
The Red Queen of Nothing

“I Lord Tank Albridge, and my family, Pete Albridge, Cleo Albridge, and Fred Albridge, disavow Vinnandra the hateful as our blood. “Today, in one voice we curse the day she joined us, and we’ll forever celebrate the day she has left our ranks! Vinnandra shall not know us, and she is not ours to know anymore.” *** In a world of white-haired dragon riders and black-haired witches, Princess Vinnandra Albridge is born red-haired as the forbidden spawn of a witch-spy and a dragon rider known as the Hateful. Unwanted by her family and shunned by society, Vinn tries to get by everyday unnoticed and alive. However, her simple plans come crashing down when her family disavows her by removing her from her royal bloodline, proclaiming her a traitor to consequently serve as an official slave to the notorious Lenklock dragon riders family that rules in the North. There, it would seem that while Vinn might not be able to groom a dragon, she might make good food for one… not if she had anything to do about it. Vowing to fight for her life and rise above others, Vinn must learn how to break through her blood and reach to whatever minute strength she possesses and become a dragon rider… or something. And it would seem Vinnandra’s vows would be realised in the form of Xander Lenklock—a troubled man and problematic heir who charges into her life, proclaiming a nobody like her his greatest ally and seeking her alliance. For the first time in a long while, Vinn feels needed and wanted—two dangerous elements that ignites feelings she shouldn’t have, and evokes thoughts she shouldn’t think. And in a partnership that might make or break them, Vinn was sure she would do anything to have Xanders’ body, heart and soul. Problem is, Xander has a fiancée who was there to stay… forever. But with her mothers past looming over her, and with shadows of the enemy hidden in the trees playing their ultimate move, even if Vinnandra manages to steal Xander’s heart, will she be able to keep it? Or will her dubious identity destroy everything she has come to enjoy? Will the powers she has come to possess swallow her? Or could she be the enemy that her people really fear? Be whatever it might, the ultimate question remains—Dragon rider or Witch… which is she? ***** VOLUME 1 (Beginnings): COMPLETE VOLUME 2 (Chaos Abounds): ONGOING VOLUME 3: (Wrath of the Burned): UPCOMING

JaneSmitten · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
222 Chs

The Fiancée

In view of the research and experiments we've conducted on the witch-spy Lanasis' son, we've found that he possesses no clear identity. He's neither dragon rider, nor witch. He's not even anything in between.

He appears to not show any ability to bond with a dragon, neither does it seem he can wield sorcery. But this boy… this the hateful… was just nine years old at the time of our findings. So there might be a possibility that if he had grown more, he would have shown an ability. But we would never know that, for he slept and never woke up.

- Report of Kanakiri Attamas to the Royalty Council.

The hunt entourage travelled back to Lenklock castle without any explanation as to why the annual hunt was cut off abruptly, when it had barely begun.

Vinn as usual struggled to keep her balance on the saddle attached to the transport dragon's back… she wondered if she could ever be a real dragon rider, especially when she'd such a hard time keeping balance on a mere saddle.

She didn't think much about how it was weird to wonder such thing considering her new position.

Real dragon riders never used saddles, they rode the hard back and tough scales of an accomplished dragon, their only anchor being the spikes or ridges on its back. Or nothing at all.

As the wind slapped Vinn's hair against her white as sheet face, her palm clutching onto the harness of the saddle tightly, she thought back to the weird conversation she had with Xander.

She wouldn't lie, she found the man fascinating. But then, that could only be because she hadn't met much in the short span of her life. Her fascination had nothing to do with how he looked like sin, or how his eyes would capture hers like there was nothing else in his world save for her.

No, it wasn't that.

In just two encounters, Vinn couldn't deny the pull she felt towards him, and it transcended anything physical about him. It was his presence that swallowed hers, his faith that shook hers, and the fire in his eyes.

Vinn didn't know what it was that he saw in her that would propel him to making her an ally. Ever since her existence, no one had any use for her. Feeling wanted and useful all of a sudden naturally unleashed a floodgate of emotions she should never be caught feeling.

