
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 9 - Everyday moving (2)

—It was your uncle who arranged to purchase it for a small sum. — said the father, distracted for a moment from the guard with whom he was talking. Already at the gate, the servants who had flown in from America were waiting for us to continue working for our family.

— Wow, bro, look! There is a pond in which fish swim! — the little sister enthusiastically pointed her finger in the direction of the decorative pond.

— I see, I see. — I nodded to her. — And where did you and Mom want to settle? — I asked my parents.

— Your father was thinking about Russia. — Alice said as she walked past the gate, also looking around the estate. — I was thinking about Sweden or France, but Europe is now all... unfavorable for us, let's say. Therefore, Japan was the best fit, we know the language and there are enough acquaintances here. Yes, even you have a friend here. — mom hinted at Shizuka, who has already graduated from university and recently arrived ... yes, yes, it is in this city. As it turned out, her friend here had a solid house with a huge car, that's how the blonde described it. That's why she decided to find a job here, and it didn't take long for a young girl with a good education to be accepted... no, not to the hospital, as I expected, but as a nurse at the local academy.

— Mom! — Alice (sister. Guys who know similar names with alice let me know. In the original it's two different name that sounds similar) shouted, because she doesn't like that all sorts of curvy blondes communicate with her brother. — Felix, you have me, so don't try... — the girl wanted to say something, but she thought about it. — You know, bro, I think I'm ready for our training. I want you to teach me how to fight so that I can drive away all sorts of ... — the girl clearly wanted to call Shizuka a bad word but restrained herself.

— How jealous you are with me. — I said at the same time, starting to squeeze my sister, who really liked it.

— I just love you... bro. — she said softly with a reddened face.

— I love you too, Alice. — I told her softly.

— Yeah, are they so similar in character, or do I not understand something? — Eric muttered, looking at our relationship with my sister. — Roman and I used to fight a lot…

— Felix, will you take me to my new school? — Alice asked, taking my hand.

— Of course, he will guide you, since you will go to the same school. — Mom said. — Felix and don't look at me like that, it's time for you to make friends with someone your own age... except Alice. — she added when her sister wanted to be indignant.

— Ma-am. — I drawled piteously looking at the woman. — I don't need it... there will be a bunch of kids for whom reading a book is considered an achievement. And solving a problem at the blackboard, so in general, will make you a nerd…

— Don't be silly, we studied the local order together, so you know perfectly well that this is not the case ... although perhaps you are right about the task to some extent. —Alice said uncertainly. Then we began to inspect the estate and mom said that I might find a friend at school ... after these words, Alice's face hardened and she measured Alice with a strange look, so mom decided to hush up the topic.

Alice and I started school life in Japan two days later, and if Alice already went to school in New York, then I didn't have such an experience, however, I wasn't too worried. There were several primary and secondary schools in the city, our parents enrolled us in the most prestigious... of course.

My sister was purposeful in her decision to learn how to give back if necessary, so she really began to study with me on the day of arrival. Of course, I was not against her determination, because I thought it would be useful for the girl to be able to stand up for herself. Only now there was a sudden problem, namely, the kind of sister. She seemed to put on a minimum of clothes on purpose and snuggled up to me whenever possible, which could not but affect me, after all, I am almost thirteen years old.

And two days later, the driver took us to school. Parents could do this, but they are busy now, because they have not yet fully got along in a new place, and they need to go to the office located on the border with Tokyo.

— Rain ... brother, let's go together under an umbrella. — Alice suggested.

— There's only a couple of meters to go... okay, okay, don't build such a face, little manipulator. — I snorted when she made a pleading expression on her face and after my consent, she smiled and grabbed my hand, opened the umbrella. — Hmm, the finger is pointed at us and all because of the way you snuggle up to me.

— Don't you like it? — she asked, not even going to let go of my hand.

— Hmm, actually I like it. I just don't like to stare like that…

— So, you would take off your glasses, then they would look less. Although no… it won't help. — she said, looking at me. — Felix, why do you have such beautiful eyes, and I don't? — she asked a strange question, slightly pouting…

— Genetics. — that's all I said to her. — Yes, and with this eye sensitivity, everything is not as good as you might think.

— We're going to meet at recess, right? Because I'll come to you, you have class 2-A, right? Good. — she nodded her head seriously. My sister and I have a year difference, so she is a grade lower. That is, if I go to class 2—A, then Alice is in 1—A, but the classes must be close to each other. Already at school, we went to classes, or rather, the teacher met me and asked me to introduce myself to the class ... Japanese traditions.

— Ahem, I was asked to introduce myself... and what do they usually say in such cases? — I turned to the teacher who awkwardly smiled at the class. But in the class, itself, there was a sensual interest in me. Since many girls looked at me with a kind of sparkle in their eyes, and the guys on the contrary, as if they were jealous of my appearance.

— Just tell me your name, age and hobby, I think that will be enough... and also, can you take off these glasses? — the teacher asked.

— I can, but I don't want to, it's due to sensitivity in the eyes, haven't you been informed? — I asked her, and she just pursed her lips and nodded. — Okay, let's get this over with. My name is Felix Vaddergov, but it will be difficult for you to pronounce my last name, so you can address me by my first name. I am twelve and a half, or rather twelve and eight months. My hobbies include many different things, but the main thing is science, technology... well, maybe fighting. — I finished introducing myself to the class and noticed that at the word "struggle" a purple-haired girl looked at me with some interest.

— Fine, then take a seat in an empty seat and we'll start the lesson. — the teacher spoke kindly. I myself decided to sit behind this purple-haired girl, since there was an empty seat there. However, there was still an empty seat next to some chubby kid, but I'd rather sit next to a pretty girl.

As soon as the lesson ended, my desk was immediately surrounded by girls and a hail of questions fell down, which I tried to answer. There were questions about glasses and about the color of my hair, they also asked where I came from. But some guys looked at me like a wolf…