

Before I drove off, I rolled down the window and listened carefully. Some chaotic noises were coming from a workshop not far away. It sounded pretty


The next day, news about a ruckus happening at the Chemical Plant was all over

Thankfully, the cops showed up in time, or someone could've gotten seriously hurt. A worker had two of his ribs broken and internal bleeding. He's palready taken to the hospital.

The gang causing the trouble was led by Lewis, a regular at the police station. It's always the small fries that get the blame, and Lewis always managed to dodge responsibility smoothly.

I was watching the news when my dad came back to get some documents. He looked pissed.

He said angrily. "Those gangsters are a cancer in the city, they've extorted so many companies. I'm going to nab that Lewis before I retire, and make him serve some time That'll be my contribution to the public!"

"Dad, you can do it!" I encouraged him.