and the captain who was in shock after seeing everything that happened in a matter of seconds.

"Who the hell are you?" The captain asks her as she stands up shaking with fear as she looks at Erick who approaches her who giving just a few meters away staring at her.

"I am the reaper's right hand man, captain" Erick replies with a smile looking at the captain who is petrified with fear especially when she sees the aura of darkness emanating from his eyes.

The captain gets up quickly and lunges at Erick who dodges and blocks her blows at an incredible speed leaving her almost out of breath as she can't keep up with him.

Erick blocks a final combo of ten punches and kicks from the captain who is exhausted and only watches as he closes in to immediately follow up with three punches in a row and an area kick that knocks her unconscious.

"Well, with that I'm done here" Erick says looking around to then grab the captain and tie her up in a part where there is no destroyed.

Erick leaves the area and stays on the roof of a building looking at Raizor who has on his knees the commander who was in shock after seeing the great destruction that Erick did with the earthquake.


After the commander comes out of the rubble when Raizor had thrown him he falls on his knees in front of him holding his abdomen and staring at him without fear of his presence calling Raizor's attention a little bit.

"Commander, I give you two options..." Raizor tells him with a smile while looking at the commander who is left thinking about the answer he will give him, as he can't believe what Raizor said.

"I choose the second option, reaper" Says the commander standing up with his gaze fixed on Raizor who smiles and turns around, but before he can leave around ten helicopters and more than thirty soldiers surrounded Raizor.

"The traitor's name is... John" The commander tells him to then disappear from the scene and look for the captain and leave the place.

Raizor smiles when he hears that name since in his head was always going through the possibility that John would never tell them anything about his past or about who he was.

"Dark element affinity: abyss destroyer ray" Raizor says with a smile and then he snaps his fingers and a dark ray falls on all the helicopters destroying them, the soldiers were in shock after seeing what happened, but then they started to shoot at Raizor.

"They really are stupid" Raizor said after everyone stopped shooting, but most of them couldn't believe he was untouched.

"Earth element affinity: death stakes" Raizor said with a smile, closing his right hand which emanates a brown colored aura and then hits on the ground from which stakes come out and pierce through the soldiers killing them instantly.

Raizor leaves the scene without leaving a trace of anyone, he meets Erick in the corner building where he also saw everything that happened, Raizor tells him what the commander told him leaving him a little surprised, but not so much since he also suspected John.

"What do we do now Raizor?" Erick asks him looking at the city next to Raizor who sits on the edge of the building looking at the good view of the sunrise.

"We will go back to Japan, but we won't say anything about John I will let it go for now, besides I have to find my sister and we also have to help Mr. Striker with the request he sent us" Raizor answers as he stands up looking at the sunrise to then turn around and leave followed by Erick who smiles.

End of flashback 

After Raizor, Erick and Euphi returned to the house they were lucky that only Lena was there since Emma had left again, but the weird thing was that Jack and John had left together according to what Lena told them.

"Do you know where they went Lena?" Raizor asks him as he sits in a chair looking at Lena who shakes her head at the question, but then walks over to him and notices a few small drops of blood falling from Raizor's body.

"Raizor let me see your body for a moment" Lena says realizing she said it without thinking about how what she said would sound, but Raizor laughs as do Euphi and Erick making Lena blush.

"Relax Lena, I'm fine don't worry" Raizor tells her with a chuckle as he looks at Lena with a smile to let her know he's fine and she shouldn't worry about him.

Then they all went to sleep, but Raizor stayed awake to after so many years put back on his black suit that he always wore in the past, he goes to Lena's room and gives her a kiss on her forehead and then leaves the house bumping into Erick.

"Take care of both of them, and come only if I give you the signal" Raizor tells him with a smile after passing by Erick who also smiles and nods to what he told him.

Raizor heads towards the top of a building looking in the direction of an area that was destroyed, where two people John and Jack are talking.

"Let the hunt begin" Raizor said in his mind with a smile to then disappear into the darkness of the night to then appear in the part of the area where the two guys are talking, Raizor stays listening to their conversation.

"How can you be so stupid Jack?" John asks staring at Jack who sighs as it is also the other's fault for not warning him that they were going to go investigate that place.

"You know I was going to go, at least you went with Erick and not Raizor" Replies Jack looking at John who sighs looks in the direction of the city thinking about what will happen when Raizor realizes that the two of them are the traitors that came all the way from Germany.

"Putting that aside, Emma won't be able to accomplish the mission she was given and you know it" John says looking at Jack fixedly, seeing how he looks away knowing he is right in what he said.

"I know, but she doesn't want anyone to meddle so we can't do anything to help her" Jack says crossing his arms now looking at John who turns around thinking that sooner or later Raizor will end up finding out.

Raizor listens to what they say, but stays waiting for the moment when they mention what he precisely wants to hear.

"Hey John, why didn't you ever end up with Raizor?" Jack asks him staring at him, watching as John turns around smiling at him in a calm manner as if he knew that answering him would sentence his death.

"Because I would never dare to assassinate the person who decides who lives or dies after all Raizor will always be the most powerful person in the world, and no one can deny that" John answers looking up at the sky appreciating the stars, but then he feels the presence of someone else behind Jack who also turns quickly.

"Hey relax it's me" The girl tells them with a smile watching as these two sigh in relief when they see that it was Emma and not someone else John thought.

"What are you doing here Emma?" Jack asks her looking at her curiously as she is supposed to be heading back to Germany to give her report to the three's superiors.

"I wanted to let you know that the invincible knight is dead" Emma says watching as John stands in shock getting Jack's attention who was about to ask her what's wrong but John interrupted him.

"If Roy was killed that means that-" John couldn't finish speaking as out of nowhere he felt the most dangerous presence in the world behind him it didn't take him a second to turn around be on the defensive.

"That I already know the truth, John" Said the presence with a smile leaving the three in shock to see who it was.

"Raizor" John said in a nervous voice as he looked fearfully at the reaper who only smiled then took a step and the three fell to their knees from the high pressure presence Raizor has towards them.

"I must say Emma's betrayal surprised me, but now I ask you John, should I let them live?" Raizor asks him with a smile as he grabs John by the collar of his shirt to then block an attempted knife attack from Emma who is surprised by his quick reaction.

Emma's attack on Raizor only made one thing clear that her target is him just as the reaper thought, but now what worries John the most is that he knows Raizor won't let any of them get out of there alive, as the reaper spares no one.