

"No problem. If you're Joshua's sister, you're my sister too". I felt heavyhearted and a bit guilty because I felt that I was indirectly responsible for Joshua's death.

Hannah nodded." Thank you. Joshua was lucky to have a friend like you."

Hearing that made me feel worse, and the guilt grew stronger. But I couldn't say anything. I just tried to put on a brave face. "Let's get going then. I'll take you to my place first. You can crash at my place for a few days. Once you're settled, we can go visit Joshua."

Hannah's eyes welled up again. She wiped at the corner of her eve. "Okay"

Sofia took me and Hannah back to Starlight Estates. I was originally thinking of having Hannah stay at my apartment, but I was worried that she might need me for something or might want to chat, so in the end, I decided to let her stay at Starlight Estates.