

Was that woman really smoking with such a severe lung condition? That question gave me pause, and I swallowed the words that had come to my lips, "All right, hop in."

Jones glanced at me but remained silent, not prodding for more details.

After the two strangers got in, they barely conversed. They were mostly buried in their phones, texting away. They seemed exhausted, puffing on cigarettes non-stop, without any consideration for others.

I didn't stop them from smoking, but their behavior struck me as odd.

After we dropped them off at their destination, they went their separate ways. They didn't offer any gratitude or payment. It was not like I needed it, but they left me with an unpleasant feeling.

In the rear-view mirror, their figures disappeared into the roadside.

"Serena! Brandon!" The moment I got home, I couldn't help but rush to find my two little treasures. Seeing me, my parents quickly brought the kids to me.