

I decided to head homie, thinking of rallying Luna and the gang from the amusement park, but they were deep into their fun and I hesitated. Eventually, I sent them a text message and went on my way alone.

My house wasn't too far from here; the walk would help me cool off after the tense situation.

To my surprise, Damon, Catherine, and their son Leo were also heading in the same direction.

"Hey!" Leo caught up with a couple of strides, waving at the twins, Serena and Brandon, in the stroller before starting to make funny faces at them.

Catherine, for once, put a stop to Leo's antics, "Leo, come here!"

Leo pouted slightly, "Mommy, I'm just having a bit of fun. They're so cute!"

Catherine's expression shifted subtly at Leo's comment, but she quickly agreed, "Yes, they are indeed cute. Don't you think they resemble that gentleman we saw at the hospital the other day?"