
From Ashes, A new Story (3)

"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me." – Jim Valvano

A blink, I woke up in a familiar place. It wasn't my bedroom, and yet I could still feel safe as I recognized it as my mindscape.

The place hadn't changed a little bit, possibly because it became the hub of three different souls, with two of those absolutely loving the scenery. It took me just a few moments of quiet thinking to properly get up and shrug off some of the imaginary dirt on my clothes. It was weird when this occurrence became a thing a few years ago but… I knew what was going on.

Humming quietly as I began taking the correct steps to my current destination, I paused just as soon as a small battleground entered in sight. Sally was quietly reading a book by a table near to it, while her husband-not-husband was quietly swinging his advanced cane around in a precise set of motions and attacks that I had already tested on myself.

With the chances of Salem coming up and becoming once more a problem, I had taken the last couple of years to actually train myself up to a point where I could be a little more helpful in case of trouble. It wasn't enough to set me off against Grimm and expect me to win without proper equipment, but I was versatile in fighting against any pawn from the Queen or anyone that wanted to cause issues to my family.

Ozma paused in his striking, turning to look at me with a serious look. He had eventually settled to take an appearance similar to his first life, with the only difference being that he looked older. It was like a mirror that told me what could have been if things hadn't seen him die so young. I approached him taking the wooden tonfas before entering the ring. He gave me a nod and I sighed.

"I swear, we need to find a way to bring some music on these occasions. Something that can match with the intensity of the fighting or even relax during magic training."

"And give you a reason to be even more distracted than you are?" Ozma sarcastically asked, a sigh leaving his mouth. "Right now we have other things to discuss about, young man. Especially when it came to what Cinder told you about Amber."

I blinked. "What about it?"

A tiny scowl was set on his face as I inquired about it, quite confusing since I was quite sure Cinder had been really honest about what happened with the Fall Maiden. I tried to imagine what he could've been referring to, but soon my mind was drawn elsewhere as I quickly blocked two rapid strikes from his cane. Ferocious hardly matched with the aggressive style that Ozma had with his weapon. It wasn't like with Ozpin, where his combat stance would be more defensive due to the state of his body. Without any limitations since his current form was none other than a manifestation of his soul within my mind, he was at his prime and… very eager to remind me of this every day we train in these conditions.

I huffed as I allowed the wood of the two small weapons to creak at the furious early steps of this battle. My mind cleared up at once as I prepared to strike back with similar might. The idea of using tonfas wasn't one that I had exactly got early on. It wasn't even something I would have imagined having so much fun using while genuinely learning how to fight.

Sure, at first it was a cumbersome stance to get accustomed with, but with the passing of time I began getting ready to use the wooden weapons the best way possible in close encounters. Against someone like Ozma, that wasn't still enough to actually win a fight against him. Just as I retaliated his first hits with a kick and an attempt of slamming the left tonfa on his face which was promptly dodge, he started to talk about the topic he brought up.

"I think your daughter didn't tell all the truth about… Ozpin's reaction to this discovery regarding her and Amber."

Frowning even more at this comment, I took a couple of seconds to think up of a proper answer to that. I knew that I should have answered faster, but it was really getting difficult thinking up of something to say right now without making things too awkward for me during the fight. In fact, Ozma rushed closer to try and slap my face around with his cane, but I carefully deflected the attempted assault by crouching and slamming the left tonfa on his right knee. He gasped in frustration at that sneaky attempt, yet I didn't press the advantage. If there is something I learned after fighting this bastard for years, it was that the moment he recovered from a wound was way too immediate and way too vicious for me to handle if I wasn't cautious about it.

"You think he did more about… this?"

I was forced to drag that last word since he was back on me with even more aggression. I deflected a couple of hits thanks to the tonfas, but I could feel the might behind each attack reaching onto my arms, an annoyed look settled on my face as I could tell this was going to be tougher than usual due to the distracting conversation we were having right now. He did this on purpose, there was no denying it, but I knew I should have expected him to be an outright prick when it came to this kind of stuff.

"Way more than just go and pick up the Maiden. There is no way that he just ignored Cinder's sudden magical bond with her and… you should ask more about- it. Damn you."

I chuckled as I dodged his furious kick. To be fair, he was in the right to be pissed at me after that cheeky hit on his chin. The bastard was rubbing the bruised spot, a pissed glance aimed at me as he silently promised me eternal punishment. Sadly for him, I knew that I wasn't prepared for that, so, instead of allowing him to have a joyride for this training session, I just pushed away and eased down.

"I think we're done for now. There is something more important to discuss about after all."

Not a complete session for sure, not even close to it. Yet, even though Ozma was giving me the deadest look possible, he couldn't deny that we both weren't going to do much with the current situation we needed to address. He calmed down and we soon marched up to where Sally was happily enjoying some sunbathing. She was wearing a simple bikini that was soon covered by her dress as she noticed us arriving. It wasn't the first time she went to that degree of laziness while waiting, but we both didn't mind as she didn't really cause any trouble with that.

