

There had always been friction between Damon and Jones. Their relationship had shifted from childhood friends to sworn enemies over the past couple of years. So, I had anticipated their conversation wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows.

Jones had likely suggested Damon to recognize his current status and stop meddling in his affairs.

"Do you really think I believe those kids are yours?" Damon's face appeared icy cold on the surveillance footage.

"I showed you the DNA test results. Do you want me to detail out how she and I conceived these kids?" Jones, being Damon's long-time friend, knew exactly where to poke to bring out the pain.

The mere thought of such a scene was unbearable for Damon. The fact that he had managed to keep his distance for this long was nothing short of a miracle.

Jones's words, however, were undoubtedly stirring up those unbearable thoughts in Damon.