


"Son don't hold your brother down", "Don't embarass your brother", "Don't you know him, he doesn't have an ability"

It really made me realize humans treat each other differently on what they are worth

I remember my brother came back home early i was a uh...home scholar because of how much i was a shame it seems and so i didn't have any reason to come out so my skin was pale.

The proffesor wasn't nice to me, but at least he taught me a lot of things, but i mostly focused on those rich and influential people and families as it is good to know your enemies. So mush so I even learned a lot of etiquette, the way they act snobbish but refined and talk.....but not all it seems.


I bumped into my brother, then he ignored me completely. Listen It wasn't that we didn't talk to each other, just seldomly or not at all which may sound bad but it is much better than my parents who act like I don't exist.

I stared at him as he went through the outside door, and went back to the living room not bothering about him.

A few hours later he had'nt come back yet, suprising meas this boy never left the house for a very long time unless necessary, but, that even didn't stop our estrangled relationship, i was also curious about what could make a four year old walk out into the forest an no one looked for im.

I mean he's not like me, so i decided, to set out to look for my estrangled brother in the forest and came across his locket, i picked it up and put it in my pocket after recognising it as my brother's precious locket as it was given to him by his grandfather...well our grandfather but i never once met him or spoke to him, honestly speaking i don't think he knows i exist.

I looked around but only came across some animals and well trees, i did come across some footprints, but for some reason i didn't linger on it and continued on my way "tsk why am i even looking for him shouldn't it be his parents, i mean they should be back after all they wouldn't even notice i'm gone doesn't mean they wouldn't notice his dissapearance"

Meanwhile at home

Stephen and Alicia just came back and noticed it was a little empty, normally there would be some noise from the TV but they heard nothing, "Adrian, we're back!" She shouted to inform her son who she thought was upstairs, she stepped in, and looked around noticing there was no one downstairs and Adrian who would usually come to her did not, surprising her.

"Adrian! Adrian!?" She panicked sensing something was wrong, she quickly ran upstairs to his room. Seeing it was empty she said In a shaky voice "Stephen, Adrian isn't here!"

Stephen hearing it rushed upstairs seeing the room empty as well, started hastily searching the house while Alicia ran outside to search, and bumped into a man in tattered clothes, "sorry sir" she muttered

As she was about to move the man said " You look like the young boy I saw" the woman halted

"Looks like me, what was he wearing!?" She questioned with the man replying slowly and In a state on panic "A grey shirt and black pants, he also had brown hair and emerald eyes, he was quite young abou....about 3-5 years" after hearing that the woman immediately grabbed him

"Yes that's my son, where did you see him please" she said with tears pouring out of her eyes

The man agreed and led her with her husband following not noticing the smile on his face

Alec's POV

After a few hours of walking and searching I saw...a dead body to be precise my brother's and quickly ran to it and held it, i was startled to feel it still warm and blood on the ground staining my clothes.

I searched his body trying to see anything else but all I could see was a knife imbeded into his heart, but the question is who could have killed dhin without him anyone noticing if I knew him with my meagre knowledge I know he won't just die without at least making an effort to make sure some people know

'this is too precise,like it was deliberate' I thought subconsciously, I touched the area around his wound staining my hands if my clothes were not already covered in blood, when I suddenly heard some sounds in the distance and started hearing voices a few minutes later.

"He should be here"


"Look I see something"

And then it occured to me 'hoe could this happen so coincidentally' I remembered those footsteps I saw before ' if that person was stalking my brother who said there couldnt be anybody doing the same to me or anyone else's

Soon the figures appeared in sight none other than Alicia and Stephen and an unfamiliar man

' who would dare play this game with me!?'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hyacinth_4creators' thoughts