"So, magic training or-"

"We're going to talk about what to do with Cinder, Ozpin and-"


I nodded at Ozma's interjection and we quickly took a seat by the table, my mind providing some vivid maps of Remnant that I had seen way too many times while handling international-related tasks in the last few years, both for the bank and the White Fang. The tired man tapped at Shade and I frowned.

"What about it?"

"I was thinking about expanding our little circle of… friends with Theodore, he is the headmaster of Shade Academy. He might not be open to speak with my counterpart, but considering your personality, I think you two might actually form a connection of sorts."

"One that can hold when it comes to telling secrets?"

"Presumably. Theodore might trust… Ozpin, but he is also wary of him. I still remember how unsure he was when I discussed the dispositions of Amity when the Fall happened," Ozma admitted. "It might be a big shot, but I believe we have a way to actually approach him for the occasion."

I frowned at that, but soon his finger moved to Atlas.

"I doubt James is going to be open to help us calling a fellow headmaster," I reminded but Sally hummed.

"I believe he is referring to an event that will happen this year in Atlas. The Vytal Festival is going to be hosted there."

I felt my entire body tense up. "If the headmaster of Shade Academy is going to be there, what are the chances of your other self being there?"


I actually felt my frown deepen at that response. "What?"

"One thing that I noticed in the last few days as you checked the economic situation in Vale is that they are going to soon have a problem regarding Beacon's budget. While it would normally be easy for the Council to just cut into the income due to the lack of major Grimm increase, I know he will fight to the end to at least preserve the current budget. He can't leave Vale for this occasion."

"So you think it will hold for the months needed for Vytal?"

"It should," Ozma confirmed with a nod. "I doubt he will do something harsh if he doesn't know you're going to be there."

I nodded. So, I had to make sure Ironwood got me and my family the chance of paying these tickets without sponsoring my arrival. Considering how nice things have been in Atlas after Jacques' arrest and that whole mess in Mantle solved, I could only hope he was in a really good mood to allow me to do that. I knew he was a big guy with a big love for his country, but he was also a friend and he knew how to not piss a friend like me.

"Nonetheless, you should still try to think of a way to discuss what is going on with Amber with Cinder," Sally reminded with a concerned look. "I know she has been quite honest, but… don't push it too bluntly on her. It might frighten her to lie or do something stupider."

"And those two things are crazily bad considering how smart she is," I reminded us all. "And yes, I plan to do the dad thing and… wait until I'm sure she is alone and then approach her there. If I put her in the spotlight she might react badly."

"Well, now that this is done, we can start our lesson~," Sally hummed happily, preparing some bombs, which were actually a mix of dynamite sticks and grenades all bundled in a basket, and explaining why it wasn't just the first step into achieving nuclear devastation in this world. "Today you shall learn how to redirect explosions away from you and back to your enemies!"

That sounded incredibly scary, stupid, but overall exciting. I giggled at the idea and my amusement soon matched with the blonde as we both rushed away from the table to begin the clearly insane lesson before us. Ozma stared at the scene from afar, a distant look in his eyes as he stared at us trying to handle this intense task without exploding too many times.

I was glad that this was my mindscape, else this would have ended in quite the unfunny matter for us all.

Nora was annoyed. It was something that I could just spot the very moment I gazed at her. Eyes narrowing at the wall, cheeks puffing in a semi-pout and a furious expression plastered on her face. I knew my daughter too much to realize what was going on, especially when I noticed the uneasy look Cinder was giving me early this morning.

I could tell that something was brewing, but I definitely had the brightest idea to solve this upset mood of hers with something we came up with last night. Carefully following her around, pissing her a little more by sticking nearby for that long, eventually she decided to take this upon her hands and she marched up to the garden and turned around to regard me with a serious glare.

This is going to end up poorly.

[Poor girl has to deal with you as a father, John. Remember to be restrained about this.]

Don't worry. I got this.

"W-What do you want?"

While her stare said 'I am going to murder you', her tone was all about 'I am unsure what you are doing, please stop dad'.

"I have good news for you, sweetie!"

If before she was annoyed, now a degree of curiosity coming straight from her usual personality started to poke its cute head out and I took this chance to directly show her something I had retrieved during my small trip to the bank to recover these pieces of documents. Her stare was upon the tickets, her interest doubling as I waved those at her, gesturing to her to pick them up and check what they were about.

She complied, her fascination beating her irritation and soon her eyes were widening in surprise at the revelation.

And the father of the year's award goes to-


You- I… AGH! I can't say it isn't true!

[I would have thought you would have accepted that older men have better chances to be better dads if they have more interest but same devotion as you do.]

