

I stared at her in a daze "You recognize me,but I don't know who you are" 

Her appearance reminded me of Shuras with their unique looks and young appearances. She smiled at me " You don't need to know who I am" she then continued "and take care of your father, he isn't that bad"

I stared blankly and soon she left, not leaving a trace of her arrival and departure, but I had a feeling I would still see her again. A few minutes after she left someone approached me, he had blonde hair and light blue eyes, he was also leaning on the side of mysterious.

He said "My name is Mr.Bass and I'm here to take you to your new home" he extended his hand out to me and yet I took it, I knew he wasn't from my family, hah, they probably didn't know I existed. I knew it could be a trap, yet I still took it and followed him....

We arrived at a big compound, inside there was a main building in the middle with the rest of the space used for recreational activities, there was also a greenhouse and a big garden of flowers,with how joyful it was I didn't feel a single ounce of joy, instead I had a bad feeling.

There were many children playing and talking but I just stayed on my own, listen it's not like they would approach someone that had burnt clothes and his skin also looking burnt, my clothes were tattered and messy; some of them looked at me with fear, others with trepidation and disgust, but I don't blame them.

My current expression looked like a military man cold and isolated but that didn't last long.

Mr.Bass was speaking to the woman in charge and they looked like they were finally done, as they approached me, the woman looked like she was in her late 40's and had a bitter face like those evil women trying to kill the main protagonists or their evil aunty; terrible.

She wore a light gray dress, but seeing her face reminded me of Alicia after she brought her hand out of the pot the look on her face made me shiver. She held some folded clothes, while Mr. Bass just gave me some inspirational words before he left.

Throwing the clothes at me, she pointed to a room, I was presumably meant to change there, I went there and changed into the clothes, cleaned my face and walked out, she was comforting a crying boy who had a bruise on his cheeks, and as if noticing me looking at him, his expression turned to fright, the woman looked at me, then my head felt like it was spinning, my cheek was red, she actually dared slap me 

"I was gone for how many minutes, but you did this to him who do you think you are, if these kids didn't tell me what you did, one wouldn't know how evil you are!"

I choked out "As soon as I came here, I didn't go near them I kept my distance, so how did I do that"

"Are you saying that you are better than us, and that we are lower than you so you didn't bother to communicate with us" a voice said, I looked at a pair of twins smiling as the one with the bruised face kept looking at them

"Yes I'm better than all of you"I muttered, the woman being closer grabbed my ear " In what way, you cursed child!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me in the midst of the others passing through several corridors that I made sure to remember. She finally stopped in front of an iron door, it looked like those safe things but there was no wheel. 

She opened the door and threw me inside. The room was unpainted and there were no windows, there were two beds and the room was cold, dusty and smelled of mold " this is where people like you will stay" she said before closing the door, leaving me in the dark.

There were no windows meaning no proper circulation, I moved toward one of the beds, upon closer inspection had dried blood "I'm going to be here for a long time" I sighed. I searched under the bed, the covers, even looked for a hidden wall or secret passage 

"This is definitely not the first time this is happening huh"

I sat down on the bed on the left with no blood stains, not knowing how many hours had passed, the lights outside were turned on 

I decided to lie down on the bed and drifted off to sleep. I was awoken by another woman with something wet, who equally gave me the same vibes as the old woman, I sat up immediately to see a bucket being held by her, I presumed to be where the water was.

"From today I'm in charge of you,Ms . Hilda decided to have mercy on you, so she said that one meal per day and you must earn it or any for a matter of fact, yes you can go outside but mustn't be near anyone and the only other place you can access to is the toilet" she spoke in a calm manner irking me

I stayed quiet, but should have known this won't be the end, she slapped me and said "you got that" to which I replied a simple yes, my cheeks were still swollen from before so it was difficult to say it. 

She went out and came back with a new set of clothes of lower quality to the one that I was wearing, it had holes in it. I changed into it ignoring the holes and the fact that they were obviously old clothes.

I did some push ups and some sit ups to elevate boredom and plus, I noticed in those movies people do it to gain muscles, but after a few tries I failed miserably.

I paced back and forth in this isolated room, it was at this time, I was glad I could see and my senses were heightened. I could hear footsteps, voices actually any noise within a particular radius, but I was frustrated there was nothing to do at least back home I had that doll but I forgot to take it with me, but at least I took the Crystal.

I laid back down on my now claimed bed "How does she expect me to use the toilet if the door is locked" I stared at the door, my happiness was so close but so far at the same time.

A few months had passed during that time, she made me do all sorts of tasks like carrying some wood which I now they don't need, weeding the plants, moving some boxes everything a six year old isn't meant to do, the only significant thing, I did was to plant flowers for my parents that died in the war and send my wishes, as humans do when they lose someone.

The other children ignored me completely to which I didn't care, why, cause I like personal space, surprisingly she let me outside a lot which almost made me like her.....almost. Anytime I didn't do a task properly she would punish me, out of all the punishments, whipping me seems to be her favourite. My back was riddled with old scars and new scars, and if I make a mistake to be near those brats, no food.

The food was honestly shit, so much so Im starting to think those critters taste good, my only saving grace being fruits, thankfully there were many trees which bore fruits of different kinds, they were my life, so much so that if I ever hear a single bad word about fruits I'm beating that person up.

As I was going on with my day, the kid from the first day, the one that got the bruised face, found out his name is Marvin, yeah his personality wasn't bad. I know his future is to be an actor, I can just feel it and a good one at that, just that no one has recognized him yet.

They also have abilities, but like always the most common being earth ability, Marvin just had to have one of the rarest being lightning which is very powerful, GREAT he isn't only an aspiring actor he is also blessed by the gods.

He came up to me surprising me greatly, "I want to show you something, can you come with me?" He said, I stared at him in disbelief "You know you're not meant to come near me" at this time I was really wishing that old hag came and saw home approaching me 'Why!?'

He stated "I.dont.care" word for word, I scoffed "It's not like you have anything to lose, you could just lie and say it's my fault, it seems like you're really good at it" I said to him looking at his expression "I have something to give to you it's alright if you don't want it"

I crossed my arms "Why would I accept it, I mean I don't know what it is "

He smiled at me,making my expression crack, Marvin wasn't bad looking, he looked quite feminine and he had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, he was a year younger than me and he also looked....cute *cough* alright!

"Would you follow me?" "No" "Let me go get it then" he said then he left. Soon he came back with something behind him and when he showed me it looked like a snowball then I saw dropping ears and whiskers 

"A rabbit?", "A bunny, it's young can't you see", "What is it for?"

He stared blankly "For you" " Why" " Because I noticed you were all alone and needed company"

Actually he wasn't wrong, as long as the company wasn't human I would be fine.

"What is going on here!!" A shrill voice said making Marvin and I look simultaneously.

What do you think of Marvin ;)

Hyacinth_4creators' thoughts