
The Return Of The Exalted

Grey the 16 old boy who leaved the capital city of Astron 6 years ago, return again to Astron after getting recommendation to joined The Holy Oax High School. The Holy Oax High School is one of the advanced school that teaches the Ability Awakeners after they turned 16 years old. Grey joined the school so he can able to find the murderers of his teacher and andy's parents. Follow him and see what he was going to do next. Warning [Synopsis was not completed, when I write the next chapters the synopsis will be written again. Thank You.] And you guys can also support me by reading my another novel [The God-King Become A Mortal Again!] please read it from chapter 45 for better language.

RogueAkon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Beginning [Part I]

Awakens of abilities.

In the year 1990 everything begins when the first person with awakens abilities appeared in front of the people.

Everyone believes this was the god's gift or either mutation, but everything changes when he tried to harm with his supernatural powers. To stop him from destroying the peace of the world, many large powers begin to research with each other to create an entity with similar supernatural powers.

With that everything begins to change. Many large powers begins to research this strange thing and gave birth to a 'Supernatural entity'. As time passed the abnormal people with supernatural powers begin to appear in many places. Causing many countries to create a special division in that direction "Ability Awakeners."

Naturally, one person could awaken his ability at the age of 7 at most when he turns 16. If it's not, he can still be awakened artificially using genetic engineering.

At the end of the twenty-first century, in 2075, the nations of the world still have not shown signs of any treaty. They still compete with each other in the fostering of ability awakeners.

With that, the "Ability Awakeners" become a force that could protect the entirety of the country. Using them both as a weapon and power itself. And to find the rare ability awakeners "Country Astern" made a decision and start "The First Awakeners" University. That could gather all the rare and powerful ability awakeners and trained them under their shadows to make them a pillar of this country.

The Holy Oax High School is affiliated with The First Awakeners University. It is known for being the most advanced institute for Ability Awakeners. Which graduates the greatest number of students to the First Awakeners University every year.

At the same time, it is an elite school that produces the greatest number of skilled ability users, who are known as "Awakeners."

There is an official stance to give equal opportunities to every Ability Awakeners after they turned 16. When the ability holder turned 16 he will get an official letter from the government to join one of the high schools under the command of the "First Ability Awakeners University." And with that, if the individual student has high potential or the rare ability he could get the chance to transfer to The Holy Oax High School that is stood in the capital of Astron.


It was early in the morning, the last day of January, month. Grey was packing his stuff in a small bag. The room was messy, everything was thrown everywhere. As he couldn't find something he was searching for he frowned as he dashed out of his room.

"Hey Mom, have you seen my favorite t-shirt?" Grey exclaimed climbing down the stairs, he was in a hurry. But for his exclamation, he didn't get any answers. On the left side of his side, there was an antique clock hanging to the wall it was clearly showing what time is now.

Grey looked at the clock and his face suddenly sank. As he squealed once again: "Mom, are you listening to me, where is my favorite t-shirt. It was already too let I still have to pack my other belongings." Grey was shouting again and again but to his shout, he didn't get any responses at all.

He grimaced as he look at his surroundings, the place was very spacious. Two couches were on the ground parallel to each other with beautiful designs on them, and in the middle of them standing a vase with a unique design on it, the table that was made of complete glass with 30cm x 30cm wide, and a height that could reach of a 1 meter long. And in front of one of the couches hanging a T.V on the wall showing the morning news.

"We are standing in the middle of city M that was partially destroyed by the group of no names. It was one of the groups who was standing against the government authorities and trying to harassed innocent people on the way who were trying to do their regular activities. But the group of people suddenly stopped and ran away when the C.I.A.A [Central Investigation Awakeners Association] people appeared with the nearby authorities." On the news, there were some people who were fighting against each other and were trying to destroy the government properties. But when the sudden groups of people appeared with powerful abilities and the nearby authorities they ceased the fight and ran away.

Grey watch the news for a second and switched off the T.V. and he looked at his left side as he suddenly screeched: "Hey Dad, have you seen mom?" His dreary blue eyes begin to show a frustrating look. As he walks in the direction of his father who completely forgot about his existence.

"Oh! She was getting mentally prepared to see you off." The man said with a stern face. The man was very muscular at least at the age of 48. And trying very hard to make something with utmost sincerity.

"Dad, what are you doing." Grey comes to his father's direction stand opposite the side of the kitchen and looked what his father was really trying to make this diligently.

He takes a glance, at what his father was cooking off. In one of the big rose bowl that was completely made of transparent glass, a black-looking substance was added with other fresh ingredients and was getting blend with other ingredients with the help of short silverware. When it was getting blended with other ingredients the scent of smell it was circulating make Grey almost vomit. The smell was really disgusting that made Grey's nose bristle to sting.

Grey suddenly steps backward and dashed into the direction of his parent's room. When he begins to run his short purple hairs unexpectedly begin to fly in the mid-air.

Seeing Grey leaving hastily his father abruptly exclaims at him: "Grey, do you want to try it, it was my new recipe for your departure."

"No! I think I was already full after our dinner last night. And I was not feeling hungry any time soon. I think I should go and check up on mom!" Grey hastily said as he turned left, in the middle of his rush.

The dish his father has made is not edible to any human beings, not even for the animals. After all the ingredients are blended with each other its begins to spread a spooky stink all around the kitchen area. But Grey's father wasn't able to sense this scent.

"Okay then! You don't want it, then I should give it to Bo. Maybe he should have become hungry after playing too much!" His father shows little disheartened feelings but then shook his head and begins to work diligently on his new recipe.


A creaked sound arose, with a small puppy appeared with a piece of red color clothing in his jaws. The piece of red clothing in his jaw was ripped in many places and had become dirty with mud all over it. The puppy was looked very cute with a small figure covered by white furs all over his body, and his golden color big rounded eyes were checking the surroundings enthusiastically. As he has heard the words of Grey's father the puppy silently turned on his place and quietly left the house once again.