Ah, the defeat tasted so horrible and salty. Like the ocean, minus the water. And minus my wife in a bikini running around towards me with interesting intentions and- Oh right, not the right moment.

"It's not the fun tournament you wanted to go to, but it will be easier to convince Willow to take a day off and bring her kids to see it too," I explained to her with a pleased hum. "It would also be cooler since you get to see some real fights instead of those mostly-staged ones."

Nora glanced at me intrigued, but she didn't seem completely sold to the entire idea and I had a little hint of what it might be. Still, I allowed her to think about it and soon she brought up why she wasn't really that amused by it.

"But I wouldn't be fighting there. It's only to watch and-"

"Try to spar with any of the defeated Huntsmen," I stopped her mirthfully, gaining a frown from the confused girl. "It's not unusual for some of the huntsmen to accept sparring sessions with anyone that wanted to try out. Heck, I heard the teachers are more than happy at times to be referees if this means bringing more rep to their schools."

Her eyes were now glowing in pure delight. "Really? Does that mean I can fight and spar and-"

"Only with those that are fine with that. Some of the guys and the gals there might not like the attention, so you have to behave well if you want to make an impression on your love interest," I reminded her with a half-stern tone.

She nodded. "Of course. As if I would miss this chance to actually impress…!"

Panic suddenly exploded at that comment, and I chuckled at that. "Now, now-"


"It's alright-"

"It's not what you think-"

"I don't mind-"

"Weiss and I just exchanged a tiny kiss during her birthday and… wait, what?"

I was surprised myself. "You already kissed Weiss? That I actually didn't know about. I guess that explains why you were both blushing red during the gift-giving moment."

"Dad, what do you mean with… that! How do you know that I was dating Weiss."

I blinked a little more at that. "Well, I knew you and her were being rather close romantically-speaking, but I didn't know you already started something. I guess I'm not that aware of what is going on about this matter."

"S-Still, you aren't… angry that I'm dating a girl?"

"Considering that I don't see any trouble with the girl in question since I've known her since she was a little girl, I don't see why I should be minding this that much, dear," I admitted with a serious tone. "In fact, I'm glad to hear that you both have taken steps into that direction."

"Oh- I guess- I guess I was expecting a rougher reaction," Nora spoke with such a soft tone. Nervousness having completely taken her off from the ground of dread as she was left in pure disbelief at my reaction. "I-I mean, I don't want to say you're mean about it but-"

"But you thought I was going to be mad because you were dating chicks and not dudes?"

"I still like to look at guys but-"

"Weiss?" I offered and she nodded.


She didn't put any resistance as I pulled her in a big hug, lifting her up and clutching her dearly. She nuzzled at me and I sighed at how I could remember the times I would pull her little version in those embraces and expect her to giggle so brightly. But right now I found her looking so little and fragile, all because she was handling such a troublesome topic that many traditional dads would have been rather upsetting about.

"You're my baby girl, of course I can't hate you for just being in love with someone," I muttered quietly, allowing her to latch herself more, and I could already feel tears drop onto my skin. I started to hum, lulling her calmly while softly caressing her hair. Those were getting a little longer once more, and I guess a visit by the hair-dresser was going to be due to make a good appearance at that event.

We were lost in the moment and the vibe that I almost didn't feel someone tiny wrap his tiny arms around my legs.

"Daddy, is Nora a'right?"

I chuckled, glancing behind me and seeing Damian giving me a confused look.

"We were just talking about some silly stuff, sport," I replied quietly, yet I paused for just a moment to realize that something was off about his sudden intrusion. "By the way, weren't you playing with your mama?"

"Guests!" The child exclaimed giddily. "Auntie Sum."


"Uncle Tai-"


"And cousins!"

And Ruby and Yang.

Oh? I guess that was something normal to happen. It wasn't unusual for them to visit from time to time, but I was actually confused by the fact the child didn't mention neither Qrow or Raven in that cute list of guests.

"What about Auntie Rae and Uncle Qrow?"

"Mama said Auntie is buying 'thing."

That was really strange but… I guess she was buying some booze.

[Or something for tonight.]

Not all visits from Raven are meant to be of that nature.

[Yet none of those that were of that nature had her wandering around to 'buy something'.]

That's a fair point.

She can be wrong.

[A woman is never wrong about women's stuff. Most of the time!]

Still, despite my concerns, I decided to go and check what it was all about. Nora remained stuck in my hold as I followed little Dami inside to see how things were faring in the living room and as soon as we stepped inside there, I saw a red missile of roses rushing up at me and stopping right before me.

"Uncle John."

"Rubes, look at you. You're a few centimeters taller than last time."

"You noticed!" She exclaimed eagerly, her bubbly personality showing to the fullest as she smiled brightly at me. A tooth was missing due to a recent situation that saw the arrival of the Tooth Fairy giving the giddy girl a couple more Liens than usual. Something about Qrow letting her test a high-capacity sniper and not telling her about the powerful knockback.

