

I picked up the call, Jones said, "Joshua has been looking for you, did you block him?"

"Yeah, what does he want from me?" I sat on the couch, eyes closed, resting.

I blocked Joshua when I went abroad. I used to try to find emotional balance through him, but then I realized he was innocent too, dragged into emotional drama at such a young age. So, I blocked all his contacts.

"Don't you think it's heartless to ghost people when you're done using them?" Jones said, but his tone was laced with amusement.

I couldn't tell he was calling me heartless.

"I feel guilty," I sighed. "At first, I did use people for emotional comfort. But as time went by, I realized that the boy was actually pretty decent. I didn't want to treat him like that anymore, so I ghosted him. That proves I still have a conscience."

"Yeah, you could say you have a conscience," Jones chuckled at my explanation.