
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 8 - Everyday moving

— Felix-kun, I advise you to take off this bandage. You have to see the opponent's movements sharper and clearly. — he said, looking straight at me. Now I was wearing a tracksuit that did not restrict my movement, but I took off my shoes, since I had to stand on the floor in socks.

— Sorry, Busujima-san, it's a habit. — I took off the blindfold, and the man just looked at my eyes and nodded to something of his own. — Now I will check your stretching, as this is a very important moment, so that you do not damage your muscles and ligaments. Then I will start showing you the necessary movements and for today your task will be to repeat them. — Sensei said and began to check the stretching of the beginners and gave the older one's other exercises. After making sure that everything was fine, he began to show the first movements.

I watched closely how he performs them when he unbends his fingers and when, on the contrary, he bends them. When he finished, the technique of these movements was already formed in my head and, closing my eyes, I began to repeat them and not only, but I also repeated the breathing technique, completely repeated the recently shown movements.

— Stop. — a voice sounded next to me. —Your movements are almost flawless... hmm. Your uncle told me that you can be an unusual student, but to do so... you have a gift. — he said and, noticing my smile, continued. — Even so, this is not a reason to be arrogant. You. — He pointed at the older student. — Get in the ring, demonstrate a couple of moves. Defeat is counted when your opponent is lying on the floor.

— Um, but he's a kid... got it. — the guy said when he noticed the look of their temporary teacher. — Sorry, kid, you heard everything yourself. — he said, and when Sensei gave the start, I had to block some punches, but because of my inability to use them at the right moments, and having no experience of fighting, I quickly found myself pinned back to the floor.

— It shows that talent is not everything. Yes, you can start to resent that you haven't learned anything yet and I immediately put you against someone who is older and more experienced... get used to it. I have been through a lot with Roma, and I will teach his nephew with dignity. And no matter how much I love martial arts, in a real fight, everything is rarely fair. Let's see what your talent is worth, get up.

— Yes, I got it. — I started to get up... and I was already beginning to think that everything would be easy here, but no. Really, what good is it that I know the movements if I don't know how to apply them?

Fortunately, I didn't need a lot of time to get used to hand-to-hand fights. I absorbed all the techniques he showed me like a sponge and could immediately repeat it, which certainly stunned him, but he did not give me a reason to be proud and constantly showed how weak I was. Moreover, after a week of classes, fourteen-year-olds could no longer cope with me, since I surpassed them in speed and strength, and my technique was many times better than them. The teacher constantly complicated my training, increased the load on my body, and I always got used to them and went ahead. Four months, that's how long it took me to strike the first blow at the teacher and two more months to spar with him on equal terms. He left with his head held high and eventually called me a student, but also advised me to continue training so that my talent would not be idle.

— Kid, you have earned the respect of the master, be proud of it. — Roman said, driving up with his father in the car to pick me up.

— It's a pity that he's already leaving. — Eric said. — Felix, get in the car and let's go home.

— Why are you two here?

— I was coming back from the directors' meeting. So, Roma decided to pick me up on the way back. — Eric explained. On the way home, my father was interested in my future plans and hinted that my mother insists that I go to school, at least for socialization, as she worries about me and is afraid that I will withdraw into myself and a couple of people.

Over these little more than six months, my body has become more fit, and I have greatly stretched in height, and my endurance has grown considerably with strength. I also noticed this when I sparred with Master Busujima and other people older than my age. After all, one technique is not enough to withstand the blows of adult men directly, there is also a need for strength, of which I have quite a lot, oddly enough.

When I had free time after the end of training with the master, I decided to take a closer look at this issue. In our laboratory in the company building, I took an office for a couple of days and decided to examine my blood... and immediately found something that shouldn't be there. More precisely, as I found out, at the first analysis everything seemed to be as usual, but as soon as I worked out and brought my body to fatigue, strange results immediately appeared.

There is something in my body that mimics the cells of the body and during heavy physical exertion, they literally somehow change the property of my muscles, albeit for a short time. This result scared me at first, but after I realized that everything was fine for twelve and a half years, so I just need to calm down.

Upon further study, I was able to understand that these microorganisms are nothing more than... a virus. In any case, they are very similar to a virus, but it is too passive, as if in a dormant state.

For the next six months, I was doing nothing but studying it and checking whether my parents had it and, as I found out, not. Only my sister and I have it, and I have a lot more of it. But I didn't get any particularly useful data, because I just didn't understand what I was working with and didn't have a clean copy of this virus.

And soon something unexpected happened, namely, in the New York building of our company, where I visit quite often, an explosion occurred that destroyed part of the building. It happened just on the day when my father and mother and I were supposed to watch the presentation of a new drug. But my eyes hurt again, and strange pictures appeared in my head that I just couldn't understand, but it was enough that we didn't come to the show ... It's quite unpleasant to realize your helplessness that you absolutely could not do anything in such a situation, and you are alive only thanks to pure luck. But it was this feeling that gave me the impetus to develop further.

The terrorist attack that took place, and it can't be anything else, seriously scared us. After all, it was not a random terrorist attack, but arranged by those to whom our company became objectionable, more precisely, our family. Alex assumed that Umbrella was to blame for this, since he still resists them and does not allow them to completely absorb his company and the company of his ancestors ... apparently this was a hint that there might not be a second chance. It is because of this that we decided to move to the place where we have the most friends and acquaintances in senior positions — Japan. And the city we moved to was Fujisawa, the city my uncle and I had already been to. It was possible to settle in Tokyo, but there is a branch of the Umbrella corporation there, so the choice fell on this city.

— Hmm, yes, this estate is bigger than ours in New York... and in other places. — I whistled, looking at the Japanese-style estate. Previously, this place belonged to some old Japanese clan, but after that the place was rebuilt several times and eventually took this form. The territory of the estate itself was located on the border of the city, near the mountains and surrounded by a small forest. There was still some old shabby building nearby, but the estate was still impressive.