
The Rebirth Of The Undaunted

Lily and Damon of the Wildfire pack were in love. Damon dies mysteriously on the eve of his wedding to Lily. A devastated Lily runs to the moon goddess, desperate to bring back the love of her life and exchange her life for his. According to the law of life and death, you give up life for a new life. Damon comes back to life but at the expense of Lily’s. The moon goddess pities her and brings her back to life but in the omega’s body of the Duskfire pack. The feud between the wildfire pack and the Duskfire would never end. It runs so deep that a curse is placed to seal it. With the resurrection of Damon who is now crowned the Alpha of the Wildfire and the rebirth of Lily in Ariona’s body in the Duskfire pack the destiny of their life changes. Damon comes alive to hear the death of Lily, he mourns her but he is forced to choose a Luna and quickly at that. Lily, now Ariona, runs to the Wildfire pack in the hope of getting back with Damon only to meet his mating ceremony with her best friend, Alicia. Heartbroken, she returns to the pack only to be treated very poorly. Somehow she hears the curse placed on her former pack and the one she has been reborn into. She runs back to Damon, determined to fight for the man she had exchanged her life for. No one, not even the body she had woken up in would stop her from getting the only man she had loved alive, dead, and alive again.

AmobiOffor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs



My lips curled into a smile concealing the surprised look on my face.

I tried to release my chin from his grip but he held onto it, stroking it with his cold, icy hands. I shuddered at how cold it felt against my warm skin.

"Did I trigger something, Miss Ariona?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Not at all" I brought my hand over to release his grip from my chin, which he did.

"I will go back to eating" I announced but he wasn't planning to let me be, as he watched me.

He inched closer, locking his arms around the chair I sat on. My breath hitched. He moved closer, sniffing the air around me.

"You smell just like her," he said.

I drew my body back but his arms that were locked around the seat reminded me that I was within his grasp.

I turned to him but he was closer than usual. My heart skipped.

His neon eyes watched mine with a meaningful gaze, then it traced down to my nose before stopping at my lips.