

Damon clamped his lips shut, casting an unreadable gaze my way.

"Because she's the mother of my child, I won't let her suffer harm she doesn't deserve". After a moment, he finally responded to my question, but his answer took me by surprise.

Sc, he wasn't protecting Catherine out of love, but because she was the mother of Leo. And so, for his son's sake, he defended her?

"Don't you love her?" I couldn't help but ask.

Damon fell silent again, his expression growing somewhat restless.

A strange thought occurred to me, and I asked again, "Damon, do you still have feelings for me? That project with Mitch, why did it happen to be in abroad?"

As soon as I asked, I regretted it. It seemed as though I was testing him, implying that I still cared for him, but indirectly asking if he still had feelings for me.