

Jones replied, "Yeah, her funds are solid, but starting a new company is always tricky. Neither her connections nor her rep can hold a candle to yours. No need to sweat it."

"If it's a fair game, I wouldn't be worried. But I fear Ariel might play dirty"

"Right, tackle the problems as they come." I said, perking up. Then I asked Jones, "What brings you here?"

I'm off today, so I thought I'd pick you up for lunch" Jones said with a gentle smile. "You've lost some weight. You should eat more."

A bit helpless, I replied. "But I just can't seem to put on any pounds. I wish I had some curves too. I put on a bit while I was abroad these past couple of years. Better than before, right?"

Jones reached out and pinched my arm, then circled it with his hand, comparing it. Worry flashed across his face. "You're still too thin. I'm worried you're malnourished"