
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 35 - Everyday changes (2)

— "Ouch, who hit me on the head with a stool?" — the first thing that came out of my mouth when I woke up. I still felt a throbbing pain all over my body, but it quickly passed and became insignificant. — "Okay, since I don't go and throw myself at ordinary people, it means I didn't become one of the infected. " — I got up... and saw that I was in a broken bathtub, or rather it used to be a bathroom. Now this acrylic bathtub was as if flattened and broken into small pieces. But after that I finally noticed that the room was all... kind of broken and with broken walls. Yes, there was even a huge dent in the floor, as if a grenade had exploded here.

—" That's weird. "— I said when I saw a couple more potholes in different corners of the room, and then I heard a terrible crack, as if something heavy had fallen and the wall I was looking at seemed to explode. More precisely, it looked as if an invisible hand had hit her and knocked out a two-meter hole, scattering her various materials around and raising dust.

Now I have noticed something else. My eyesight became even better, I began to really feel what was happening around me. It was as if an invisible sixth sense prompted me and transmitted the sensations directly to my head.


The door seemed to be knocked out by a battering ram and it flew off its hinges with a bang somewhere further away. And now I clearly felt what had just happened. I have been trying for years to develop my ability to telekinesis and I have almost failed, but I remembered the feeling itself in a few successful attempts and now I felt something similar. And so, to check, I squinted at the double—hung window... and it seemed to squeeze out of the wall. There was no visible tension, just an invisible force tore out the window, leaving a gaping hole in the wall.

— "Okay, this is more interesting..." — I muttered as I approached the hole. From the outside I saw a familiar building and looking down, I determined that I was on the sixth floor of the hotel ... I often saw it when I passed by, so I remembered. Infected people milled around below and gathered attracted by the noise of fallen debris.

— "So, it can kill by accident. " — I noticed when I turned away from the hole and immediately heard another crack, and then there were even more holes in the floor ... and it seems to me that I need to leave this room, otherwise it may collapse. Which I actually did after moving to another room. Moreover, there were no infected people in the corridor, apparently this floor was empty during the beginning of infection.

While I was moving from one room to another, I tore a couple of doors off their hinges again. It turned out completely involuntarily, as soon as I looked at them, they immediately bent, and I couldn't control it right away. And that's why I decided to sit on the bed and relax... and it was clearly not the best idea. I literally felt some kind of wave coming from me at that moment, after which the wall opposite me just collapsed with a loud sound, leaving a four—meter hole. This time, the force that knocked out the wall was stronger and the fragments of the wall flew to the neighboring building and broke a couple of windows.

It took me about an hour to find out and feel the same sensation that occurs when using telekinesis. Trying to control these forces, I was still thinking about the current situation in parallel. I survived and it's very good, and it seems that my nails haven't grown on my hands and I don't want to eat fresh meat yet. Did I expect to be able to survive? I had such suspicions, but they quickly disappeared under the weight of the symptoms that appeared. I didn't find any wounds on my arm and chest from the shot, as well as the bite itself. The skin was pristine white as before.

After some time, I got out of bed and tried to remove the hair stuck together in something from my forehead and for this I went into the bathroom.

— "Apparently bleeding from the eyes again." — I muttered, watching my own, seemingly unchanged face in the mirror, unless the blood spoils the picture a little, but everything is as usual. (picture)

I relaxed my vigilance a little and cobwebs of cracks began to appear on the glass, so I pulled myself together and took the phone out of my pocket, which turned out to be still working, which undoubtedly pleased me. It was now the second of April, which means I had been lying here for about a day, which is not so bad. And the water in the tub was still flowing, and the light turned on as soon as I pressed the switch

—" Well, come on ..." — I dialed Alicia's number and the beeps went off, only after a second the call was interrupted, so I tried to write a message, but it froze in the process of sending.

After a few more attempts, I gave up this case, apparently something happened that day, which affected the usual connection. We have a screened satellite dish in our mansion, and other useful military-style things, so everything probably works there.

— "Okay, we should at least send a voice message. " — I decided. — "Alicia, I'm not sure you can hear me, but don't you dare follow me. Stay at the estate and I'll come myself. And yes, I'm fine. " — I said and saw that the voice message was still not delivered, so I just sighed heavily and fell asleep with the phone in my pants. I was now almost in the center of the city and it wasn't too far to the estate, but it was desirable to have a car.

Surprisingly, I didn't really want to eat, so I didn't hesitate to go to the stairwell to go down to the first floor. And as soon as I passed the first flight down, I saw that I had not been eaten because of the noises during the time I was lying in a blackout. The openings were separated by a door and here the door was locked on my side, and there were several infected howling. And on the way here I found a couple of bodies on the stairs, so most likely even in my delirium I dealt with them, and then found a bath and lay down there.

— "Maybe I can find some weapons." — after these words, an infected person crashed into the door opposite me, which created an unpleasant screech for me, and after ... yes, again my telekinesis broke out of control and simply demolished the door along with the infected one. And the last one smeared on the wall into which the door flew.

— "Hr-a-a?" — somehow another infected person growled questioningly, who was standing a little to the side. But this did not prevent him from purposefully moving in my direction with a desire to taste human beings. In general, the fact that I cause such a reaction from them is good, so they do not consider me one of their own.

—" I'm sorry, my friend, I don't have any other weapons." — this time I purposefully wanted to raise the infected... and I did it without any problems. More precisely, I didn't feel anything like fatigue or tension at all. Twisting the infected person's mind in the air, I decided to just squeeze his head, but…

— "Shit…" — I squeezed his whole body and now a bloody meat ball of flesh and broken bones floats in front of me. What used to be an ordinary person formed like paper under the power of my telekinesis. After passing by these remains, because the longer I looked at them, the more I felt somehow not good ... yes, you can't prepare for such a fuck, I went on.

While I was going down, I managed to tear off the head of several more infected, and some even flattened against the walls. But if earlier I tried to keep this power and not let it spill out of me, now I was learning to control its use and, frankly, I would have had it earlier... I am literally almost invulnerable to infected. I can just pick them up by the dozens and do anything with them, even throw them aside at great speed so that when they collide with any objects they break all their bones and head, even just tear off or flatten their head with the power of thought.

And so, once I was on the first floor of the hotel and dealt with a couple of infected people, I looked out the window ... dozens of infected people were wandering around the street, loitering near the recently fallen debris. It would be possible to try to pass quietly and without too much noise… but here is a mental desire and the car soars into the air ... and then, with a screech of metal, it deforms in some places, thereby attracting the attention of all local infected. But this is not a problem, the details, the door, the mirror, the roof, the wheels come off the car and all this rushes into the infected, just crushing them out of the way. They simply turned out to be helpless against such a force, and in less than a minute the infected were almost invisible on the street.

As soon as I went out into the street stained with the blood of infected people, I heard a characteristic sound. Shot from police revolvers. This sound came from the direction of the police station, which was about three hundred meters from the hotel, if you shorten the path through the doorways. Hmm, I know where the keys to the official cars are in this police station, so maybe this is the best choice for me. After all, I don't know how to steal any cars without keys, somehow, I didn't need to learn this.