

I threw a long, hard look at Nick, knowing full well that he'd continue to pester me if I didn't deal with this situation in front of him.

I didn't need this kind of trouble in my life.

I made a quick call, requesting the folks on the other end to wrap things up.

A wider grin spread across Nick' face.

"Alright, that's settled. Now, about Nicole…" Nick wasn't done, I knew it. He asked, "Did you arrange for her to go back to her hometown?"

"I wouldn't know," I replied, my face devoid of any expression. "Don't bother asking me; you won't get any leads here."

"I already know where she is. I just wanted to confirm it with you. We all have precious time to save, don't we?" Nick had a thick skin for sure, stating his intentions so bluntly.

So he wasn't entirely sure where Nicole was.