
Chapter-3 The Whisper

Hans reached his home and went to his room. "Hans, when did you come?" Jess asked. "Just a minute ago." Hans said in a low voice. "What happened, sweetie?" Jess asked. "Nothing, mom." Hans said. "Did anyone said something to you?" Jess asked. "No, even I made three friends today. Jenny, Ginny and Alina." Hans said. "All three girls?" Jess asked. "Yeah, there are more girls in my class than boys." Hans said. "Oh really?" Jess asked. "Yes." Hans said. "What do you wanna eat, my baby." Jess asked. "Umm... I think a hamburger." Hans said. "Sure, will be right back." Jess said and went. "No, mom! I was just kidding!" Hans said. "No! I will make one for you!" Jess said. "Uh oh." Hans said and laughed. Hans changed his clothes. "Here is your hamburger." Jess said. "And yours?" Hans asked. "I am coming with mine." Jess said. "So you're eating hamburger, Hans? Just like I killed your father, I'll kill your mom and Jenny." The voice whispered. "No!" Hans yelled. "What? What happened?" Jess asked. "No, nothing... Just nothing..." Hans said. "Are you sure?" Worried Jess asked. "Yes, mom." Hans said. "Okay then." Jess said and went to take her burger. Hans was scared.

"Hello, my sweetheart." Fi said. "Hello, Fi." Jenny said. "How was the day at school?" Fi asked. "Did Kelsey again annoyed you?" She asked. "No, even I got a new friend. In fact, not only one but 3." Jenny said. "Really? Who are they?" Fi asked. "Hans, Ginny and Alina." Jenny said. "Ginny and Alina are one of your teachers' nieces, right?" Fi asked. "Yes." Jenny said. "And who is Hans?" Fi asked. "It's a new student." Jenny said. "New student in the middle of the session?" Fi asked. "Yeah." Jenny said. "Where he is from?" Fi asked. "He is from Germany." Jenny said. "Heil Hitler!" Fi said and laughed. Jenny also laughed. "He is just from Germany but his paternal nationality is British." Jenny said. "His mother is I think German." Jenny said. "Oh okay... What will you eat?" Fi asked. "Nothing, I am not hungry." Jenny said. "Come on, I was waiting for you." Fi said. "Okay, so let's make pizza." Jenny said. "Sure." Fi said. "Should I help you?" Jenny asked. "Yes please... Please grate some cheese." Fi said. "Yes ma'am!" Jenny said in mocking way. Both laughs.

"Is she okay?" John asked. "No, she is not... She is pretending to be okay but she is not." Fi said. "Take care of her." John said. "How is mom?" Fi asked. "She is fine. Don't worry about her... I have told her everything. You can stay there for as long as you want." John said. "Maybe I can't come back there again." Fi said. "Why so?" John asked. "John, she is just 15. I don't think I can leave her alone." Fi said. "Yeah, that's right." John said. "Hmm." Fi said. "You can take her here. By that you can live with her and with us together." John suggested. "Ask mom first." Fi said. "Hello, Fi?" Helena asked. "Good Afternoon, mom." Fi said. "Dear, you can take her here... I will take care of her like my own daughter, Fiona. I just want you to come back with her... Because this house is like abandoned without you." Helena said. "Oh mom... Okay, I will come with here next week. Because this week she is too busy in her school work." Fi said. "Yeah sure... Take care of her and of yourself." Helena said. "Thank you, mom." Fi said. "Bye." Helena said. "Bye, mom." Fi said and hung up the call.