

Emm…. What will I say to add to what you already know about me? My life was not that complicated while growing up but it definitely is right now. Most times I feel like, I am not normal as every other person around me. My life is more of the strange events than the normal stuffs that people call activities or recreations. I most times see myself as someone who is possessed by an evi.l spirit. Or am I wrong to use that word? I thought I was the only one who noticed my strange behaviors, but I was wrong because I discovered that my four brothers already knows that I act strange and says strange things most of the times. But is that true? I don’t think, I am just trying to tell them about what I do see in my dreams which they found funny but it wasn’t for me. I must confess that I am the odd one among my family and peers, not that I am that delusional about my personality, but I know what you are thinking right now. And yes, you are right. I hate arguing with people about who I am even when I know that they are right… Sorry, for my manners, I forgot to introduce myself to you my friend. My name is Flora and this is my story…

David_Chinedu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


I was still lost in my thoughts when his loud voice jerked me back and he asked me what I was thinking about, that was when I realized that he have been talking to me all this while with his hands stretched out.

I quickly took his hands and asked him to sit, I don't know why I asked him to sit close to me because it was actually his house, but something inside of me was in love with this guy and I will really appreciate it if he asks me out because I will never say no.

We continued talking and laughing but he never said the magic words that I have been wanting to hear. Rejoice was actually right, when you are in love, you will definitely realize that there is nothing wrong with love and relationship at a young age, because what I am feeling right now is special and I have never felt this way toward anyone in my life before.

Rejoice came out minutes later adjusting her cloths with the guy she went in with and I stood up to leave with Rejoice when the guy asked for my digits, I shamelessly told him that I do not have any phone and he seemed surprised, he handed over to me his phone, I didn't want to collect it at first but they persuaded me to collect it, that he just wanted to be in touch with me, I collected it and thanked him but when I was about to go, he asked for a new friends hug.

I have never hugged any guy in my life before, why will he ask me for a hug, a part of me was asking me to leave but the other part of me desperately wanted me to hug him, I went closer to him and hugged him but he whispered the magic words into my ears that I have been waiting for "I LOVE YOU FLORA".

As I heard those words, my body felt the impact, my legs became weak and I was sweating, I started feeling this sweetness I cannot express or describe but I knew instantly that I will surely come back to this house, I can't miss this for anything in this world.

I smiled and left with Rejoice and we went back to the hostel without talking to each other on the way, I was just smiling all through the way. When we got to the hostel, Faith and Eunice were not in, so we used our spare key to unlock the door.

I went to the bathroom and took my bath and immediately I stepped out, I checked the phone and realized that I have missed a call from an unknown number, I decided to call the number because I was suspecting it was the guy that gave me the phone.

As I was in the process of making the call, the phone started ringing, the caller id was showing Andy, I quickly picked up and it was him, he asked me whether we've gotten to our hostel, I told him yes, that we are now at the hostel and we got there few minutes ago.

He asked me whether I have had anything to eat as he knew that our school doesn't serve anyone lunch, I told him that I haven't, but I am going to take few snacks in my back pack for lunch and he told me not to worry that he was going to send someone to deliver some food to I and Rejoice, he told me that the person will call me when he is at the school gate.

We talked for almost an hour and he dropped the call, another number called me almost immediately and asked me to come and take the delivery, I rushed out and it was Jumia Food delivery man, I collected the packed food and signed on the provided column and went back into my hostel.

I called Andy to appreciate him and to inform him that I have received the ordered food, he was happy that I have received it and he promised to take care of me if only I will give a positive reply to his request.

I asked him what request, he told me that he is in love with me and wants us to be in a relationship, I felt a sharp pain deep inside my heart and my mind was telling me not to accept the offer but the guy was too handsome for disappointments and I really needed a male friend, I haven't had any male friend since I was very young and I need one at least for now. Moreover, it is not a bad thing, even Rejoice has a friend and she is still a child of God, why will mine be different?

I told him that if he ever sees me in his house again, that it will be my acceptance reply. He pleaded with me to give him a reply at the moment but I insisted that I will accept only if he sees me in his house again.

I was still talking to Andy when Eunice, and Faith walked in, as they heard the voice of Andy, they gave me that surprised and interesting look, they came closer to hear clearly what Andy was saying, I started feeling shy, so I asked Andy to end the call that I prefer us to chat after eating.

Andy noticed that I was feeling uncomfortable with the call, so he asked me to send him a message when I was done eating on Whatsapp, I accepted and he hung up the phone.

Rejoice came closer to me and started laughing, she asked me what Andy was telling me over the phone, I told her it was nothing and they continue persisting. They told me not to behave as if I am a child, that they understand what it means to be in love with someone, so I gave in and decided to tell them.

I told them that Andy is asking me out and wants me to be his girlfriend but I do not know whether it is right for me to accept it or just reject it as I was a novice in this aspect.

Eunice told me to accept it and not reject it, they continued persuading me but I didn't trust them, the only person I trusted was Rejoice who understands what being a Christian means.

I asked Rejoice what she thinks and she told me that I should accept the offer, she told me that there is actually nothing wrong with accepting Andy as my boyfriend, she told me that if we actually love each other that we might even marry each other as it happens in the movies.

God won't be offended anyways.

When she made that last statement, all the revelations, drillings, visions I have had in the past started flooding my mind again. I remembered those times when Jesus will walk into my room and just talk with me, I remembered those times that I will be alone and I will feel the presence of someone sitting close to me holding my hands.

I remember what Jesus told me when I collapsed in my mum's car, I remembered the advices of Doctor Philip, what is happening to me I asked myself, my head started spinning, I do not know what I was feeling but I am feeling uncomfortable right now.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

David_Chineducreators' thoughts