
Rollie's Depression

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was already noon when Hao Ren got home. Everyone in the family was waiting to be fed. They all knew that the goddess was not a good cook. Only if you caught her when she was having her meal, or she had put in too much salt when cooking her noodles would Raven 12345 let you eat there. That was why the goddess kicked Hao Ren, Lily, and Vivian out of her mansion before lunch. It was apparently too late for Vivian to cook, so they took a detour and headed to the Nangongs' restaurant on the other end of the street. It so happened that after closing for two months, business was slow. Just as the Nangong couple began to worry about what to do with the tons of unsold food they had prepared in the morning, Hao Ren and his two buddies arrived. The couple packed the leftovers and gave it all to them.

Lily headed home carrying a large box of food. Nothing brought her more happiness than having an amount of food that she could not possibly finish.