<the next day>
<in progress>
"_ [teacher to a student] you walk away from me Ygghs.
_ but ..... But why?
_ there's a damn demon in you.
_ but no.
I speak quickly, don't worry.
And my dear teacher. How about you shut it up a bit? It would do everyone good. So you shut up that's all.
_ the ..... The Demon is in you, that's what I was saying.
I'm leaving immediately.
_ no ! You are not leaving. "
<<< Art of Submission >>>
<<< the doors remain closed until further notice >>>
"_ so ?! You wanted to leave, didn't you? Listen to me, I have two words to say to you: you obey us whether you want it or not."
<<< Art of Submission >>>
<<< This man obeys us >>>
"_ What do you want me to do ?
_ resumes your usual air.
_ immediately Sir
And I also resume my course with the next students Sir?
_ yes do it too.
(_) that's pretty useful.
You can use my abilities. But can you use all my skills?
_ no certainly not. There are way too many. And it's more of copying than using your abilities.
( _ ) I understand.
Okay, stay calm, okay?
I go.....
_ (Guilash) Ygghs? Can you use the demon's abilities?
_ what capacity? "
<<< Art of Submission >>>
<<< you forcibly forget everything you have seen and heard and you will never remember it >>>
.......................... ........
<later in the day>
<Ygghs goes home>
"_ what ???
Where are my parents?
(_) they are no longer there?
Ha yes it is.
_ not a 3rd time anyway.
(_) 3rd time? But you only lost your parents twice.
_ Ha you knew that before I reincarnated for the 2nd time I had lost my parents.
(_) yes I knew it since I was unified with you. But on the other hand I am shocked that this is the 3rd time sir.
_ (Father) So Ygghs? Still so weak since your creation? You disappoint me. I gave you this name for the 3rd time and yet you still manage to get lost.
Even if your creation is clearly different from ours in addition to being exceptional, it does not give you the right to reincarnate as many times as you wish.
_ Dad ? But how ?
_ (Father) It's been many years now that I watch you and yet you are not improving.
Why ?
_ so are you doing that?
But how is it that you manage to follow me while I am constantly changing my world and dimensions?
_ (Father) you will understand when you have my knowledge and my abilities. But for now you are too weak.
_ leave me QUIET.
My ..... Where are my capacities?
_ (Father) I made sure that you could no longer use them. Basically you can't use them anymore.
Come on, see my son again. "
<so this conversation ended>
<but just after. Not even. Almost at the same time Ygghs .....>
"_ pfff he really thought it would do anything to me? Cancel my powers? Cancel being able to use them? Well in the end I can use them anyway.
And it is I who is weak? Let me laugh.
(_) Just to know sir?
Who are you really?
_ well I'll tell you but it's exceptional.
By the way, I'll also tell you how he manages to follow me.
( _ ) Okay.
I think it could be interesting.
_ first of all my birth is not an ordinary birth. In fact I was born from "nothing" theoretically I have no biological parents.
Then my parents told me they found me at the center of a Stulffre explosion *
after raising me. One day, when I was 6 years old, my pupils started to transform.
They had become 2 symbols of infinity. The 1st in the left eye placed horizontally and the 2nd in the right eye placed vertically.
And that same day there were kinds of crowns.
One that wraps the wrist. The ankles and a sort of crown on my head with 4 peaks on each corner. And I learned that these crowns meant one specific thing.
( _ ) which ?
_ it's very simple. These crowns want to specify the level that a person has in royalty.
And I have 5 crowns with 4 peaks on that of the head.
It means that I am the future King-Emperor.
And for my father. In fact not all dimensions can reach it.
Well that's just a guess. But it is to be taken into account.
After if the dimensions do not reach it, it is because it transcends them.
And it is honestly excellent because you move in worry and nobody can disturb you.
I'll try to get his level. Again.
Afterwards for the rest I don't know since I forced myself to forget. So I can't tell you more sorry
(_) no need to apologize sir
_ Anyway let's move on.
We've been talking for over an hour, we should move on. "
<Ygghs and his familiar left the office they were in. >
<Then they saw a specific person. >
_ what ? An afterimage?
Me ..... Me .... Mother? It's you ? No. No it's not possible too?
(_) don't be fooled sir.
Maybe it is your father who wants to play a trick on you.
_ Ha yes thank you .....
I almost fell for it.
I suspected but it was stronger than me.
(_) you may already know it, but your father can manipulate people's wishes and therefore manipulate your wish to see your mother again.
Without indiscretion. What happened to your mother sir?
_ my father killed her in cold blood.
As soon as he saw it. He exposed her head. But she didn't need it. She knew my father and therefore everything he was going to do.
So at the same time she injured him which is irreversible.
And I never could learn this kind of technique.
They are too difficult to learn and understand. They are in my native language "Pullasonn".
It muddies every word. It contains so many words that it is incalculable. Anyway. This is........
_ (Mother) Ygghs?
..... HE ...... KILL ...... WORLD ............. TU. ........ STOP ........ SHIP ...... YOU ....... .... KEEP ........... MY KNOWLEDGE ........ KILL ..... ON ..... .... "
<Some kind of light began to appear and was released by the woman.
This ray of light was starting to go towards Ygghs. >
<Ygghs was buried in knowledge. Too much knowledge. Much more than he had had in his first life. But he felt a familiarity.
In fact it was not the knowledge of the mother.
But something else. >
(* small point in 2 parts: the 1st: this word is said Soulffra.
The 2nd part is that a Stulffre is an explosion in the same way as a big bang but larger.
Basically she had enough power to create a continuum **)
(** 2nd small point: a continuum is none other than space / time mixed with several dimensions. All of this creates a continuum.
Its size changes according to the number of dimensions connected with the merger of space / time.
For example: when Ygghs went to look for the Aora which was in a place without space or time. So this place was off a continuum. I also specify that it will be important in the future. )