
An Impersonator?

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As lame as Hao Ren was, he was simple and crude in method when it came to critical moment. Brute force was his key. What would people normally do when they want to steal from a safe? Hack the password and pry the safe open. But the first thought Hao Ren had in mind was to carry the box away...

Just when he raised his plasma arc welding spear and was about to cut the metal box, Lanina stopped him. "Wait a second!"

"What's wrong?" Hao Ren held the alloy spear in his hand, feeling confused.

Lanina quickly pointed at the shimmering runes behind the metal case. "It's an alarm. The alarm would be triggered if the the case is disconnected from the wall, or the case leaves the building. If that happens, the entire army in the barracks would surround the building."