

"What else?

Whatever he dishes out, I'll return twofold. Otherwise, I won't sleep at night."

"You're a businessman, Damon, you should be thinking about what's good for business. What you're doing is nothing but folly. You'll regret it," I tried to appeal to Damon's pragmatic side. Damon just gave a cold, indifferent chuckle, as if I'd just told the funniest joke in the world.

And maybe I had. I mean, these words must've been repeated to him by Silas Coleman and Mitch so many times that they'd lost all meaning. In fact, they were practically a punchline at this point.

The task Lisa gave me was looking impossible. The feud between Damon and Jones had been so fierce, it had torn their families apart. No one had been able to mediate between them so far. Why did I think I could?

"What brought you here today?" I asked, eager to shift the topic.

"Have you seen Jones?" Damon's gaze was sharp, suspicious, as if he was afraid I'd lie.