
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime e quadrinhos
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49 Chs

Chapter 3 -Everyday knowledge (2)

My sister often threw tantrums, because she wanted to walk with me and at first she did so, another thing was that she was very bored. Therefore, mom decided to load her with tutors so that the girl would have something to do. And seeing that I spend a lot of time on books, she also followed my example. Of course, she didn't learn to read right away, but after a couple of months of practice, she can now read various children's fairy tales, well, or not complicated stories. She was afraid to get behind me and wanted to be close, so she studied hard.

Over time, I began to spend more and more time in the walls of the scientific department, where I began to slowly help doctors, bring them documents and the like. They appreciated my help and most often answered my questions without any problems, and sometimes just said out loud their thoughts about their work. I listened, absorbed and, most importantly, learned and understood. From the usual bring and serve, I began to talk with doctors and often argue this or that proposal based on purely scientific and intuitive knowledge.

It's been two years since I first got into the science department, and I turned eight and now I was in Alice's office.

— Mom, are you sure these documents have the correct dates? —I held up two sheets of paper with a hint.

— Let me see... hmm, really. Well done son. — she kissed me on the forehead and began to correct the documents. — Did you molest Dr. Harper again today with Melanie? — she asked, without taking her eyes off the papers.

— What kind of pestering... just asking a couple of questions. — I said, looking away.

— I see… he has already come to complain several times, says that if you are so smart yourself and work in his place. — she chuckled.

— Can I? — I immediately tried to grab at straws, but...

— You're eight years old, what do you think? Eh, I actually thought that you would quickly get tired of all this scientific stuff ... apparently, I was wrong to think so. Okay, honey, now I'll sort the documents by dates and let's go eat in the dining room. Just about half an hour later, your uncle and Alicia will come.

— Is Sis coming? I thought she was with her grandmother now.

— They have already finished, and Alicia really wanted to meet you faster. — the girl smiled.

Soon Alice finished her work and taking me by the hand, she led me to the dining room where she ordered not too healthy food... however, it's delicious, so it will do.

— Felix, you could at least sit at the table without a book. — said my mom, seeing that I was sitting with a book in my hands, and the second one was eating French fries.

— I can, I just don't want to. Here I was advised to read a couple of good authors and that's what I'm doing now. I'm thinking, maybe I shouldn't go to school, since I already have all the knowledge?

— Felix, you need live communication with children of your age ... — the woman told me quite uncertainly and seeing my raised eyebrow continued. — Okay, maybe a regular school won't suit you. Felix, that's why you must be so smart, huh?

— The smart ones usually climb up, so I want to become significant enough to protect you and my sister. — I told the truth.

— Oh, son, you are already very important to our family... where do you even have such a goal?

— As a child, I heard your conversation with my grandfather that for those who sit at the top of the Umbrella, we are all cockroaches, figuratively speaking.

— You're still a child... I don't remember such a conversation.

— That was seven years ago... or rather seven years and six months ago. — I said, and mom froze with her hand raised with food.

— I didn't understand what seven years ago... you were a newborn at all then. — she said softly, looking into my eyes. Now I have taken off my glasses, as I have recently learned to control the clarity of vision and my perception. It can be said that I see much more than an ordinary person can, I have already compared. But over the years I've gotten used to glasses or a blindfold... so I rarely take them off in the presence of strangers. Now, for example, many familiar doctors pass by me and look at my bright blue eyes. However, I'm already used to it.

— I have a very good memory. — I said easily, and after my words I heard a loud "Brother" and Alicia in a white dress ran up to me across the dining room.

— Little sister! — the girl jumped into my arms and immediately hugged me, and I was able to hold her without any problems ... in general, I noticed that I was strong enough for my age. Maybe this is another oddity along with the eyes? I'll need to check it sometime…

— Brother, I missed you so much. — she said and literally rubbed her cheek against mine, which caused emotion among the local people.

— I missed you too, how was your day?

— It's bad, because you weren't around — she told me a little poutingly. — Why can't I be with you? Mom, it's not fair. She turned to her mother.

— Sweet, don't you want to hug me? — she said with mock resentment.

— No, my brother and I are fine. — the girl smiled, continuing to hang on me. — Felix, can we... let's sleep together like before? I'm just scared to be alone.

— I don't mind. — I patted her on the head. — Just go hug your mom, otherwise she'll be upset.

— Okay... mom, come here and I'll hug you. — she said and went to hug Alice.

— You should know how much noise she made in the car. — Uncle shook his head. — "Where's my brother? How soon will we come to my brother?" — he parodied the girl's voice. — You have too good a relationship with each other. My brother and I fought often as children and, as I heard, little will change much with my sister. — he said and noticed Mom's assistant coming to our table.

— Alice, the partners have come to interview you there. — Melanie said, ignoring her uncle's interested look.

— Got it. — she nodded and quickly began to finish her lunch. — Okay, I'm off. Children behave well... Felix, we'll talk to you later.

— Melanie, how are you? I... left. — he stated when Mom's assistant turned around and followed Alice, not paying attention to Roman's words.

— Сheer up, Uncle, everything will work out for you. — I supported him. — My sister and I believe in your ability to please girls... some, yes. Melanie is not timid and generally lets few people near her, good luck. — I encouraged my uncle, whose eyebrow twitched in annoyance at my words.