

"Is Scarlett thinking of committing suicide?" Jones asked me with a voice as flat as a pancake. His nonchalance sent a chill down my spine.

"Yeah, your fiancée's thinking of kicking the bucket. Shouldn't you go check on her?" I retorted, cold as ice.

"She's a grown woman; she should take responsibility for her own life. I can't control her choices." Jones's reply was so cold it left me gobsmacked.

His lack of warmth towards a woman he didn't love was eerily similar to Damon from my past life.

"Regardless, she's head over heels for you. Can't you come back and help her out? Just be the good guy for once?" I pleaded.

"She knew I didn't have the hots for her. She brought this on herself, right?" he replied with a smirk on his face.

Was this the Jones I knew? He was still a doctor. Where was his compassion? If he was this indifferent to his fiancée, how did he treat others?