At least it was just her tooth and not her nose.

[I think that, at that point, Summer would have neutered Qrow and left him to die on Patch's pearly beaches.]

That or worse.

"Of course, I did, kiddo. By the way, I've heard that you're planning to join Signal in a few years. You sure you want to go through the boredom of books?"

"Guns!" She replied determinedly and I ruffled her hair with my free hand.

"See, Nora. Your surrogate cousin understands the pride of deadly guns," I muttered happily, noticing Nora shifting her face so she could show a tired smile at Ruby. The short girl frowned at the signs of tears on her face, but didn't question as we were soon approached by someone else.

"John, long time no see."

"Tai, you look close to perish. Tough days at school?" I greeted back, getting a snort from the blond as he walked up to stand beside his youngest child.

"There are a couple of pests. Nothing new, but exams have been fairly troublesome to handle with how much annoyance those kids can be at times."

"I'll make sure to make dad proud," Ruby assured and her old man nodded in agreement.

"You do that, sweetie. Less trouble than your sister and you will be off to a brilliant few years at Signal."

I frowned at that comment. "Yang is still having trouble with bullies?"

"She caught three more last week. I swear, I don't want to punish her since she is proving to be effective but… she is a little too creative about this," The former huntsman admitted, looking slightly drained about it. "But I think I'm more surprised that these stupid kids still keep trying to corner younger children for money or just for the sake of trouble."

"Just give her a boxing bag, tell her to practice there with their faces and then tell her to be more restrained about it at school," I suggested and he scowled at my legitimate proposal.

"Really? Come on, I'm trying to get her off from being too direct about it," He whined calmly, allowing me to chuckle at that comment.

"If she starts using indirect ways, then I believe the real problem will begin. She is a smart cookie, I tell you."

Speaking of the devil, Yang walked up and pulled an unsuspecting Ruby in a tight hug. Her hair had grown long enough that her previous hairstyle just couldn't do. Now she was a few steps close to becoming the Yang I remember her becoming as she let this small mane free as it grew well beyond her shoulders and by her mid-back.

"Uncle John, you look older," The cheeky brat greeted, a happy smile on her face.

"Yang, you look hairier," I rebuked mirthfully, her smile widening just for a moment- "You know you will need to cut some of that if you want to fight properly." - and then dropping the one thing she hated the most.

"T-That is not needed. Mama-" The little blonde quickly jumped to defend her decision to keep her hair long.

"Gets stuck a lot while moving around. She is too prideful to say that, but that's one of her biggest flaws," Taiyang flatly interjected, turning to look at me with a neutral look. "By the way, she went to buy something for you and Sienna… for later."


[Ahah! I won! You know what that means, darling~]

I, I thought it was one time. This shouldn't become a thing.

[Nope! Tonight we're making some fireworks happen once again, sweetheart~!]

I still looked a tad bit nervous about it. "I'm- I'm still-"

"It's alright. I'm long past that and I can say that you're treating her well," Taiyang interrupted courteously. "Still, I hope these 'talks' aren't that tiresome. I wouldn't want to see my fellow man drown in pure water in desert for many."

It was an interesting metaphor, and I could only nod at that. I swear, it just feels so wrong talking with him about it, yet they really seemed through with their relationship and… I will have to eventually drop that embarrassment about it. Time has passed and these things have long been the norm in this bizarre set of relationships.

"So... what's up with Nora?" Ruby asked. "Is she sleepy?"

I felt the girl's grasp around my neck tightening and I hummed.

"She is just hella tired and happy because we're going to see the Vytal Festival of this year," I explained curtly and that seemed to do a fine job about it.

"The one with the Hunters competing with each other?" A giddy Ruby asked, soon followed by her big sister.

"Like, where the students fight to win that big amazing trophy?"


"D-Dad! I want to go there too!" The little Rose asked, turning to her father. "Please, I've been good, Yang will surely be nicer and… and I will make you a cake!"

Taiyang chuckled at that fair amount of bribery, but he was too accustomed to it and he decided to turn this to a better negotiator and the one that could make or break that kind of promise. "If Summer is fine with it, I don't see why not."

The two children bolted away to reach the currently distracted woman as she helped Sienna prepare some food for lunch. I looked at them, chuckling as I soon returned to speak with Taiyang about this entire Vytal Festival situation. I didn't bring up the real reason about it, nor why Nora was so excited about it, but he seemed to catch on that my baby girl was planning something else beyond just watching some matches and sparring some of the losing huntsmen.

And, as Ruby and Yang ran to eagerly convince their mom/aunt about joining that interesting trip to Atlas, I couldn't help but feel like them coming with us could be a mistake. Yet… I just couldn't remember why exactly.