
The Red Queen of Nothing

“I Lord Tank Albridge, and my family, Pete Albridge, Cleo Albridge, and Fred Albridge, disavow Vinnandra the hateful as our blood. “Today, in one voice we curse the day she joined us, and we’ll forever celebrate the day she has left our ranks! Vinnandra shall not know us, and she is not ours to know anymore.” *** In a world of white-haired dragon riders, Princess Vinnandra Albridge is born red-haired as the forbidden spawn of a witch-spy and a dragon rider known as the Hateful. Unwanted by her family and shunned by society, Vinn tries to get by everyday unnoticed and alive. However, her simple plans come crashing down when her family disavows her by removing her from her royal bloodline, proclaiming her a traitor to consequently serve as an official slave to the notorious Lenklock dragon riders family that rules in the North. There, it would seem that while Vinn might not be able to groom a dragon, she might make good food for one… not if she had anything to do about it. Vowing to fight for her life and rise above others, Vinn must learn how to break through her blood and reach to whatever minute strength she possesses and become a dragon rider… or something. And it would seem Vinnandra’s vows would be realised in the form of Xander Lenklock—a troubled man and problematic heir who charges into her life, proclaiming a nobody like her his greatest ally and seeking her alliance. For the first time in a long while, Vinn feels needed and wanted—two dangerous elements that ignites feelings she shouldn’t have, and evokes thoughts she shouldn’t think. And in a partnership that might make or break them, Vinn was sure she would do anything to have Xanders’ body, heart and soul. Problem is, Xander has a fiancée who was there to stay… forever. But with her mothers past looming over her, and with shadows of the enemy hidden in the trees playing their ultimate move, even if Vinnandra manages to steal Xander’s heart, will she be able to keep it? Or will her dubious identity destroy everything she has come to enjoy? Will the powers she has come to possess swallow her? Or could she be the enemy that her people really fear? Be whatever it might, the ultimate question remains—Dragon rider or witch… which is she? ***** Dive into the exciting world of Dragons, Dragon Riders and Witches in this tale of Betrayal, Abandonment, Love and Power. ****

JaneSmitten · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Lady Hateful

Vinnandra stared at the red dress she intended to wear for the Hunt Ball as it laid on her bed.

It was the exact same shade as her hair. And she liked it just like that.

Ever since she received that horrifying letter, she had a lot of time to think about the kind of woman she wanted to be tonight, and finally, she was about to realise it.

Her dream…well, more like her wish.

In five days, she would be out in the wild for the dragon-egg hunt. But before that, she would screw some loose things in her life back tight.

Tonight, she would address something she hadn't had the opportunity to.

She stared at the vanity mirror taking in her figure and her hair, already in a tight bun.

Time flew so fast, and along with it, she hadn't realised how much she had changed in the span of a few months.

Her breasts were firmer and rounder, and beneath the corset she wore for a slip, it stood just right. Alluring, and yet not too in the face.