

Black_Unicorn_330 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


~Episode – 24~

The room went silent for quite some time, then

Luna: what … what did you just do….? Did you just revive that bird?

Principal: how can that be even possible? Even those masters said they know nothing about these things, how can a young boy know it.

Old man; but how can we believe that the birds you just revived are the ones who died on the road. I mean it just flew away how can you prove yourself now?

Janhish: I wasn't proving myself at all, I was just showing you an example of what you are going to face in the future.

Principal: what do you mean ….? Are you telling me that the demons that will come in the future may have revival power? If that happens then there is no point in killing them right?

Janhish: you are still thinking way too low "the people who will come in the future,,"…. Hah lame, you don't even have the power to seeing them in the actual fight. You would be dead even before you can run.

After saying this Janhish turned towards the door and started walking…

Janhish: so old man I am telling you for the last time….. the world is going to change to its former form, in that world there would be no morality no formality, weaks will become the prey for the stronger. The age doesn't matter. so I am just giving you a little advice stop messing with me and do your best to improve yourself because when the battle of demons and gods will start again this whole world will be our battlefield, at least at that time you can run for your life with that power....(with a big smile on his face)

Janhish was just going to open the door for leaving but someone came inside….

Someone(a university staff): sir we have bad news…(anxiously)

Principal: what happened, and how can you barge in like this do you want your job or not…

The staff; sorry.. sorry sir but it is important news, I thought I should give the news to you as fast as I can...

Principal; what can be so much important that you even forgot to knock?

Staff: well sir Liyans is dead...

Principal: what? didn't he just have some minor injury, how can he die for that?

Staff: well he was admitted to a hospital, but last night he was found to be dead in his bathroom it's told that someone wanted to take revenge on him or something like that...

Everyone looked at each other first then they all looked at Janhish…

Janhish: what… why are you all staring at me. It's not like I killed that rubbish.

Old man: sigh…! Boy you should hold back your anger a little...

Janhish: I am not interested in arguing with you.. it doesn't matter what you think just don't bother me again..

After saying this janhish leaves the room. But even after he closed the door no one uttered even a single word. for some times, the whole room went into a big silence....

Luna(shaking voice): fa… father he was talking nonsense right? How…. How can our world turn into that kind…...

Old man: then what about what he just showed do you think that it was also unreal...

Principal; on the contrary, everything he told us was the same as what those secluded cultivators told. But they couldn't give us any evidence so we didn't believe them. but now….

Principal(to the old man): sir I know you like the boy but I can't protect him anymore I have to reporting this to higher-ups right now it involves all human lives on the Earth.

The old man was quite unpleasant with the situation but what the principal said was also true so he just left the room with luna. Lian and trisnanjaly also followed them outside, this whole time lian was as shocked as everyone but apparently, Trisnanjaly was quite calm, so lian asked….

Lian: Trisnanjaly you looked quite calm there did Janhish show this to you beforehand?

Trisnanjaly: what… why would he show me that… I don't even know him very well…(blushing)

Lian: then how could you be that much calm after seeing all of these? I almost shouted there.

Trisnanjaly: well I don't know actually …. It felt like it was nothing abnormal...

Lian: what, you are telling me that those were normal to you .... You are becoming weird day by day you know that…

Trisnanjaly: right? you also think so right? This all happened because of that bastard, who came out of nowhere and bothering me every day by calling me, wife…. This is all his fault...

Trisnanjaly and Lian were already at the college gate.

Janhish: oh… my wife is remembering me what a great day it is?