

My nervous demeanor seemed to trigger jealousy in Damon Coleman.

" For you, even a dog is more important than me," he remarked.

"Dogs are humans' best friends, " I replied without lifting my head, then turned to the little dog and said, "Don't you think I'm right, Doomer?"

The puppy happily barked in my arms. It seemed to really like the name.

Damon had a persistently serious expression. Every time the little dog saw him, it would hide, looking scared. His presence was so overpowering that even the fiercest of dogs would fear him.

A servant approached us, saying, "Mr. Coleman, Ms. Brooks, dinner is ready"

"Doomer, let's go have dinner," I said as I carried the little pup to the dining room. I had initially thought about letting it join us, but then I remembered and thought, "It is still a puppy, so it should stick to milk for now."

I placed the puppy on a nearby chair, which happened to be Damon's usual spot.