
Chapter 1

There was darkness at first. Only darkness. His entire being felt like it was in nothingness then there was a soft voice. It sounded like that of a woman, it was faint, familiar but he couldn't just place who it was that was speaking.

"Fight. Champion. Fight." The soft voice said and with that he awoke sitting upright in his bed, his eyes wide opened, his breathing fast. 'Another bad dream' He thought as he reached over for his phone.

"3 am. Just like all the other times" His voice was harsh and coarse. He grabbed the glass of water by his bed and gulped it down in one shot. His breathing had calmed now, his body also felt better than before. He picked out a diary that lay on the table right beside where the glass of water had been kept. He felt the edges of the diary, they were rough having been used by him for a long time. He couldn't remember when he had started to pen down his dreams but he just remembered it was this year. He opened it, put on his glasses and sighed as he started writing all that he remembered about the strange dream. 'Strange voice from before. Same words as before' was all he wrote. He looked back at all that he had written for the past month and every night at a time around 3 he would wake up and all he could remember from his dream was a voice.

"This is hopeless. I'll never be find out the cause like this" he said in a low voice. He tossed the diary on the bed beside him and got up. He walked to the door of his bedroom checking the locks before turning back and letting out a growl of frustration. He kicked high letting out a deep breath his long legs giving him good reach, His old form coming back to him. He took in a deep breath and flew into a rhythm punching and kicking trying out different combinations as he went on. Finally after about an hour he collapsed to his knees completely drenched in sweat and exhausted. The sweat running down his lean body. He got up slowly and turned on the air conditioner then lay on his bed spreading his long arms and his 6 feet body taking in the cool air. 'Why do I have to be this way?' was all he thought as he went back to sleep.

After what felt like a few minutes for him but was a couple of hours he heard his alarm go off. He reached over and turned it off checking his phone for any texts as he did. He got up and headed to the bathroom, stripping off his clothes and turning on the shower, letting the cold water hit his body. His mind was racing with thoughts processing what had been happening the past month. After a few minutes of washing his black hair he got out and got dressed in his school uniform. The shirt fitting his form perfectly and his hair being a little spiked up. "Let's see what today is like" he said as he looked in the mirror with his dark black eyes and then headed downstairs to have his breakfast. He sat down at the table as his mother put a plate on it ruffling his hair as she did. He simply gave her a nod and ate his food soon after he headed down the stairs. He didn't need to tell his mother they had been running this routine for as long as he could remember. He put on his shoes and walked to the silver sedan parked in the garage and stood there, waving to his neighbor. His mother joined him a few moments after and he got in. She took note of his face.

"Didn't sleep well again?" She asked casually in her sweet voice as she started up the car.

"Yeah like every other night" he replied blandly.

"You should smile a little more then you will forget about your bad night and have a great day" his mother gave him her words of wisdom.

All he could do was nod but internally his entire mind was against the statement. 'Smile ?' he thought. 'Sorry mom but you don't know how it is being a high schooler in my time.' Contrary to his name Advaith which in the Hindi language meant unique, was actually not at all unique. He had all that should be sufficient for a happy life. He had money not crazy rich but it was good enough, he had a bunch of friends most of whom were loyal, he was loved by the teachers, he had a hobby, and he kept up his grades. His only problem with life was boring. He got up and did the same routine over and over again, each day nothing unique. His mind was racing with this thoughts when he felt a sudden jerk as the car stopped in front of the school gates.

"Have a nice day" His mom said as he got out of the car.

"Yeah you too" He replied. He hadn't heard what his mother had said but it was a habit so he didn't even need to break his state of deep thought. He walked into the school. 'Another boring day at least it is the last. Then break' was all he thought as he headed into school. The day flew by, he talked to friends a little, attended his classes and all the while thought about his dreams. 'Stupid things. I am no champion. It's like the she's trying to mock me' he suddenly sat up a little more straight as he fetched out his diary from his bag. He flipped to the pages where he had noted the dreams and scanned them. He had never once written anywhere that the voice was that of a woman yet he knew. He decided to note this information down and look into it later.

His mother picked him up after class and as he got home he heard one new thing from his mother.

"A package arrived for you today." She chimed as they were stuck at an intersection.

"For me? I didn't order anything" he replied back his mind racing to think who it could possibly be from.

"It's one of those things from Amazon where your future self sends you something" she replied happily.

"I wonder what it is" he said and feel silent. The year was 2200 and Amazon had invented a system through which you could send back an object in time to a specific date and it would be delivered. Provided of course that it was after the date of the invention. He thought about what his future self possibly have sent him could. When he got back he found a large package about 30 inches long. 'Strange' he thought as he ripped open the packaging and when he saw the object inside he was startled.

"It can't be" he said as he picked up the sword inside the package. It had a good weight and a blade length of about 24 inches. He swung it around a little and though he had never even held a sword before it felt natural to him. He could feel the blade hum a little in his hands almost as if it was calling out to him. He kept the blade aside and found a sheath inside the package, the kind that you tied to your back. After placing the sword in its sheath he admired it. The hilt was made of something he didn't know it about. It definitely was not something that he had seen before but it had a red colour just like the blade and the hilt had the design of what he assumed was a lotus on the front. The blade itself seemed to be a mixture of different elements and the black sheath was beautiful, it didn't have anything special but just the handiwork was amazing. As Advaith picked up the box to throw it out he found a note in it. He took it out, it read 'To the one who will soon be the champion. This blade is the key to your fate. I have no one else that I trust more that I can give it to. Fight and claim your position as Champion. It all rests on you on.'

Advaith was having goosebumps, all those dreams finally meant something, and he did not know what yet. He had more questions than ever but he felt a certain excitement. A feeling that he had never had before. No matter what thrills he had seeked out he had never enjoyed then but now this sword, this package, this note. It all felt a bit different, not odd but good. His mind was racing but one thing was for sure, his life was not going to be so routine anymore. Things were going to get exciting.