
The Rejected Alpha Is My Mate

Julianne Peterson was born without a wolf and her family despised her and treated her badly except for her younger brother Richard. When her younger sister came of age, her parent whom were alpha and ruler of Apples pack arranged for her sister to marry the richest Dan Anderson of their pack. But what happens when Dan shows up in Alpha Gregs Peterson Castle? And he could perceived a sweet alluring feminine scent that wasn't his arranged mate?. what should Julianne do when Alpha Dan, chooses her as his mate?. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Mother's Worry

As Lady Blessing stepped out to leave, just then, she meet with Lady Florence Peterson at the second floor passage and Lady Florence immediately asked her, "How's Julianne? Is she pregnant?."

"No my lady. She's seeing her cycle today" Lady Blessing bowed as she replied and Lady Florence harrumphed, "I see.."

"Is alright, you can leave." Lady Florence said and she walked away, as she wanted to took the second stairs, going downstairs to saw her husband, but just then Amelia showed up too on the stairs and stared up to her.

"Mom!" Amelia smiled and walked upstairs to the second floor, while Lady Blessing already went downstairs with the left second second stairs, As Amelia and her mother stood at the right stairway.

"Where did you went out too Amelia?" Lady Florence questioned with an expressionless face, as she knew when Amelia left their castle not quiet long ago, and she also knew her second daughter was sad over Dan behavior to her.

"My friend place mother, but Nora wasn't home, And so I returned." Amelia replied.

"Hmm, that's alright. The meeting has already ended, but am going downstairs now to find out what it is all about from your father. And as for Dan marking you as his mate, you don't have to worry much about that. Just consider yourself as Dan's mate okay?." Lady Florence said.

"Okay mom" Amelia smiled sweetly, as she watched her mother walked passed her and Amelia happily stepped away from the stairs, but just then, Richard stepped out from the left stairway and he stared to Amelia whom was also walking up to the passage, As Amelia room was opposite and across to Julianne's room.

Richard faintly smiled as he was resuming his new office work the following day, Monday and he couldn't waited to announce the good news to Julianne, but on seeing Amelia first , Richard smiled to her and wanted to told Amelia first, but Amelia rather stared away from him, like he did something wrong to her.

Richard gulped all he wanted to disclosed and stood watching as Amelia hissed like they were now enemies and Richard knew his second elder sister, had a way of being possessive of someone.

As just because Amelia saw him standing with Julianne, Amelia didn't wanted to spoked to him again, nor asked him how the meeting went as it was his first official meeting as a new member in the Apples Pack meeting.

Richard sighed and rather turned to face Julianne room door and he knocked, hoping Julianne was still inside and he waited and just as he wanted to walked away, Julianne pulled her room door opened and she stared to him in shock.

"Richard!, Has the meeting ended?" Julianne asked in a much lowered voiced not wanting to alert anyone about Richard standing in front of her room door again.

"Yeah, it has. And tomorrow am resuming office work, cannot wait to become the next Alpha of our pack" Richard smiled and Julianne smiled back to him too.

"Congratulations brother" Julianne said and Richard replied to her ,"Thank you big sis. I have to go out now as I thought to inform you about the good news."

"No problem. Do take care" Julianne smiled as she watched her younger brother stepped away and as Julianne wanted to entered back into her room, Lady Linda stepped into the passage and called her, "Julianne time to continue with your today's work."

Julianne knew there was no day rest for her and she stepped out and shut her room door closed. While she walked up to meet with Lady Linda whom took her out to the grand floor laundry room, to showed to Julianne all the heap of clothes that Julianne had to wash with her bare hands, As the clothes was heap separately for hand wash.

"You see them. You can sleep here all day washing just two clothes. I have other things to do, take care," Lady Linda said in a rather insulting but polite way and Julianne didn't picked any offense but rather walked up to the heap of clothes to resumed her work.

Julianne wasn't happy that she had to washed, but still as she made all the necessary arrangements, Arranging her bucket and soap, Julianne remembered Lady Blessing question about her mating before.

"I don't have a mate" Julianne repeated as she shook her head, knowing sooner or later, Amelia would left to her new mate house, While she would still remained as a servant in her father's castle.

Not wanting to sobbed, Julianne sat and resumed washing the heap of clothes set aside for her to hand wash slowly.


"How did the meeting went?" Lady Florence asked her husband as she sat down across to him in his private office as Alpha Gregs had excitedly dismissed Beta Marcus waiting for the grand mating ceremony to arrived.

"It went simple as we planned. Richard is resuming office tomorrow, while I let the rest of the elders knew about Amelia upcoming engagement to Dan Anderson."

"Hmm," Lady Florence wasn't still satisfied as she felt a hunch not to force Amelia into marrying Dan, even though she knew it was what her husband and Amelia both wanted.

"You don't seem to look happy my Luna?" Alpha Gregs asked, noticing his wife frowning face, instead of her to look happy.

"Am not, and that's the truth" Lady Florence replied and Alpha Gregs immediately asked, "Why? Is it because of Julianne?. What has she done to you again this time?."

Lady Florence subtly smiled and that made Alpha Gregs to calmed as he knew whenever Lady Florence smiled it obviously wasn't what he had guessed.

"It's not Julianne. Is just that, Amelia looked unhappy and I don't want her to marry Dan if he doesn't want her as his mate. Don't forget we're still wolf and can still obviously perceived our mate scent?."

"You're right. But here it doesn't count whether scent or not. Dan doesn't have a mate, even as he's a complete wolf, And not wolfless, and that's enough to cover up the mating ceremony."

"And what if he finds his mate after marking Amelia?. Amelia will suffer more heart broke?" Lady Florence looked hurt.

"No!" Alpha Gregs stared away from his mate as he knew once married and marked, Dan couldn't divorced Amelia even though Dan found his mate.

"It will be useless to him, As Amelia would had given birth for him. Dan hasn't mated nor marked any she-wolf yet, so am sure he wouldn't wasted time to mark Amelia if she did her wifely duties well."

"Hmm, you're saying all these not knowing exactly how mating bond is." Lady Florence frowned and Alpha Gregs shook his head and said, "I understand your worries. But worry not. Amelia and Dan would be marked in this upcoming mating ceremony and whether Dan finds his mate or not. It won't change the fact that I want Dan too as my son-in-law."

"No!" Lady Florence stood up harshly.

"You're saying all this for your gain alone. Don't forget am your mate and wasn't the she-wolf your father wanted you to marry before. Amelia will suffer severely and is best not to force them into marking themselves, but to see if their love will blossom first." Lady Florence said sadly.

Alpha Gregs remained silent as he stared to his wife and he sighed.

"Fine. But I still don't want it to be long. The ceremony will still hold and even if they choose to stay friendly, my decision remains the same." Alpha Gregs stared.

Lady Florence shook her head and left her husband office as she knew how greedy Alpha Gregs was for more power and connection.

Over the years, The banana packs and Grape packs were always fighting eachother and sending rogue to the other packs to destroyed them.

Dan's mother was from a higher family status and more likely the Banana Packs Alpha only sister.

Lady Florence knew her husband wanted to used Dan to claimed the Banana Packs as Dan has hotel and other businesses also functioning in Banana Packs, under his mother's name.