That was what was happening to her, Vinn convinced herself. It was natural to feel things for someone who makes you feel wanted, right? Especially when everyone was against you.

What Vinn had to do was to steel her heart… After all Xander didn't look like a man who would entertain any unscrupulousness in his life, he looked like a man on a well mapped out mission and not in dire need of any form of distraction.

When the transport dragons made it to the flight grounds, leading to a major dismounting of slaves and servants. The dragon riders had already arrived before them as their dragons were naturally faster.

Vinnandra barely made it to the library which she missed dearly when Garrick, her superior's superior superior, made it to her. The man was breathing hard, his protruding stomach threatening to pop an already straining button of his too tight shirt.

"You," he points at her with big hands, "you will be working for the master of the Lenklock castle from now on. Carry your things now and move there." He waves at her wildly while speaking as if she was deaf or something.

"Of course sir. Once I'm done accounting for my work I…."

"What accounting?" He cuts her off brusquely. "Forget about that, how much work could you have possibly done in two weeks. Just go there now, here's a map to his chambers." He handed her a paper that was already drenched in the sweat oozing from his palm.

"What ever does master Xander need a maid for," he muttered to himself, "and of all maids he'd to ask for an official slave. If the lord catches me I will be done for." Garrick turned his eyes on her, looking at Vinn as if she was the source of all his problems.

"Try covering your hair. You already stand out enough as it is." He bit at her in a threatening manner. Vinn resisted the urge to clap back with a depressing 'no!' for an answer. It would not do her any good or win her any points. If anything, the result would be the opposite.

"Of course sir." She shot back at him with a self depreciating smile.

"Go go now…" Garrick shooed at her, even taking to giving her a nudge like she possessed some form of walking disability.

Vinn, first of all, made it to her depressing quarters and packed her equally depressing piece of clothings. While the sudden change from being a princess to becoming a slave was not easy, it was surprisingly not too hard either. Somehow, she managed to blend right in, but that didn't mean she was planning on staying in the same position forever.

If the Albridge castle was a flickering candle, the Lenklock castle was a blazing bonfire, casting a vast and imposing glow over large expanse of the north where it was located. The castle stood tall and proud in coats of white and black charred painting.

The castle was a truly magnificent and huge place, and required the use of a map for proper navigation for someone new like her. While Albridge castle was big too, it had absolutely nothing on Lenklock castle.

After squinting at the map a thousand times, forty wrong turns and thirty minutes later, she finally found herself before the huge door of Xander's chambers, which was in reality an entire wing.

After her last knocking experience in the tent, Vinn decided that it was better she let herself in than waste her strength. Pushing the door open, she squinted at the map one more time and located which of the rooms were Xanders'. She made her way to it only to meet it ajar when she attempted to knock.

Weird, but it wasn't going to stop her flow just yet. She pushed the door open and stepped into the room, and for what was the second time in a very long twenty-fours, she came face to face with another naked torso.

Except this time around it wasn't Xanders' well sculpted, lean muscular torso staring at her. This torso had breasts, a glaring sign that it was a female, and the offender was sprawled lazily on the huge master's bed in the room, a duvet covering her lower body.

The head attached to the body stretched lazily, a huge mast of snow white long hair spilling around the woman.

"Xander," the female drawled seductively in a husky voice, "I've been waiting…" Her words were cut off short as Vinn, instead of Xander, whom she was obviously expecting came into view.

Thousands of thoughts were running through Vinn's head, but only one stood out.

Was Xander… a rake?

Not like it was her business, but…?

"Who are you?" The two women asked in unison.

The woman on the bed, still not bothering to cover her breasts, stood from the bed, the duvet slipping away from her and revealing her full nakedness.

For some reasons, Vinn did not take her eyes away from the woman. She wasn't going to avert her eyes at someone so shameless they didn't know they were supposed to cover themselves properly.

"I serve master Xander." Vinn answered first, "Might I inquire who you're, miss?" She asked.

The woman smirked. "Since you serve Xander then that means you serve me too." She replied haughtily.

"And since you asked, I will let you know I am Xander's fiancée."
